With the release of latest FIFA rankings, Nepal leads the South Asian region climbing up to the 136th position. Nepal has climbed 12 spots in the FIFA ranking list published on Wednesday that is released every month by football’s world governing body FIFA. Nepal ascended to the 136th position collecting 184 points, and in the South Asia, Bangladesh is the next following Nepal at 147.
India has slipped six places and is ranked 153 in the world rankings and third in South Asia. Nepal and Bangladesh are the only two countries in the South Asian region to ascend in the FIFA rankings whereas Bhutan remains unchanged at the bottom at rank 201 and all other remaining five countries have fallen back.
According to the latest FIFA rankings, ranks of South Asian countries are: –
Nepal – 136
Bangladesh – 147
India – 153
Maldives – 160
Pakistan – 171
Sri Lanka – 176
Afghanistan – 179
Bhutan – 201
In the history, Nepal’s new ranking is the second best. The first best, the highest ranking was 124 that Nepal had achieved from December 1993 to February 1994. The lowest ranking was in February 2008 when Nepal declined to 188.
In Zonal ranking among 46-member nations of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), Nepal ranks 20.  On the basis of three international matches played recently by Nepal within a month, Nepal has achieved this new improved ranking though Nepal lost against Jordan with a huge margin last week. Nepal was able to defeat East Timor 2-1 and 5-0 in two legs of the first round of 2014 World Cup Asian zone qualifying matches.
Meanwhile on Thursday, Nepal managed to hold Jordon to 1-1 draw in the second leg of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers played at the Dasharath Stadium, Kathmandu.
A report published by the website of the Times of India on Wednesday, indicated that Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda, chairman of Nepal’s Maoist party and Paras Bir Bikram Shah, the former crown prince, are sharing a common platform. Both, who were sworn enemies during the “People’s War” that sought to abolish monarchy in Nepal, are co-chairs of the Asia Pacific Exchange and Cooperation, a little-known organisation from Beijing that hit the headlines worldwide this month after coming up with a $3 billion grandiose plan to develop Lumbini, the Buddha’s birthplace, into a Buddhist “Mecca”.
The website has asked what common does Prachanda has with Paras. The party leading by Prachanda has fought a 10-year war ending in the death of over 17,000 people and the Paras is known for for letting fly with his gun and fists first and asking questions later? And the unexpected answer, according to the website, is: the Buddha, the apostle of peace and the Middle Path.
The website citing to the China Daily, further, listed out the joint chairmen as: Steven Clark Rockefeller Jr, a fifth-generation member of the Rockefeller family; Jack Rosen, chairman of the American Jewish Congress, Leon H Charney, a real estate tycoon and former US presidential adviser; Prachanda and Paras.
The ways of the Foundation have been mysterious. According to a local media report and the Chinese web site, Paras left Nepal in a huff for Singapore in 2008 and in March, Prachanda went on a clandestine visit to Singapore, ostensibly to attend a programme hosted by the Foundation. The visit led to speculation that he had gone there to meet Chinese authorities over the fluid political situation in Nepal. The previous year, Prachanda had gone to Malaysia on the invitation of the same organisation.
The Foundation has claimed to build hotels, railway tracks, a Buddhist university and an international airport at Lumbini, but, the Nepal government no inklings about this.  According to the Times of India, the Chinese appearance in the Buddha’s birthplace comes during India improving the Indian cities associated with the Buddha that is trying to mislead the world into believing that the Buddha was born in Nepal.
For employment in Korea and better earning, 50 thousand 43 youths took the Korean Language Proficiency Test (KLPT) on Friday and Saturday. Total candidates, who had filled the form for the KLPT test, were 57 thousand 457. But seven thousand 414 candidates remained absent.
Out of the exam attendees, 7,100 will be selected and will fly to Korea starting January 2012. Director General of the Korean Department of Human Resources had come to Nepal leading 58-member team to administer the exams. The exam was taken from 20 exam centres in Kathmandu valley.
Two safes that were not opened on June 27 were opened on July 8 after keeping them under the protection of Nepal Army posted at the Basantapur Durbar Square for 11 days. Two “mysterious” safes were opened only after a committee formed under the Ministry of Culture (MoC) decided to unbolt them.
