Restaurant Menu politicized

Brazesh Khanal witnessed this strange menu sign-board in front of a restaurant in Lakeside, Pokhara. The food menu titled "In Nepali Taste" the food items are politicized to include five different varieties.

pokhara-lake-site-brazesh KhanalPhoto Credits – Brazesh Khanal

Uttam Bajracharya defined the different foods as:

  1. pandit khana= pure veg
  2. loktantric kana= dal bhat tarkari achar,
  3. gantantric kana= dhedo
  4. himali kana= phaper ko roti or dhedo
  5. surbodaliya kana=momo
    (veg and non veg).

Chodi Gaya Paap Lagla – 2 years to reach Kathmandu from Hetauda

Nepali movie "Chodi Gaya Paap Lagla" was released today in Kathmandu.

Outside valley, the movie was released around Dashain of 2066 (almost 2 years ago), that was in Hetauda.

Why did it take the movie to travel from Hetauda to Kathmandu?

You might think, "May be the movie was so bad that people in Kathmandu wouldn’t like it." Not true! It had won 7 National awards.

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Binita Baral scandal and Krisha Chaulagain

Binita made news when film producer Krisha Chaulgai refused to honor the agreement made with Binita to do the leading role in the film named Ke ma timro saathi banna sakchhu. In response Binita has taken the issue to various media outlets. One online magazine published about Binita threatening to commit suicide if her  agreement was not honored.

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Gurkha – The Queen awarded bravery medal to Dipprasad Pun

Corporal Dip Prasad Pun who defeated more than 30 Taliban fighters, alone was awarded the bravery medal by the Queen.

During an Investiture Ceremony Buckingham Palace, the Queen honored the 31-year-old Gurkha soldier with the medal.

The Britain’s second highest medal for bravery was announced in March for the bravery Dip Prasad showed during a September 17, 2010 militants on a checkpoint near Babaji, in Afghanistan’s Helmand province. At that time, Pun had fired more than 400 rounds of bullets, detonated a mine, and launched 17 g
renades in about fifteen minutes of intense fight.

Congratulation Dip Prasad Pun!

Gurkha Bravery: