Movie Review – Shree 5 Ambare

‘Shree 5 Ambare’ is a movie featuring Saugat Malla, Keki Adhikari, Bikram Singh, Priyanka Karki and Yama Buddha in main roles. The movie is directed by ‘Antaral’ famed director, Dipa Basnet and produced under her own home production, Jibansathi Films. The movie features the cinematography of Ganesh Kumar Shrestha, story of Abhimanyo Nirabi, editing of Chandan Dutt and concept and casting by Jibansathi Basnet.

The movie was released on November 21 with another movie ‘Humjayega’.

shree paanch ambare


The story of the movie is about the life of street children – commonly known as ‘khate’ kids. The life in street is not fun but, Ambar (Saugat Malla) and Kali (Keki Adhikari) meet and fell in love in their childhood on street. Ambar is left along in the street when Kali is taken away by a guy. She became a prostitute and lived a comfortable life while Ambar nourished his desire to become a king in the society.

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Dipa Basnet became the first by directing Shree Paanch Ambare

Deepa Basnet is NOT the first female director in Nepali movie industry. But, she sure is the FIRST female director who has directed her second movie. So far, no female director had directed more than one movies. In our investigation on female directors in Nepali film industry, there are only 5 female directors and they had directed one movie each.

Deepa with her son:

Deepa Basnet‘s directorial debut was ‘Antaral’. Although the movie was liked by critics, it wasn’t successful in theater. She had also won the best director award in D Cine Award. She reportedly was very frustrated by the politics of release and holdover in theater. She had told that she wouldn’t direct another movie. But, the producers of ‘Shree Paanch Ambare’ convinced Dipa to direct another movie.

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Female directors in Nepali film industry

* This feature article is a part of women in Nepali film industry series. Another article in this series is female writers in Nepali film industry. UPDATE on April 22, 2015: Dipa Basnet has directed another movie titled ‘Shree 5 Ambare’ and Samjhana Upreti has also directed her second movie ‘Falgu’. UPDATE on July 11, 2015: A new female director, Deepa Shree Niraula has announced a new movie titled ‘Chha Bhane Maya Chhapakai Laideu’ (an audio report attached at the end of this post).

The entry of female directors in Nepali film industry is very limited. There are two ways a director can start directing movies – one by working as an assistant director to an established director, two by completing direction studies. The entry of female directors in Nepali film industry is mostly by the second path. None of the female assistant directors so far have become a directors in Nepali film industry.

Watch a short video on the Female directors of the film industry:

The first female director in Nepali film industry is Suchitra Shrestha. She started as a film journalist and eventually became the director of ‘Prem Yuddha’.

Female film directors of Nepali film industry:

  • Suchitra Shrestha – ‘Prem Yuddha’ (watch ‘Prem Yuddha’)
  • Rakshya Singh -‘The Game’ (Watch ‘The Game’ )
  • Samjhana Upreti – ‘Megha’ and ‘Falgu’ (in post production)
  • Dipa Basnet – ‘Antaral’ and ‘Shree 5 Ambare’
  • Rekha Thapa – ‘Himmatwali’ (upcoming)

None of these directors have directed more than one movies yet.
This statement is no longer true. Dipa Basnet’s second movie ‘Shree 5 Ambare’ is already released and Samjhana Upreti’s second movie, ‘Falgu’ is in post production.
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Antaral launches poster, audio and website

An upcoming movie ‘Antaral’ has launched audio, poster and its official website in a program held in Anamnagar, Kahtmandu.

The first movie of Jiwansathi Films is targeted to the youth audience. In the program, the film crew unveiled the audio of the movie, Narendra Maharjan and Rajesh Gongju released the poster and Sagar Parajuli released the website,

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