Three safes and a tank were found on June 27 during the renovation at Gaddi Baithak (kings’ living room) of the Hanuman Dhoka palace. One safe and a tank have been already opened on the same day.
The treasures found are gold jewellery used on antique idols of deities and sacred plates used while worshipping, five pairs of bows and arrows made of silver, eight gold masks of several Hindu gods and goddesses and wires and threads made of gold, bowls and glasses of silver and gold.
The team of representatives from the Department of Archaeology (DoA), the MoC, the Hanumandhoka Herchaha Adda, District Administration Office Kathmandu and people of Basantapur were present while opening.
The decision of giving this treasure’s ownership to which authority has not been made yet by the committee led by DoA Director General Bishnu Raj Karki. Karki said. “Until any decision is made, the property will be kept at the palace under the army’s security.”
The Guthi Sansthan, a government body that looks after all national religious affairs, has been claiming ownership of the treasure on the ground that the property is related to religion.
The Government of Nepal is receiving US$ 75 million (approximately Rs 5.36 billion) for the implementation of two projects – the Enhanced Vocational Education and Training Project and the Urban Governance and Development Program: Emerging Towns Project.
Thursday, the World Bank (WB) has agreed to grant and loan assistance of such huge amount. Finance Secretary, Krishna Hari Baskota and World Bank Country Director for Nepal, Susan G Goldmark, signed two separate financing agreements at the Ministry of Finance, Kathmandu.
• A total of 50 million US Dollars (20.25 million Dollars in grant and 29.75 million Dollars in loan) for the Enhanced Vocational Education and Training Project and
• A total of US dollars 25 million (11.25 million US Dollars in grant and 13.75 million US dollars in loan) for the Urban Governance and Development Programme.
According to WB, loan carries a 0.75% service charge, a 10 year grace period and a maturity of 40 years.
The statement of WB reads the Enhanced Vocational Education and Training (EVENT) project will help improve access to Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) programmes for disadvantaged youth.
About 75,000 Nepali youth are expected to benefited this project and will have access to short-term skills training, technical education, and opportunities for certifying their existing skills, paying special attention to lagging regions, poor youth, women, and youth belonging to Dalit, Janajati and other marginalized communities, as well as persons with disability. This project will remain until October 2015.
Similarly, the Urban Governance and Development Program: Emerging Towns Project is expected to improve delivery and sustainable provisions of basic services and priority infrastructure in six municipalities- Dhankuta, Mechinagar, Itahari, Lekhnath, Baglung and Tansen. WB further added, the project will also support three key central agencies – the Ministry of Local Development, the Town Development Fund and the Department of Urban Development and Building Construction. Additional municipalities may be added at a later stage with the expansion of the project.
Gurkha soldiers are now fighting for equal British Army Pension Rights. In May 2009, Gurkha veterans have won the case and the then Labour government announced those Gurkha veterans who had served four years or more in the British Army before 1997 would be allowed to settle in Britain. Actress Joanna Lumley has also helped them for winning equal rights of UK residence.
Now, the British Gurkhas Welfare Society (BGWS) are challenging the Ministry of Defence over pensions and taking the case to Strasbourg, the European Court of Human Rights after defeated in the High Court., rejected the claim by the Court of Appeal and refused to appeal further by the Supreme Court
According to BGWS chairman Tikendra Dal Dewan, Gurkhas who retired before 1997 still get only a third of the pensions received by their British and Commonwealth former comrades, despite winning the right to live in Britain.
(Courtesy: BBC)
We had a #tweetdebate on whether a blogger is a journalist of not. After the debate it was clear that there isn’t any single answer. A blogger can be a journalist if he/she wishes but, the blogger can also be anything else.
That is confusing. Before defining a blogger, let me write down the 12 characteristics of a blogger (I know there are others, please add more in comment):
A blogger is a person. It can be you, me, or a random guy on the street.
