Nepali Movie – Punte Parade

punte-paradeNepali Movie – Punte Parade
Starring – Samyam Puri, Anjila Dahal, Nilu Dolma Shrepa, Najir Husan, Priyanka Karki etc.
Director – Subash Koirala

About Punte Parade

A presentation of Sahan Movie Makers in association with Ideas & Images by Hari Mahat, Nepali movie ‘Punte Parade’ is a comedy and fun movie featuring Samyam Puri as Punte. Actress Priyanka Karki is featured in a guest role in the movie. The cinematographer is Babu Shrestha, music by Taraprakash Limbu / Tek Nanda Lama, concept by Nilu Doma Sherpa, and written by Shan Basnyat.

The movie ‘Punte Parade’ was released in September of 2014. In addition to dancing in the item song, Priyanka had also choreographed the song.

Full movie in a single part:

PUNTE PARADE - New Nepali Full Movie Ft. Samyam Puri, Priyanka Karki, Najir Husen, Nima Dolma

upload credits – Highlights Nepal

It seems another version of the movie is available in another channel of Highlights Nepal. If the link above is not working you can copy and paste this link, for another version:

Death of Nilu Doma Sherpa

One of the actresses in the movie, the one featured as a guy, a friend of Samyam Puri, died a sudden death a while ago. Nilu had also directed the movie ‘How Funny’. The lesbian actress and director was one of the talented personalities in the Nepali film industry. The actor, Samyam Puri, is the son of noted director – Narayan puri. The business of the comedy movie was not as good as expected.

More posts related to Nilu Doma Sherpa:

Poster of the movie

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