Nikhil – Sanchita expecting twins?

The reel life chemistry of actor Nikhil Upreti and actress Sanchita Luitel was appreciated those days while they appeared together in screen. Rumors were everywhere about their love affair though it was not accepted by both. However truth can’t be hidden. After working some numbers of film they both get married. This time too they planned to hide their wedding like suspense that can be seen in the films. So they moved towards India and planned to be settled there.

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Make love not… riots – kissing couple in Vancouver

One of the photographs, taken during the Vancouver’s hockey riots, showed a couple lying on the street, kissing, while the chaos erupts around them. Unconcerned about the angry crowd and riot police the couple were acting as if they were in the most romantic place in the world!


The photojournalist, Richard Lam, who took the photograph, was covering the riots, that erupted when the Vancouver Canucks lost 4-0 to the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup.

But, later the couple (Scott Jones and his girlfriend, Alex Thomas) told that, they were knocked down by the security personnels.

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Morning shows in theater banned – to stop college students from bunking classes?

Theaters in Nepal are banned to have morning shows, starting before 11 AM. The Film Development Board‎ of Nepal (FDB) has decided to act as moral police to stop the college kids from bunking classes to go to the movie theaters.

But, are the movie theaters the only reason college kids bunk classes?

How about the restaurants? Public parks? or what about the shopping malls where kids can be seen in their uniforms.

Why is it a bad idea ?

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