Kamana Film Awards announced in association with CG Entertainment

‘Kamana’ monthly and CG Entertainment are jointly organizing Kamana Film Awards. Two organizations signed a contract agreement for the next five years to organize film award in a program held in Soltae Hotel. The award will start on the occasion of the 30th years in publication.

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The film award will award the movies and artists of the films released in the year 2070. The date of the award ceremony is yet to be announced. The awards are categorized in five categories – main awards, technician awards, non-contestant honor, critics award and jury awards. The award amount of life-time achievement award will be Rs. 1,00,000.

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Sumina Ghimire borrows Rajesh Hamal statement – says she is not virgin

Nepali film magazine ‘Kamana’ has published a cover story about Nepali actress Sumina Ghimire in which she says – although she is unmarried she isn’t a virgin girl. If it weren’t Nepal (or South Asia, for that matter), the statement wouldn’t be of any surprise. We should appreciate Sumina’s courage to tell the truth. Similar statement of unmarried Nepali actor was much talked about in the past.

In the lights of rumors and events about her close relationships with the producers of her movies, the statement might not be of any surprise to many. But, such a public statement by any Nepali actresses about their out-of-marriage sexual relationship is rare in Nepali movie industry.

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10K ‘Chapali Height’ posters destroyed

After the Binita Baral controversy over the publication some of her photos in various magazine covers, the producer of the movie, Arju Kumar, decided to destroy all the posters designed with the naked photos. About Rs. 250,000 was the cost of design, re-design, and printing of the destroyed posters.

(All the photos are removed from the post.)

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