Krishna Malla, Deepak Raj Giri and Hari Bamsha’s sons got married

Three celebrity sons got married this week.

  • Mohit Bamsha Acharya (Hari Bamsha Acharya’s son)
  • Sakriya Malla (Krishna Malla and Sharmila Malla’s son)
  • Dipesh Raj Giri (Deepak Raj Giri’s son)

Video report:

Comedy actor and the writer/producer of ‘Chha Ekan Chha’, ‘Woda Number 6’ and ‘Chhakka Panja’, Deepak Raj Giri, got a new daughter-in-law, Mira Gyawali. His son Dipesh Raj Giri got married in a private family function. A few close friends and families were invited to the wedding.

Well known actor of the past, Krishna Malla, and his wife, also a well known actress of the past, Sharmila Malla also got a daughter-in-law this week. Their only child Sakriya Malla got married in a private function. A number of film industry personalities were invited in the reception party held after the marriage.
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Arranged marriage – Hari Bamsha son Mohit Bamsha Acharya engaged to Bindu Thapa

In the past, most of the marriages used to be arranged by the parents and relatives. But, in the current time, it is a common practice for the the guys and girls to select their own partners for marriage. Despite of this new trend, there are still marriages that are arranged by the parents and the relative. One such marriage is in making in the popular comedian Hari Bamsha Acharya’s home. His younger son Mohit Bamsha Acharya was engaged to Bindu Thapa in a ceremony held on October 1, 2016 in a resort in Dhulikhel.

Video report:

The engagement between 27 years old Mohit Bamsha Acharya and 24-years old Bindu Thapa was held in Mirabel Resort and Hotel in Dhulikhel among the families of the two parties and their close friends.
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7 Nepali celebrities who married a foreign national

The son of Hari Bamsha Acharya, Trilok Acharya married a US girl in the USA recently. The family of Hari Bamsha went to the USA for the marriage. Although Trilok had previously married and was living with his wife for some years, the current ceremony was conducted to perform the marriage in Nepali culture and tradition. At the time Trilok married his girlfriend, his mother had died. Both Trilok and his wife had come to Nepal to mourn the death. Now, after things settled, they decided to perform a formal marriage.

Marriage of celebrities to foreign nationals is not much common in Nepal. So, I looked into the celebrities who have chosen foreign partner of their lives. The result is the following video.

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