1.5 years & Dhurmus Suntali still emotional blackmailing – Rangashala debt problem is HUGE

The debt problem of Dhurmus and Suntali and their construction of a cricket stadium in Bharatpur municipality has been lingering for about two years. Dhurmus collected a large sum of money from Nepali all around the world. He started the construction of the stadium and tried to transfer the project to the municipality. But, the municipality is facing legal problem to pay off the 18 crore loan Dhurmus took. They have budget for the new construction but, government has no way to pay the debt Dhurmu took.

Renu Dahal, the mayor, says that 18 crore is not a big sum of money. It is the legal hurdles that are delaying the construction. She has told that at the local level, she has tried to do everything and there is nothing she can do now. Her father, Prachanda, is the prime minister of Nepal now. So, she is banking on his cabinet to approve the construction work of the stadium.

As, Renu Dahal, tries to take over the credit of the construction, Dhurmus and Suntali are at unease. Suntali told about that in a TikTok post – saying, “See, how innocent his face looks…”

7 FACTS: Dhurmus Suntali & Renu Dahal's promise to construct Bharatpur Cricket Stadium by cabinet
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Dhurmus Suntali announce Cricket Stadium, while Binod Chaudhary inaugurates Food Park in India

What a coincidence: While Binod Chaudhary inaugurates the construction of CG Food Park (probably in India) – Dhurmus Suntali have announced the construction of Cricket stadium in Nepal. (Chaudhary’s Food Park is inagurated by an Indian minister. See embed tweet of Nirvana Chaudhary at the end of this post)

When Nepali cricket team made history by winning the temporary One Day status, the richest person in Nepal, Binod Chaudhary wrote:

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Fitkiree team honored members of Team Nepal with cash prizes of value Rs. 137k

The movie in theater ‘Fitkiree’ team has given Rs. 137,000 to the Nepali Cricket Team as promised earlier. The movie team had promised to award the cricket players Rs. 20,000 for every sixer and Rs. 3,000 for every four and wickets.

In a program organized in Kathamndu, ‘Fitkiree’ team handed over the cash to the captain of Team Nepal, Paras Khadka. The film producer Arjun Kumar expressed happiness to get an opportunity to honor the cricket team.

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Poonam Pandey nudity – will it be an April Fool joke? (Interview)

In Indian model is in dilemma whether to keep her promise or not amidst increasing pressure from her fans (asking her to keep her promise), criticism, and even the looming threat of moral policing from Shiva Sena.

19 year old model Poonam Pandey had promised to bare all if the Indian national team wins the World Cup 2011. Her wish has come true, and her fans are drooling to get a glimpse of her ‘promise’.

Poonam, a 5’7″ tall model, featured in India’s best-selling swimwear calendar, had said previously that she wanted to provide an incentive to the Indian team players by baring all. It is not known if her offer will be welcomed or not.

Although Poonam says that she is a diehard supporter of Indian team and it was not a publicity stunt, the widespread media attention has been no less than one. The Times of India featured a photograph of Poonam wearing a skimpy bikini.

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