Why was Raghav released in internet instead of theaters?

Watch "Raghav" here

The Raj Ballav Koirala‘s film ‘Raghav’ surprised everybody by releasing it in the internet instead of in theaters like other movies. Every other Nepali movies wait at least a year before releasing in YouTube. In that time they try to make the required profit from theaters and DVD sales. Releasing in YouTube is relatively a new trend and there are some producer still skeptical in releasing their films in internet. When ‘Raghav’ broke the tradition, a lot of Nepali film industry were surprised and some were even scared of the new development.

raghav in youtube

In response, ‘Raghav’ director Bhupendra Bhattarai wrote a long statement in Facebook (quoted below). The summary of his statement:

  • They want to try a different approach in distribution of movies.
  • Targeted audience of ‘Raghav’ is not Nepali theater audience but Nepali students in international institutions.
  • The film has already recouped the investment and the YouTube version does not earn any revenue.
  • Before releasing for free 500 copies of the film were sold. 

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Internet black-list updated – 56 sites in the new list

Grow-up Nepal Government !(borrowed from a Facebook page against internet ban).

In response to the criticism, the Nepali government has updated the internet ban list by removing ‘non-explicit’ sites and adding some more sites in the list.

Removed from the previous list are huffingtonpost.com, sites of music band Sex Pistol, Healthguru, Springer, Mahalo and other sex awareness sites.

In the updated list, Playboy is among the other sites added. There were only 53 sites in the previous list and the new list features 56 sites. Here is the full list:

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Internet Privacy ? High speed internet subscribers targeted by police in Nepal

What is the speed of your internet connection?

If you live in Nepal, and are subscribed to internet speed more than 1mbps, forget about your privacy. The police are snooping on those high-speed internet users.

After a couple of failures on internet banning attempts, police has thought of this new tactics to deal with illegal users of internet. Previously, police had directed ISPs to block sex related sites. The step proved to to short-sighted approach, as I suspected, and implementation was not done effectively. Some of the ISPs (e.g. Subishu) have blocked xNepali.com, and hence we are seeing lower than usual traffic from Nepal these days.

After the failure of identifying which site to block and which not, the police blocked 5 voip sites. The very next day, Google announced its internet phone service which offered free calls to US and Canada. Thank god, they didn’t try blocking Google.

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Nepal Government to play parent – 5 reasons it may not work

If you are one of those ‘spoiled kids’ who spend most of their online time visiting explicit websites, be prepared to learn about proxies. That is what Kantipur says:

Internet surfers will soon have to scale the telecom firewall to access p0rn sites in Nepal.

Nepal government is mulling over blocking sex related websites in an effort to reduce Nepali traffic on those sites.

Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) is working is preparing to censor websites through internet service providers (ISP) and telecom operators providing GPRS facility in Nepal.

NTA has been coordinating with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Science and Technology and Cyber Cell of the Nepal Police and the preparation on the implementation is expected to be finalized within a week.

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Film directors to learn internet surfing

After realizing many of the Nepali movie directors don’t know how to surf internet, the Film Directors’ Guild of Nepal has decided to offer internet browsing course, targeted to the Nepali film directors.

According to K. P. Pathak, the president of Guild, says, “Most of the directors are old and they don’t know much about the virtual world. They don’t know how to send email and browse internet.” Pathak added that the course was suggested by a number of members of the Guild. The two week course will ensure that the participants will be able to browse websites and collect information.

One more shortcoming in teaching about internet to the directors is the language barrier. Many of the directors can read or write in English (see the screenshot of their website below – a perfect example) and we don’t have many Nepali websites.

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