TV Filmy Cake and Media attention on Rekha Thapa

The prime minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal, offered cake to all the artists during the inauguration of the only film related television in Nepal, TV Filmy. But, media attention was focused on the hot and top actress in Nepali movie industry, Rekha Thapa.


The photo above, posted by a newspaper in Nepal, Nagariknews, was discussed widely in online forums and Facebook. But, it was not much discussed that PM Nepal fed everybody the cake and only Rekha Thapa got the lime light.

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Channel Nepal – Re-entry with a new management

The first Nepali TV to be broadcasted through satellite in the entertainment history, Channel Nepal, is going to come-back in your living room from Friday, September 24, 2010. The new management of the TV is full of young, energetic, and experienced VJs, anchor, and producers. The team of 12 lead by Sumitpratap J.B. Rana will focus on entertainment theme in the start. News, views and analysis will follow in coming days.

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