Woda Number Chha celebrated success party, bonus distributed

In a program held in Kathmandu, the ‘Woda Number Chha’ team honored the artists and the technicians involved in the movie. The program organized in Indreni Foodland, the bonus of the income was also distributed. According to the production team, the movie had made a profit of Rs. 16 million.

woda number chha success party

In the event Deepak Raj Giri and Deepa Shree Niraula distributed the bonus and The Token of Love to the artists and technicians of the movie. Among the artists honored in the ceremony were Dayahang Rai, Priyanka Karki, Kedar Ghimire, Jitu Nepal, Rajaram Poudel, Wilson Bikram Rai and Deepa Shree. The theaters who had earned them the most profit were also honored in the ceremony.

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Karishma Manandhar organized a Dashain party in spite of gas shortage

Actress Karishma Manandhar has organized a Dashain party in her residence in spite of gas shortage. Karishma shared a photo of her cooking food in traditional way, using firewood. Because of the economic blockage by India, Nepal has been facing acute shortage of cooking gas and vehicle fuel. Transportation and celebration has been quite tough because of the lack of vehicle fuel and cooking gas.

There is a film studio in Karishma’s residence in Godawari, Lalitpur. In the photo Karishma shared Karishma is seen cooking food in one of the studios by constructing the traditional fire wood stove. In the photo posted above, Karishma has also added a smiley to indicate the irony of the situation.

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Rajesh Hamal reception party photos

The reception party of and Madhu Bhattarai was really crowded. Being one of the most popular and the longest serving actor in the film industry, he had a long list of invitees. Apart from personals from the film industry, guests from all other sectors like politics and businesses were also invited.

UPDATE: Video of the party:

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Bhuwan KC daughter marriage – high profile people including ex-king participated

Actor Bhuwan KC had organized a huge party on the occasion of his daughter’s marriage. In the party, high profile gusts were invited including ex-King Gyanendra Shah. Ex-king arrived one hour before the party began and left offering his best wishes to the new couple and having a cup of black coffee.


Participants included speaker of the house Subash Nebwang, Chief of Army Chatra Man Gurung, ex-prime ministers Madhav Kumar Nepal and Surya Bahadur Thapa.

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