Nirmal Sharma to direct Poojana Pradhan’s ‘Chocolate’

Comedy artist Nirmal Sharma is expanding his role in Nepali movie industry in recent days. He had joined hands with Deepak Raj Giri in producing a comedy movie titled ‘Chha Ekan Chh’. His next project is going to be directed by himself and produced by actress Poojana Stri. The movie titled ‘Chocolate’ is going to be made on the story of street child.

nirmal sharma with deepak raj giri and deepashree niraula

Nirmal Sharma is known as a popular character ‘Gaida’ in popular comedy serial Tito Satya. He had also acted in more than 50 movies and numerous advertisements. He has also directed/produced a number of professional advertises and has also directed a number of music videos. With these experiences, Nirmal is jumping into movie direction.

‘Chocolate’ is going to be produced by actress Poojana Pradhan. It will be the debut venture of both the producer and the director. So they would certainly need a lot of best wishes.

Although the artists in the movie are yet to be decided, the shooting is scheduled to start at the end of Bhadra.

Nirmal Sharma and ‘Chha Ekan Chha’ Team carrying Deepa Shree Niraula on her birthday

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