Sanchita Luitel’s daughter’s pasni, father Nikhil didn’t show up

Actor Nikhil Upreti, the father of Sahisha Upreti didn’t show up in a ceremony held on the 5th month of her birth (pasni) in Kathmandu. A ceremony was held by the mother, actress Sanchita Luitel to celebrate the Pasni of Sahisha  with noted personalities of Nepali movie industry.

sanchita luitel

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First Indo-Nepal musical concert being held in Nepalgunj

A musical concert, Indo-Nepal Musical Concert, is being held in the stadium in Nepalgunj, Banke from today, Magh 27 (February 9, 2013). The three-days-long musical and sports event will wrap up on Monday, Magh 29.

first indo nepal musical concert

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Rejina Upreti didn’t get married, returned back to Nepal

It was widely expected that Nepali actress Rejina Upreti will get married to her boyfriend Suraj Pokharel in the UK and permanently live there. But it seems, things didn’t go as planned, Rejina is returning back after three-months-long stay in the UK.

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Nepali movie ‘Hostel’ starts formally

Sunil Rawal’s upcoming movie ‘Hostel’ is officially started on February 8, 2013. After a year-long workshop the movie has finally started in a formal ceremony held in Kamaladi Ganesh temple. The movie will feature a lot of second generation film artists – sons and daughters of well known artists and crew members of Nepali movie industry.

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