A blogger today might not be a blogger tomorrow
A blogger today mightn’t have been a blogger yesterday
Every journalist can be a blogger but every blogger can’t be a journalist
A blogger might seem to know everything
A blogger might seem to know nothing
A blogger might not have a name or an address or a contact number
A blogger might be a team of bloggers (there is no way to know)
A blogger usually have a second job to pay for living (Journalists usually don’t)
A blogger can survive without a single reader (sustainability can be questioned)
A blogger can write a post every day, or every week, or every month, or every year. It might also be one post in the life-time.
Most of the bloggers say they post blog posts for fun (are you serious?).
For these reasons, most of the blogs go unnoticed, un-managed, and too personal for most to even care for.
Now, let’s seek the definitions of a blogger:
Dictionary.com says a blogger is – "a person who keeps and updates a blog."
A blog is – a website or part of website which, "A frequent, chr
onological publication of personal thoughts and Web links."
Can such a creature be confined in an organization? Can any organization have an authority over such a random creature as a blogger?
The biggest question is can somebody’s "personal thoughts" be regulated? It probably can’t. That might be the reason Tim O’Reilly’a proposed seven code of conducts don’t mention the word ‘Ethics’ in them!
Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the comments you allow on your blog.
Label your tolerance level for abusive comments.
Consider eliminating anonymous comments.
Ignore the trolls.
Take the conversation offline, and talk directly, or find an intermediary who can do so.
If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so.
Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t say in person.
We are starting weekly photography tips in which we post a photo and explain how the photograph is taken and what are the specifications of the camera and other details. If you have question regarding the photo, please post your comment in the comment box at the end of the post.
Today’s photo was taken for a magazine based in Amman at Cafe Burger. In the photo posted below, only the burger is in focus whereas the background and french-fries are blurred. Read below the photo to know how Alankar Rai took the photo:
amera – This photo was shot by Nikon 3000 using a 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 VR lens kit.
Location – Cafe Burger, Amman. Sunlight is coming from the left side of the window.
To take such photos usually the aperture is opened as wide as possible. Alankar shot it in RAW Format. To enhance the appearance, touch-up was done in Adobe Lightroom 3.0 (Windows) .
The #tweetdebate of last Friday was interesting and it involved the gray area between the legal and ethical boundaries ! The main issue of the debate was that Kantipur, in it’s Friday special (Hello Shukrabar), was publishing unauthorized twitter posts, that were not meant for wider circulation.
I appreciate the journalists of Kantipur who took their time to answer few of the questions. It was in stark contrast to my previous experience of getting a third-grade-citizen-like treatments. Although they never answered the main questions raised in the debate it was a step in the positive direction.
One of the Twitter user sent me this cut of the Kantipur’s publication to explain why he is against them publishing tweets of a general public.
The Indian cricket fans are happy for their win after loosing for the last 27 years. But, some are disappointed due to Poonam Pandey’s decision to respect the ‘Indian values’ and not strip in front of them – sort of an April Fool’s joke.
The Indian cricket team has won the Cricket World Cup after 28 years. And, as promised Poonam Pandey is planning a strip tease show for the team if BCCI approves and arranges for the feat. Poonam however was forced to switched off her phone when she got variety of calls, some full of threaten and others requesting her to fulfill her promise.
Poonam is still willing to perform her show for the team if the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) approves and arranges the venue. It looks like, Poonam is not confident such shows will be approved by the public in India. So, she has proposed to do it in a bit more liberal places like a French city, Paris.
The Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) board on Thursday decided to file a case in the US District Court for Southern District of New York, seeking an order to revoke its earlier decision,†said an NRB board member.
The earlier decision of the court was to debit US $ 1 million from NRB’s account to Standard Chartered Bank’s New York branch when Ashim Khatri Chhetri, chairman Tarala International filed case at the court after the government froze US$ 1 million sent by Tarala to Chinese national Wu Lixiang—reportedly its agent—on suspicion of money laundering.
The NRB has already sent documents required for filing the case to the law firm chosen by Chhetri and Associates, according to NRB source.
Tarala has not withdrawn the amount from the bank yet, it is only debited from NRB’s account to another account only. So, the central bank seeks to get back the debited amount through legal measures, said a senior NRB official.
Finance Minister (FM) Bharat Mohan Adhikari did not attend the meeting of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) that was scheduled to discuss Finance Secretary Rameshwor Khanal’s resignation scandal on March 31. The PAC meet was rescheduled for today. FM Adhikari informed the PAC of his inability to attend the meeting due to tight work schedule yesterday, sources confirmed.
