65 families got Tihar present from Dhurmus and Suntali, new residence at Giranchaur

The 65 earthquake victim families at Giranchaur were handed over the new residences by the comedy actors duo who turned into social workers after the devastating earthquake of 2015. In their second phase of the construction of residences to the earthquake, Dhurmus and Suntali handed over the 65 residences in a program held on the first day of Tihar, October 28, 2016. The president, Bidhya Devi Bhandari, was the chief guest of the program held to hand over the earthquake-resisting houses.

A video report of the event:

The residences are divided into three blocks. In Block A, there are 23 houses, two children parks, one parking and two public water taps. The key to the Block A residences was handed over by the president Bidhya Devi Bhandari to the locals.
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International media talk Prachanda's new residence

parchanda_welcomed_by_people_in_a_programWe had previously talked about people’s leader, CPN Maoist Chairman, Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s move to a lavish residence. The ownership or the lease amount hasn’t been confirmed yet and he has kept his mouth shut on the issue.

Now, Prachanda’s new residence has started attracting the attention of international media questioning his credibility as a lead
er of poor people.

UK newspaper The Telegraph has published an article titled "Nepali Maoist leader adopts millionaire’s lifestyle." The article mentions his role in overthrowing monarchy and his ultimate adoption of royal lifestyle.

The leader of Nepal’s ruling Maoists, who led the country’s downtrodden masses in the guerrilla war which eventually overthrew its monarchy, has provoked a row among his comrades after acquiring a luxury mansion with a swimming pool and badminton court.

Indian newspaper Indian Express published an article today titled "Prachanda moves into lavish house; media slams ‘red feudalism’ " in which the reporter writes: p>  Continue reading

Prachand's new residence – purchased for Rs. 103 mil. ?

It shouldn’t have been a big deal whether the Maoist Chairman , Prachanda, purchased or leased the new residence. Everybody needs a residence and a leader like Prachanda wouldn’t fit in a small house. At the same time, leaders needs to be transparent on everything they do and shouldn’t try to hide things specially related to financial dealings.

Prachanda’s son Prakash, in his Facebook post, told that the new residence is leased f
or Rs. 60,000 a month. The quoted lease amount is believed to be extremely cheap for such a building made on a land of three ropani. There was a rumor that the building wasn’t leased but purchased. A weekly newspaper, Sanghu, has published a details on the purchase of the building and asked Prachanda to be transparent on the financial dealings on the purchase of the new residence.

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Prachanda's new house / Everest Bank building / owned or leased ?

The CPN Maoist chairman Prachanad has moved to a new residence in Lazimpat from his earlier home of the last five and half years, in Naya Bazar.

Kantipur published a photo of a red brick house as Prachanda’s new house. But, Prachanda son, Prakash Dahal, has posted a facebook wall post, accusing the newspaper of publishing the building of Everest Bank as their home.

Although various media have told that the new residence is their own, Prakash said in his Facebook profile that the new house is also rented for a limited time. To the question about the rumor that the house was their own, Prakash replied:

The photo below is the actual residence of Prachanda (Photo credit – Nagarik).

In Nepalese context, it is not easy to believe in politicians. These days, it is even harder to believe the newspapers or media.

Talking about irresponsibility of Nepali media, Nepal Samacharpatra and Avenues TV published a "Research Based" news by researching a comedy article – saying that Bollywood actor Amitabh Bhachchan has Nepali roots. But, even after a lot of ridiculation, the media houses haven’t felt the need to clarify their news.

Let’s hope, Nepali newspaper will act a
bit more matured in the future and we we will always be told the truth!