Rabindra Shrestha and Supekchya Silwal – not a role model

Rabindra Shrestha, 50-year-old father of a college-age daughter and a minister in-office, eloped with a 22-year-old student in February. Dipak Bhattarai named him the Valentine Hero and I wrote about it in a post at that time. 

After a long silence, the couple have re-surfaced as husband and wife. In the photo above, Supekchya has sported, red Sindoor, a sign of a married woman.

Before we argue if they have done something good for the society
, let’s evaluate some of the Facebook posts of Supekchya:

Although they had run away in February, Supekshya waited for more than two months to announce her marriage. On April 22, she changed her profile to married.

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Manisha Koirala – ‘My husband has become my enemy’

It seems, the marriage of Manisha Koirala with Samrat Dahal is not going to last long. Last time, Manisha posted about her intention of divorce in May. She has done it again – by posting a bit more sad and harsh message in Facebook. The message reads:

My husband has become my enemy. How much worst can it become for a women?

Last time, the difference between the couple was was patched when friends and families helped them to soothe the relationship wounds. Manisha clarified that it was a minor issue with her husband.

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