It is learnt that yesterday, Adhikari was in a discussion with UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal at the time when the PAC meet has summoned.
The PAC had summoned FM Adhikari, along with Chief Secretary Madhav Ghimire and Revenue Secretary Baskota, for information on Khanal’s recent resignation on Wednesday.
Khanal tendered his resignation on March 29 following serious differences with Finance Minister Adhikari over various issues including the VAT bill and transfers of ministry officials. It is learnt that Khanal’s ideas of taking action against people using fake bills, supplementary budget, and declaration of emergency of energy clashed with the ideas of Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal and Finance Minister Bharat Mohan Adhikari.
On the protest of Khanal’s resignation, Government officials of Finance Ministry, Custom Office and Custom Duty observed pen-down on March 30. Civil Servants Union (CSU) has demanded that Secretary Khanal should be reinstated and a favourable working environment should be created.
Speaking at a program organized by the Reporter’s Club in the Capital, CSU Chairman Subodh Kumar Devkota said, “Secretary Khanal’s resignation was a result of political pressure. The present government is trying to support corruption.â€
The issue of Khanal’s resignation also engaged the parliament and cabinet on March 30. Maoist minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara expressed dissatisfaction over FM Adhikari’s performance, which made the top bureaucrat take an upsetting decision. The main opposition Nepali Congress also expressed anger with the government for compelling a ‘good’ administrator to step down, the sources said
UCPN (Maoist) called Tikapur bazaar bandh on Wednesday protesting against the police atrocities and detain of its cadres while showing black flag to Indian Ambassador to Nepal Rakesh Sood.
Since early morning, the market areas, industries and education institutions have been closed down and long and short route vehicles have remained off the road due to the strike.
The security has been beefed up to prevent any untoward incidents.
About a dozen Maoist leaders were arrested from the district on Tuesday when they showed black flags against Indian Ambassador to Nepal Rakesh Sood.
Police have arrested about a dozen of UCPN-Maoist cadres for showing black flags against Envoy Sood in Kailali district when he reached there to inaugurate a cultural program organised by the Tharu Utthan Manch on Tuesday. Three security personnel were injured during clash between Maoist cadres and the police.
The Maoists greeted Sood with black flags in Kanchanpur district also, where he visited to inaugurate the new school buildings and roads built up on the Indian assistance.
In Gulmi in March 22, 2011, in Bhojpur and Taplejung districts in Feb 28, 2011 also, UCPN-Maoist cadres have demonstrated black flags to Indian Ambassador Rakesh Sood.
Feb 1, 2011 @ 16:49
This time the UML politburo member and Gandaki zonal coordinator Khagaraj Adhikari was slapped by his own party’s cadre in front of public in Gorkha. The identity of the UML cadre has not been yet disclosed.
Police tried to take away the slapper but Gorkha Chairman of UML Ram Sharan Basnet objected saying that the incident will be a great splash in media.
Massage Centers in Thamel raided
Feb 2, 2011 @ 01:00
Various massage centers in Thamel have been raided by the metropolitan police when the female workers at massage centers were found involved in illegal sexual activities in the name of massage. According to DSP Kedar Dhakal, 80 female sex workers from various massage centers in Thamel area and 23 male customers were caught red handed when they were performing the sexual activity.
According to the police, the innocent persons will be released after the minor questioning while the guilty ones will be punished according to law.
Richa Sharma to become a prostitute
Feb 3, 2011 @ 17:01
Famous Nepali actress Richa Sharma has decided to become a dancer and a prostitute. She has signed a movie named ‘Highway’, about to be directed by Dipak Rauniyaar. In this movie, Richa will be playing the role of a dancer turned prostitute. Other characters in this movie include Binay Shrestha, Saugat Malla, and reporter Rabindra Mishra will be supporting in this movie.
UML Chairman Khanal close to becoming prime minister (Update -elected)
Feb 3, 2011 @ 19:56
After Maoist supremo Pushpa Kamal Dahal withdrew from the PM candidacy, UML Chairman Jhal Nath Khanal is very close to becoming the prime minister of Nepal. Maoist chairman Dahal has decided to support Khanal for the prime minister post.
