Miss Universe 2010 is a Mexican beauty, Jimena Navarrete

miss_universe-mexican-beauty-4_thumb[3]After beating 82 competitors the Miss Universe pageant held in Las Vegas, Mexican beauty queen Jimena Navarrete has won this year’s title.

After Lupita Jones, Navarrete’s national pageant director, who won the title in 1991, Navarrete has become the second Mexican Miss Universe.

The 22 year-old beauty, after winning the title, said that she wants the whole world to know about her country and her people.  Navarrete has been modeling since she was 15 years old.

The first runner-up was Miss Jamaica, Yendi Phillipps and the second runner-up was Miss Australia, Jesinta Campbell.

Miss Universe 2010, Jimena Navarrete

Second runner-up Miss Jamaica Yendi Phillipps

Second runner-up was Miss Australia Jesinta Campbell

5 VOIP sites blocked in Nepal

Nepal government tried blocking explicit websites. But, till date there is no report of actual blockage of such websites. But, in a recent news, Nepal government has blocked five VOIP websites accusing them of bypassing the local telephone network. According to Nagariknews, blocked websites include nepalicalls.com, rynga.com, smartvoip.com, jumblo.com and

VOIP is the future of telecommunication. They have their share of problems but being cheap they are gaining popularity in all over the world.

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Deepa Gurung awarded Sunny Girl Crown

Deepa Gurung has won the crown of Sunny Girl Teej Contest, organized by Siddha Pokhari  Beauty Parlor Training Center in Bhaktapur.

The beauty contest organized in the occasion of Teej had 32 participants who participated fully draped. All the contestants were in traditional Nepali dress Saree, cholo or blouse. The contest tried to differ from other contests in which short and sexy dresses are worn by the contestants.

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