Only in Nepal – newspaper neutrality and sustainability

As long as our newspapers depend on some political party (or, one leader in this case), the debate of neutrality, in itself, is flawed.

The journalists are more worried about loosing the job! (read the comment written by the journalist Arun Baral – click to enlarge)


It seems, it is a very tough choice between the sustainability and neutrality.

Does this prove newspapers (National Dailies) are compromising their neutrality to sustain?

What can we expect when Bhuwan KC becomes a Prime Minister?

Bhuwan KC made news when he joined a political party, Nepal Communist Party United Marxist Leninist (CPN-UML). Almost every media had their own reasoning on the this political gamble of Bhuwan KC. As Bhuwan has a track record of doing something controversial before the release of his movies, many assumed it to be a promotion tool for his upcoming Saathi Ma Timro. But, when asked, he denied the allegation.

Views of various insiders of the Nepali movie industry were also published in the media. Many of those think politics is out of the scope for the artists. Movie artists should serve the country by being a politically neutral person. Few others say that in a democratic country, artists are free to choose whether they join political parties or not. In our neighboring movie industry, Bollywood, and Hollywood there are many examples of actors taking top posts after winning elections.

I called Bhuwan KC to know his version of the story on what caused him to join that particular party.

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Anuradha Koirala arrival – Political leaders and the government ignored the CNN Hero

The government has ignored the internationally acclaimed CNN Hero 2010 winner and social worker, Anuradha Koirala, during her arrival in Kathmandu after receiving the award. It was not only the government, none of the political parties thought of sending a representative to congratulate and welcome the Hero.

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