UPDATE – UML Chairman Jhal Nath Khanal is elected the 34th prime minister of Nepal
Khanal –Slapper congratulated
Feb 6, 2011 @ 07:50
After the CPN-UML Chairman Jhalanath Khanal was elected prime minister of Nepal, Devi Prasad Regmi, a person who slapped Khanal in public, is being showered with congratulations.
Regmi has been busy on the phone since yesterday taking all the nationals and international calls for congratulations. According to Regmi, he was anxious about the election since Thursday only. It was obvious as the man who he slapped secured the prime ministerial berth. When asked about his reaction to Khanal being the prime minister, he said, “I remember my slap to him. I hope now he has learned the lesson and changed for good.†Regmi now wants Khanal to more focus on development of the country rather than the development of his dear and near ones.
Maoist Threat government
Feb 7, 2011 @ 16:34
Maoists want Home Ministry; this was one of the agreements reached by the Maoists with the current avowed prime minister Jhala Nath Khanal. Leaders of Unified CPN Maoists threatened not to join the government if it failed to abide by the agreement reached between the two parties. Maoist Secretary CP Gajurel questioned, “If we do not get Home Ministry as per agreement, why should we join the government?â€
Facebook brings joy in the family
Feb 9, 2011 @ 23:34
It came as a miracle of Facebook for Narbada Pyakurel of Hetauda Municipality-5, when she was re-united with her long-lost son through Facebook.
Narbada and her family were living in dismay when the son went missing 13 years ago. The reunion was made possible by a very popular networking site Facebook. The family, with the hope of finding their son, entered Amir into Facebook search over a period of time. After long wait, she found her son’s profile in the Facebook with her son’s picture. Happiness knew no bounds when they found the lost son via Facebook search feature.
It was later known that Narbada’s son Amir had been working as the administrative chief to a renowned Mumbai hotel.
Misuse of electricity in NEA at pulchowk
Feb 9, 2011 @ 23:37
Due to increasing demand and insufficient supply of the electricity in the country, it is the responsibility of every citizen to minimize the use of electricity and do not misuse it. NEA has been encouraging general people to use CFL to minimize power consumption and get less bill.
However, at this electric shortage period, the staff at NEA in Pulchowk was found misusing the electricity. A heater in a working room was left on while no one was working in the office.
What kind of message does NEA sends to the country by setting such example? Why blame general people for misusing electricity while the own NEA staff is misusing the electricity in the room?
A Nepali lady awarded in Australia
Feb 11, 2011 @ 01:28
A Nepali lady was decorated with a prestigious award in Australia. Miss Indra Ban was awarded by the Australian government for significant contribution in the welfare of the Nepali community in Australia, sources say.
Ban has been staying in Australia since 1976 when she was admitted to New South Wales University as a student. With the help of few other friends she formed the first Nepali Students Union in Australia. Ban has become the first Nepali citizen to receive such prestigious award from the Australian government.
Government vehicle being misused by the outgoing minister
Feb 13, 2011 @ 17:43
Outgoing minister for home affairs Bhim Rawal is still misusing a luxury SUV belonging to the government.
According to the report, Rawal is said to have used another private vehicle number plate of existing minister replacing the original number plate. Government vehicles normally must be returned after 24 hours of being out of ministerial position.
It has also been reported that Rawal had misused five government vehicles during his ministerial position.
Ex-Minister in affair with girl half his age
Feb 13, 2011 @ 17:44
After losing the post, Rabindra Shrestha, ex-minister for General Administration has eloped with a girl half his age. It was reported that Shrestha was missing since Sunday after new prime minister took oath of office and secrecy.
Shrestha family, who has been living in Bhaktapur, had filed an application at UML headquarters, Balkhu to find Rabindra Shrestha.
A source said, Shrestha, 50, is living with a girl, with whom he had affair since past few months.
