Nirak Poudel marries Anisha Thapa

Nirak Poudel, the son of the owner of Gopi Krishna Movies, Uddav Poudel, has got married to Anisha Thapa.


Previously Nirak was rumored to have an affair with actress Nisha Adhikari. The end of the affair with Nisha was public when Nirak posted a photo of then unknown Anisha in his Facebook profile in January. 

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TV Filmy Cake and Media attention on Rekha Thapa

The prime minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal, offered cake to all the artists during the inauguration of the only film related television in Nepal, TV Filmy. But, media attention was focused on the hot and top actress in Nepali movie industry, Rekha Thapa.

The photo above, posted by a newspaper in Nepal, Nagariknews, was discussed widely in online forums and Facebook. But, it was not much discussed that PM Nepal fed everybody the cake and only Rekha Thapa got the lime light.

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TV Filmy – formally inaugurated

The first Nepali television channel dedicated to the Nepali film industry is formally started from this Thursday (November 18, 2010). The channel was previously in its test stage.

On the occasion of the inauguration, the hit Nepali movie "Kusume Rumal" was broadcasted in the TV. The channel is the Gopi Krishna movies initiative. Apart from the TV channel, the company has movie theaters, produces movies, and is also building the first large scale shooting studio in Nepal.

TV Filmy to show one Nepali movie, every day

The TV Filmy established by Gopi Krishna movies, is going to telecast a Nepali movie every day. The first Nepali movie will be shown on Firday, October 8, 2010.

Today’s movie is "Arjun" and the show starts at 7:00 PM. The movie will be telecasted again the next day at 7:00 AM to make sure nobody misses it.

TV Filmy is in testing stage and it is not officially inaugurated yet.

TV Filmi – New Television Channel in Nepal by Gopi Krishna Movies

Gopikrishna Movies is going to come up with a new TV channel in Nepal. The channel will only focus on movies and hence the name ‘TV Filmi’.

The TV channel will go live from 31 August 2010.

Uddav Poudel of Gopikrishna movies told that the TV channel will be a 24 hours channel focused mainly on movies. The program VJs and producers will also from Nepali movie industry. Actress Nisha Adhikari (First Love actress) is going to host a live program in the evening.