Sole PM candidate didn't win – Weird Nepal!

Even after one of the two contestants for the post of Prime Minister, UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, has finally pulled himself out from the prime ministerial race another candidate, Ram Chandra Paudel of Nepali Congress (NC), refused to give up.


What is more strange is that the sole candidate, Poudel, failed to secure majority yet again in the eighth round of voting on Sunday.

Only 189 lawmakers out of 598 active members in the 601-seat parliament, casted their votes in the election. Poudel
, the sole candidate, secured a mere 116 votes and was declared defeated.

Do Nepali Models fit in Model criteria ?

The British Association of Model Agents (AMA) says that female models should be around 34-24-34 in (86-61-86 cm) and at least 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m) tall.

How many of the Nepali models are taller than 5 ft 8 in ? I suspect none.

Wikipedia defines a model as ‘a person who is employed for the purpose of displaying and promoting fashion clothing or other products and for advertising or promotional purposes or who poses for works of art.’

  • How many of them are posing for ‘works of art’? Probably, none.
  • How many of the internet models are ‘promoting fashion clothing’ or other product ? A very small number of them, I believe.

Some of you might say that the definition of model, in this digital age, is changed. I agree, and I also believe so. But, there is still something amiss, odd, or awkward on the way our modeling industry is shaping up. I have lost track of the beauty contests, being held every other day — and I won’t be writing about them anymore unless they are ‘big enough’ like Miss Nepal. These ‘model manufacturing’ contests might be one of the reason there are so many models around.

When you can’t fit it in the traditional definition, you should redefine term itself so that, everybody fits in it. Then, what is the definition of Nepali version of Model ?

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Documentary – Greater Nepal

Menuka Shrestha and Manoj Kumar RC present
Nepali Documentary – Greater Nepal
Producer – Manoj Pandit

Nepali documentary, ‘Greater Nepal’ is about the Sugali Treaty and how Nepal lost a huge chunk of the land to India. The Rana regime dis an agreement with the British rule in India at that time to give up the land on the East and West part of Nepal. Because of that treaty, a large number of Nepali speaking community live in those area including Sikkim, Darjeeling, and Himanchal Pradesh.

Credit – Highlights Nepal

Single part, full documentary