Eight Casinos in the verge of closing
Feb 14, 2011 @ 16:58
Eight casinos which have been delinquent to pay royalties are in the verge of shutting down. They are on tracking to losing their operating licenses. Tourism Ministry have been told to shut down Casino Rad, Casino Anna, Casino Royale, Casino Shangri-la, Fulbari Casino, Casino Venus, Casino Grand and Casino Nepal. They all have failed to clear their outstanding royalties dues within 35-day deadline set but the Department of Revenue Investigation.
Maoists most likely to get Home Ministry
Feb 16, 2011 @ 04:16
Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal is ready to hand over the Home Ministry to the Unified CPN Maoists based on his promise while signing seven-point agreement with Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal.
A source has revealed that PM Khanal took the step to keep intact the alliance with UCPN Maoists. According to the source, senior UML leader and former PM Madhav kumar Nepal is convinced that the tentative power sharing was discussed at high level where he was also present as prime minister.
However, Oli-Nepal group, who has been against the idea of giving the Home Ministry to Maoists, is yet to be convinced with PM Khanal’s decision on the Home Ministry.
Maoists get 11 ministries including Home and foreign
Feb 16, 2011 @ 16:50
Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal has agreed to give 11 ministries to UCPN Maoist including Home and Foreign Affair. During a meeting at Baluwatar on Wednesday morning, PM Khanal and the Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal have both agreed to appoint 11 ministries from UCPN Maoist.
Dahal apparently proposed Khrishna bahadur Mahara as the leader of the Maoist cabinet. Meanwhile, PM Khanal also communicated with Dahal to retain eight ministries including defence and water resources, a source revealed.
Madhesi Janadhikari Forum is also learnt to demand energy ministry if they decide to join the government. The formal announcement of the ministries will be made upon Dahal’s return to Kathmandu from Pokhara.
Ex- Minister Shrestha fired
Feb 18, 2011 @ 23:26
Rabindra Shrestha, the former minister, who eloped with the girl half his age, is relieved from the entire party membership due to his immoral activity. The UML decided to sack him after his disappearance with his 22-year-old girl friend.
The CPN UML Disciplinary Commission was forced to dismiss Shrestha as the party’s sentiment was badly hurt after his unlawful relationship hogged the media headlines. Further investigation on Shrestha is under track to study the issue and implement necessary action against him.
Maoists not to join government again
Feb 18, 2011 @ 23:28
The political drama takes another twist as UCPN Maoists decides not to join the government until the current Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal completely abides by the seven-point pact.
The Maoists took the decision after the prime minister failed to persuade his party members to give home ministry to Maoists. Maoists have been claiming for the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, the UML party’s rival faction- Madhav Kumar Nepal and KP Oli have been putting pressure on Khanal not to hand over the Ministry of Home Affairs to the Maoists.
Bryan Adams Fever in Kathmandu
Feb 21, 2011 @ 16:49
It was the night to remember as Canadian singer Bryan Adams rocked the Kathmandu city on Saturday night. It was for the first time in the history of Nepal that any internationally renowned singer such as Adams performed in front of 20,000 music lovers at Dashrath Stadium in Kathmandu. He sang more than a dozen songs including famous songs ‘here I am’, ‘summer of 69′, ‘Back to you’, ‘Everything I do, I do it for you’. The excitement of the attendees knew no bounds when Adams arrived at the stage that night. The show went on for an hour and a half.
The stage was well set for Bryan Adams to perform. It was astonishing how the stage set up changed as soon as Adams started singing his first welcome song. The light system was much improved and the background display was astounding right after local Nepali Bands finished performing. The crowd went mad when Adams started singing his famous songs in front of a huge crowd in Dashrath Stadium at Tripureshwor, kathmandu.
It may prove a fortune for developing country such as Nepal with the presence of such singer. The doors have opened for Nepal for more famous western musicians to come and perform in Nepal. Adams has promised to send the message to the world how Nepal looked like.
Nepali bands, however, have much to learn from the veteran singer. The quality of an international singer really stood out. The attendees at the stadium proved that by a huge welcome when he stood at the stage.
Nepalis in Libya to remain on high alert
Feb 21, 2011 @ 16:51
Some Nepalese working in Libya sought help when the Libyan government started cracking down on protesters. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked Nepali’s Cairo-based mission to remain on high alert and take measures steps if any situation occurs that might threaten Nepalese working in Libya.
