Very Sad, Newly wed Police Inspector Bride and Groom Lost Lives in a Road Accident

It is very sad ending of a couple in a road accident in Rukum. The couple was:

  • Newly married
  • Young and promising
  • Beautiful wife, handsome husband
  • Both police inspectors. Having a very bright future.

In an accident on the Friday night, Police Inspectors Nabin Shrestha and his new wife police inspector Anita Pradhan were killed. The newly married were returning to report to the job at the police station right after getting married at home.

It was heart breaking to see the following marriage photo of the beautiful couple and know that they are no longer alive to celebrate the life together. They might have made plans of going to honeymoon, raising family and having a great life ahead. But alas, the dream got wiped away by an accident that might have been prevented if there were better rules at the road.

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Bull fight on the street – nobody was invited

Our traffic police are well aware of animal rights and they let animals roam freely on the street. The drivers are fully responsible for the accidents caused by such stray animals.

There is not data on what percent of the road accidents in Nepal are caused by street patrolling animals. But, one can easily guess there should be considerable amount of accidents caused by them.

An example of what can happen in the street is the following photo from Nepalgunj. Pranit Sharma captured a live bullfight in the street beside Laxmi Guest House and Padmaganga Guest House.

It is not known if anybody got hurt due to the great sight on the street. Long live animal rights!

Traffic accidents in Nepal in rising trend

Analysis of 18 years of data starting from FY 049/050 to FY 066/067, shows that traffic accidents in Nepal is in rising trend. This demands something concrete to be done to improve traffic safety in Nepal

The data shows an alarming reality of commuters in Nepal that not much is done in improving traffic safety over these years. Concerned authorities should do something to reduce these accidents.

It’s not only the total number of accidents, serious accidents and fatality resulting from such accidents is also in increasing trend.


There was a little bit of decrease in accidents during 2061-063. But, that too might be attributed to the banda and strikes done almost every now and then. (Data by SI-Dipendra Pradad Sah, Metropolitan Traffic Police, Nepal)

Be careful, it's Nepal

It is not easy being a Nepali and living in Nepal. A few cases to ponder about:

Hospital (Has … Pita … La)

How many times you have read news? About vandalized hospitals and doctors threatened by the family members of the deceased; just because, their loved one has just died in that hospital?

Hospital is where people die!

If you do a survey, you will be surprised by the number of people who die in hospitals. More people die in hospital than they do in their own home. That is because; hospital is a place where people go for treatment of their diseases. Some of those diseases are curable and others are incurables. There is no guarantee that everybody recovers from the illness. Then, why do these people blame the doctors all the time? It is because the deceased person was young and has not seen the life? Will vandalizing hospitals and thwarting doctors solve our problem?

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