5 Tattoo-on-breast Nepali actress, Karishma, Sushma, Suvekshya, Sashi Khadka

Tattoos are painful to start. May be the pain and the possibility of expressing oneself through the art are the main reasons people ink their bodies. These days, tattoo are quite popular among the youths and middle-aged people. A lot of Nepali artists, including actresses are getting new tattoos on them. The latest in the group of actresses are Samragyee RL Shah, Sweta Khadka, Pooja Sharma, Poojana Pradhan, Sagun Shahi, Namrata Sapkota and others. Actress Priyanka Karki inked herself during her college days in USA.

Some people cringe when they see tattoos on sensitive parts of their bodies and other prefer to show off their artistic nature by inking in such body parts. One of the most common such part in female body is their breast. I have prepared a video report on five actresses who have tattoos on their breast.

Top 5 breast tattooes of Nepali actress । स्तनमा ट्याटु खोप्ने ५ नेपालि नायिकाहरु

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New Tattoo of Samragyee RL Shah and Aryan Sigdel in Philippines

Actress Samragyee RL Shah and actor Aryan Sigdel are currently in Philippines shooting for their upcoming movie ‘Kayara’. Samragyee reportedly was paid a whooping Rs. 10 lakh – a new high to be paid to an actress in the Nepali film industry.

While in Philippines Samragyee has got a new tattoo. First watch a video report:

साम्राज्ञीले खोपिन ट्याटु यस्तो गोप्य ठाँउमा - Samragyee RL Shah tattoo in Philippines (Update)

And read more in NepaliActress

The details of the movie ‘Kayara’ is not available. It seems Aryan is featured as a singer or musician. In one of the photos, Aryan has a tattoo of a guitar on his neck. They seem to be shooting in sea shore and island.
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Karishma Manandhar – ‘Red’ is much better than ‘Black’

Do you remember the photo of Karishma Manandhar in which she shows her panties – the black one on brown dress ?

Seems like, after seeing the photo published in web, she realized the bad combination – black panties on brown dress!

After the incident, she might have decided to try on a better combination.. How about a red panties on black skirts?

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Karishma Manandhar on mini-skirts and tattoo on breast (photos)

When Karishma Manandhar attended the first anniversary party of Nagariknews, she became the center of attraction. The actress in her 40s looked younger and more attractive in the green dress.

It was not only the face and the dress that was attractive about her that day. The tattoo of Nepal’s national flower ‘gurash’ (Red Rhododendron) on her breast was the center of attraction of everybody.

The tattoo looks more like a painting on her breast rather than a permanent tattoo. It looks like, after living in the US for some time, she has brought the western trends and fashion with her. Showing panties while wearing mini-skirt (photo below) seems another of the western fashion trend (Thanks god, she didn’t dare the Brittney Spears, or Paris Hilton, or an Indian-Samita Setty style!).
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