Nepalese workers in Libya have been making frequent calls to Cairo mission for immediate help if required. The mission has been instructed to keep track of the situation and consult other missions of SAARC countries and act accordingly.
There are about 2,000 Nepalese working in Libya. The ministry has also urged Nepalese not get involved in protests but instead remain on alert and seek support if needed.
Follow rules or pay fine
Feb 22, 2011 @ 17:07
The metropolitan traffic police division is introducing a rule that may prevent the pedestrians to cross the road from anywhere they like. The pedestrian who is found to have crossed road illegally, i.e. crossing road without using overhead bridge, will be fined for Rs. 25 on the spot. The main intention of such rule being introduced is to discourage the pedestrians from crossing road from anywhere they like. Many previous attempts were failed to discourage pedestrians from crossing roads in the busy center of the capital.
Child delivery under mobile light
Feb 24, 2011 @ 00:47
A pregnant woman gave birth to a child with help of mobile light due to load shedding in district hospital Parbat. The district hospital could not make the alternative arrangement of load-shedding and therefore, the child had to be delivered under mobile light. According to source, the hospital was forced to carry out child delivery in mobile set light due to power crisis in wards. This happened due to excessive use of heaters in-doors and quarters of hospital.
Deforestation and Deepak Bohara
Feb 24, 2011 @ 13:52
The former forest minister Deepak Bohara including dozens of government officials were found guilty of deforestation in the country. A high-level government team has recommended action against Bohara and other government officials who were found guilty of deforestation in the country. A high-level Judicial Commissions 2010 has sought action against many government officials and representatives from community forests found involved in rampant deforestation in the country.The commission is led by former Chief Judge of Patan Appellate Court Govinda Prasad Parajuli. The report was submitted to the Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal on Wednesday.
Nepali NGO awarded
Feb 26, 2011 @ 19:15
A Nepali NGO bagged an international award worth US$ 100,000; Manahari Development Organization (NDO), a Makwanpur based NGO (www.mdi-nepal.org) received the UNEP Sasakawa Award 2010/11.
The award is given for the cause of poverty alleviation, environment conservation and social development sectors. Among the two award receivers, another was given to an organization of Guatemala.
Executive Director Khop Narayan Shrestha received the award in Nairobi, Kenya in a program on Wednesday. The awarded organization said that the amount will be spent in development works in Makwanpur.
NOC running out of stock
Feb 26, 2011 @ 19:25
If the current stock is not replenished on time, Nepal Oil Corporation will run out of petroleum products in a week.
NOC is forced to import lesser petroleum products as it failed to pay Indian Oil Corporation the money on time. There are minimal petroleum products in stock. Only about 3,500 kilolitres of diesel and 1,600 kilolitres of petrol left at Thankot depot according to the NOC official. These stocks will be enough for only six more days to meet the normal demand of Kathmandu valley.
Gold price- record high
Feb 28, 2011 @ 03:30
The gold price may go up this week in the market as gold’s international price is on the rise. The price of this precious metal reached a five-month high of US$ 1211.9 per ounce on Friday at the COMEX Division of the New York Merc. As Nepal’s gold price is determined by the international price, the Nepali consumer may see more rises on gold price coming days. The price of Gold rose to domestic market to Rs. 34,130 per tola and expected to go higher.
Action against Sadhus
Feb 28, 2011 @ 17:18
Increasing number of sadhus in the Kathmandu valley ensure the approach of Mahashivaraatri. But Pashupati Area Development Trust (PADT) has taken action against a dozen of Sadhus for rampant selling of hashish and marijuana in and around the Pahsupati temple. The Sadhus who were caught doing business on Friday and Saturday were banished from the temple premises.
The Sadhus with blood shed red eyes with dreadlocks were found freely selling hashish and marijuana-both considered as delicacies of Lord Shiva. Sadhus claimed that they never forced people to buy them but they (people) voluntarily approached to Sadhus to buy them.
However, ascetic Swami Hari Das from Nagaland, India, said that those who sell marijuana in the name of Lord Shiva are not real Sadhus. He added, “real Sadhus are never in need of money, so they do not have to sell drugs for money.â€