Barsha Rani Gurung crowned Miss Mangol 2010


Yet another beauty contest, Miss Mangol, was held in Nepal Academy Hall, Kamladi, Kathmandu last week (As reported previously; on March 20, 2009).

Barsha Rani Gurung was crowned this year’s Miss Mangol title on the event. The first ever Miss Mangol, Shristi Rajkarnikar (photo below), handed over the crown and responsibilities of the title to Barsha.

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Former King Gyanendra Interview Video – Monarchy is not finished yet…

After three years of being a general public, former king Gyanendra has indicated that he can see his role widening in the country. Gyanendra thinks the people still love him and one day he will be a king again. When asked what might be the reason for the end of monarchy, Gyanendra told, “I think monarchy is not finished in first place…”.

To answer a question about his future plans, Gyanendra told, “Stay in Nepal, serve Nepal, serve Nepali. My plan was the same in the past and will be same in the future.”

Interview courtesy Avenues TV.

Part 1
Nepal Former King Interview 1.wmv
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Nikhil and Sanchita aren’t married, Kopila Upreti

Avenues TV has brought another version of the story of marriage between Nikhil Upreti and Sanchita Luitel. Avenues TV’s telephone interview with Kopila Upreti, Mrs. Nikhil Upreti, tells that the news is fake. She also told that she has talked with Nikhil Upreti about the news. According to Kopila, Nikhil will conduct a press conference on Sunday, when he returns from Mumbai, to reveal the reality. Nikhil and Kopila have a 6 month old child.

We also wish the news was fake and the married life of Kopila and Nikhil will continue till death do them part!

Video of the interview follows: (removed)