5 Actresses who started acting career as child artists, like Namrata, Priyanka, Neeta

I have prepared a video report on five actresses who started their acting career in their childhood. These actresses didn’t know about their future as actresses, when they acted in their first movies. Out of the five actresses, three are considered some of the top actresses in the Nepali movie industry. Two actresses discontinued acting after acting in some movies.

Watch the video report :

Namrata to Priyanka, 5 Actress who were Child Artists: Child to Adult journey

The actresses covered in the video are:

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Nepali Movie – Plan

plan_nepali movieNeplai Movie – Plan
StarringDhiren Shakya, Mukesh Dhakal, Anushka Dhakal, Anita Dahal, Sunil Thapa, Mohan Niraula, Shovit Basnet, Dhruba Neupane, Ragini Khadgi (new face) etc.
Guest ArtistsSuraj RD, Yashraj, Mukesh Acharya, Suvekchya Thapa
Special Appearance – Rajendra Khadgi
Direction – Shovit Basnet

‘Plan’ is Kabita Films Presentation and the debut movie of Rajendra Khadgi‘s daughter – Ragini Khadgi.

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