Nepali Movie – Punte Parade

punte-paradeNepali Movie – Punte Parade
Starring – Samyam Puri, Anjila Dahal, Nilu Dolma Shrepa, Najir Husan, Priyanka Karki etc.
Director – Subash Koirala

About Punte Parade

A presentation of Sahan Movie Makers in association with Ideas & Images by Hari Mahat, Nepali movie ‘Punte Parade’ is a comedy and fun movie featuring Samyam Puri as Punte. Actress Priyanka Karki is featured in a guest role in the movie. The cinematographer is Babu Shrestha, music by Taraprakash Limbu / Tek Nanda Lama, concept by Nilu Doma Sherpa, and written by Shan Basnyat.

The movie ‘Punte Parade’ was released in September of 2014. In addition to dancing in the item song, Priyanka had also choreographed the song.

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Five types of Nepali movies (with links to example movies)

A friend in Twitter, Rakesh, has categorized the Nepali movies in four different  types. Although the categorization is done very loosely and the boundary of this categorization is extremely blurry, such a categorization can give a rough guide on what a particular movie is like. I think, there is room for improvement in this categorization so that one can easily decide on whether to watch the movie or not. There is a possibility that some movies might fall in more than one category. Let’s review each category in detail with examples.

  1. Masala Nepali movies
  2. New Age Nepali movies
  3. Nepali movies for youth
  4. B and C Grade Nepali movies
  5. Historical and Art Nepali movies

5 types of Nepali movies

Video presentation:
५ प्रकारका नेपाली फिल्महरु । 5 Types of Nepali movies

Masala Nepali movies

Masala Nepali movies contain all the different entertaining aspects of movies. They are the mix of comedy, family drama, action, music and love all stuffed in a movie to appeal all types of viewers. They might contain all these ingredients (masala) or some of them. These types of movies are less risky and hence, the established film producers prefer to go with these type of movies.

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Friday Release – Punte Parade

A comedy movie of Punte – Samyam Puri is going to release in theater on Friday – September 19, 2014. The movie ‘Punte Parade’ featuring Samyam Puri, Anjila Dahal, Nilu Doma Sherpa and Priyanka Karki is made on the psychology of a teen. The main character Punte in the movie is a typical Nepali school boy who has crush towards his teacher and goes through all the troubles a typical teen can go through.

The movie by Darsana Arts is produced by Hari Mahat and Suraj KOirala. The movie is written by Shan Basnet in the concept of Nilu Doma Sherpa and is directed by Subash Koirala.
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First look of Punte Parade released

The first look poster of ‘Sayaad’ actor Samyam Puri‘s next movie ‘Punte Parade’ was released recently. In the comedy movie, Smyam is featured in 11 different characters.

Video: shooting of a ‘Punte Parade’ song featuring Samyam and Priyanka Karki:

‘Punte Parade’ is directed by Subash Koirala and features Priyanka Karki in a special role. With Samyam, the movie features Angila Dahal, Rabindra Khadka, Nilu Doma Sherpa, Sweta Thapa, and Gita Adhikari. Singer Nattu Shah is also debuting in the movie. The movie produced by Hari Mahat is scheduled to release on July 18, 2014.

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Priyanka Karki, the choreographer and an item girl in Punte Parade

In addition to being a good actress, Priyanka Karki is also a good dancer. In an upcoming movie ‘Punte Parade’ she is going to choreograph a song that features herself in a part and the item girl Sabbu Balami.

The shooting of the item song was done in Babylon Dance Bar. While the item girl dances, the actor Samyam Puri imagines Sabbu to be Priyanka and he starts dancing with Priyanka.

Shooting video (Priyanka’s part):

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Samyam Puri to be Punte in Punte Parade

The producer of ‘I am Sorry’, Hari Lamsal, has announced a new movie titled ‘Punte Parade’. The movie to be made on a social drama story will feature actor Samyam Puri in the leading role. Samyam is going to be featured as an 18-years-old guy who has his own vision of the society and the environment.

Other actors in the movie include Nattu Shah, Rabindra Khadka, Anjila Dahal, Gita Adhikari, Sweta Thapa. Nattu has gained popularity by posting videos in YouTube. The movie being directed by Subash Koirala and written by Shan Basnet will also feature actress Priyanka Karki in a special appearance.

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