Bhuwan KC beaten by his girlfriend’s husband

A hero in movies, Bhuwan KC, was beaten in Koteshowr intersection in Kathmandu by the husband of his new girlfriend, Sharmila Dangol.

After the divorce with his wife Shusmita, actor Bhuwan KC used to be seen with a married woman named Sharmila Dangol. Bhuwan used to introduce Sharmila as his girlfriend and he even told that they were going to marry soon.

bhuwan-new love

In a report, the husband of Sharmila Dangol pulled Bhuwan KC out of his vehicle in Koteshowr Chowk and beat him. The incident occurred at about mid-day on Saturday, May 14. The husband accused Bhuwan of stealing his wife for the money she has. At that time, Sharmila was driving and Bhuwan was sitting on the front seat. Sharmila’s husband who was driving a motorcycle reportedly beat Bhuwan KC with his helmet. It is told that he also beat Sharmila. When Bhuwan KC ran away on foot and police arrived at the scene, they took the couple to the traffic police office in Koteshowr.

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The stupidest mistake in my life

signaling-driverIt was the time I started riding my scooter and I did not knew much of the street rules. It was the time, I didn’t even know I had flat tire and somebody else has to tell me about it. You can call me ’empty head.’ But, that was what I was in the beginning years of my scooter ride.

I am talking about an incident of the year 2004. I think, I was on the Lainchour area, when a micro-bus driver made a gesture with his five finger open and close twice and fast.

Okay, I have to admit it now, I misunderstood that gesture. Before I could even give him a damn look, he was off on the road. But, I didn’t want to let him go without teaching him a good lesson. So, I followed him as the it was going in the direction of my office.

At around Jamal area, near the Nabil Bank, the same micro-bus was stopped to let passenger get on it. When, I was close the the vehicle, the micro-bus driver made the same gesture, again. He opened and closed his five finger twice and fast!

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5 houses damaged in city fire & conflicting reports from the same media house

Five houses caught fire at a densely populated area of Tahanani, nearby Itumbahal in the capital, Kathmandu, on Friday evening (April 16, 2010). Nagariknews, one of the top newspaper in Nepal published the news about the fire. The media house publishes Nagarik (Nepali) and Republica (English) newspapers. The same news in the two newspapers have different news.

Republica says that  the fire broke out from Prem Maharjan’s house but Nagariknews says it was Maharatna Maharjan. Republica says the fire was controlled in 2 hours but Nagarik says it took 4 hours to control the fire. I have posted the screenshot for comparison below.
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