22 artists became sick in Parsa after drinking juice

In a program organized in Thori village of Parsa, 22 artists had become ill at the same time. The artists who went there to participate in Thori Cultural Program are told to have been suffering from diarrhea after drinking Dabur Nepal’s Real juice.


The organizers had bought 10 cartoons of Real juice from Birgunj for the participants. Out of the ten, eight were finished by the artists.  Among the sick artists were comedy actors Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus), Kunjana Ghimire (Suntali) and Jyoti Kafle (Baburam look-alike); singers Badri Pangeni, Pramod Kharel, Jyoti ghimire, Prabesh LImbu, and Sonam Sherpa; Actress of Tharu movies Laxmi Chaudhari; the members of dance team; and the technicians present in the ceremony.

Nepali daily Naya Patrika quotes the Tharu actress Laxmi Chaudhari saying that she is had been suffering from diarrhea for 16 hours. Singer Jyoti Lohani told that she vomited after drinking the juice with batch number 1020 B/1 NFD 11. She showed the half finished juice to the journalist present there.

There were numerous reports of problems caused by drinking Real Juice in the past. Dabur Nepal had accused journalists of fabricating such stories and the government had played deaf on the problem. We hope, the government will feel the responsibility to investigate the issue and reveal the truth.

Previous articles in xNepali about Real Juice: