Voip and Internet Banda – is it a new banda trend?

This is absurd ! Both Internet outage and government action against ISPs are absolutely unnecessary.

Let me first talk about call by-pass:

I have told before – call by-pass is not a problem at all. The government blocked some VOIP websites. But, it couldn’t do anything to Google when it introduced free call to US and Canada.

Now, why is the police against some ISPs accusing them of using their services to call by-pass?

If it is cheaper to call Nepal due to illegal call bypass, why is it bad?
Because it hurts the profit of large voice operators in Nepal and robs the government of resulting tax revenue.

If the large voice operators can’t keep up with the new technology – why should the government protect them?

The telecom operators should embrace internet and VOIP as new technology and find new revenue avenues in them instead of trying to stop them from coming in.

Next, why are ISPs punishing their own customers for government action?

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Is it Gmail's turn to be banned ? – Free calls to the US and Canada

With Google offering free calls to any phone numbers in the US and Canada, Nepal government might block Gmail in Nepal as it "bypasses the local telephone network" to make such free calls.

Nepal Government wanted to start banning websites but it is getting tougher than they previously thought. At first, they wanted to ban sex sites. They even issued directives to ISPs and as far as I know, the directive isn’t being implemented till date.

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5 VOIP sites blocked in Nepal

VOIP BLOCKED Nepal government tried blocking explicit websites. But, till date there is no report of actual blockage of such websites. But, in a recent news, Nepal government has blocked five VOIP websites accusing them of bypassing the local telephone network. According to Nagariknews, blocked websites include nepalicalls.com, rynga.com, smartvoip.com, jumblo.com and

VOIP is the future of telecommunication. They have their share of problems but being cheap they are gaining popularity in all over the world.

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