Nepali Movie – Daijo (Bhuwan, Melina, Jharana)

daijoNepali Movie – Daijo
Starring – Bhuwan KC, Melina Manandhar, Sunil Thapa, Jharana Thapa, Bimal Poudel, Sudan KC, Riddhi Charan Shrestha, Maya Pradhan etc.
Director – Dayaram Dahal

The superhit movie of the past is a presentation of Sudan KC. Featuring Bhuwan KC and Melina in leading role, the film also features Jharana Thapa. The movie is the first film produced under the banner of Shankhadevi Cine Arts, produced jointly by Sudan KC and Sanat Kumar Joshi. Shailesh Acharya and Naresh Poudel are the guest artists in the movie. The child artists are Rojina Ghale and Ayushma Shrestha. Sudan KC and Jharana Rajbhandari are the new face in the movie. Actor Sunil Thapa is featured in a special role. The actress Jharana says that she was 17 years old at the time of production of the movie. Well known director, Shiva Regmi had written the script of the movie.

Watch the full movie in a single part :
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Friday Release – Nagarik

This Friday, on November 6, 2015 new Nepali movie ‘Nagarik’. The movie directed by Bimal Poudel features Bishow Basnet, Anu Shah, Puspa Acharya, Sarita Giri, Ganesh Upreti, Ramesh Budhathoki etc. The cinematographer of the movie is Raju Thapa and the movie is produced by Ayushree Rajbhandari and Sarbhani Rajya Dulal. The movie features the music of Laxman Shesh, lyrics of Puspa Acharya.

nagarik poster1

The movie made on political theme, ‘Nagarik’ is being released in 40 theaters all over Nepal. The movie features the incidents from the political change of 2007 BS to the current condition. The director, Bimal Poudel, says that the movie fits in the current political condition and he expects the viewers to like it.

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Nepali Movie – Hami Taxi Driver

hami taxi driverNepali Film: Hami Taxi Driver
Production House : B. R. Films
Director: Bimal Poudel
Starring: Biraj Bhatt, Rajesh Hamal, Ramit Dhungana, Rekha Thapa, Tripti Nadkar, Subhadra Adhikari, Mukunda Thapa etc.

Hami Taxi Driver is the third presentation of BR Films by Bhanu Maharjan and Ratna Ghola.

The movie was one of the hit movies featuring top stars of the time.

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Bimal Poudel replaced by Jaya Kishan Basnet in hunger strike

One of the participants of the indefinite hunger strike, Bimal Poudel, has to withdraw himself from the protest after his 69-year-old father died in Chitwan. His father was suffering from problems in his kidney.

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Film Artists start an indefinite hunger strike

The rely-hunger strike of film artists has ended on the 12th day of it’s start. In the mean time, the government has ignored the protesting artists and has unilaterally appointed the chief of Film Development Board. Today, at 11:00 AM a press meet was organized to start a hunger strike toll death to create more pressure to the government.

The participating artists in the hunger strike include Bimal Poudel, Agraj KC, Surya Regmi, Neela Basnet, Mukesh Dhakal and Ananta Timilsina.

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Film workers in strike – FDB to be locked down on Wednesday

9 different organizations of film workers have united to force the government to comply with their demand. It has been almost three weeks a 9-point agreement was signed between film workers and minister of communication Raj Kishor Yadav. But, the agreement hasn’t been implemented. The film workers are going to lock down the Film Development Board office to force the government to comply with the agreement.

In a press meet organized on January 8, 2013, the lock down on Wednesday was announced. In the program, Suresh Darpan Pokharel, Nir Shah, Manoj KC, Yogendra Shrestha, Dinesh Pakhrin, Mausami Malla, Nawal Khadka, Raj Kumar Rai and Bimal Poudel spoke on their demands.

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3-days-long hunger strike of Bimal, Agraj and Mausami ended

Hunger strike of film related people ended today (Thursday) at 4 pm after Minister for Information and Communications, Raj Kishor Yadav agreed to fulfill their demands and offered juice to the strikers.

President of Director Society, Bimal Poudel, Secretary of Director Society, M.S. Agraj and President of Women Film Actors’ Association, Mausami Malla were in hunger strike asking the government to fulfill their 9 points demand. Poudel started the hunger strike on Monday saying that he won’t eat anything until the demands were met. Supporting Poudel’s demand, Agraj joined from Tuesday and Malla joined them on Wednesday.

In a report, Mausami Malla was diagnosed of a tumor near her uterus and had just finished a 10-day-long bed rest prior to the hunger strike. Although her friends had asked her not to join the strike, she had insisted on participating in the strike, instead of meeting the doctor to schedule the date of the surgery.

Minister Yadav and President of National Film Protection Committee, Nir Shah, has signed jointly in the paper with 9 points demand and minister Yadav has assured to implement them at the earliest and that president of Film Development Board will be appointed by tomorrow (Friday).

Nepali Movie – Jana Yuddha

Nepali film – Jana Yuddha
Starring Sushil Chhetri, Aakash Adhikari, Nandita KC, Ramchandra Adhikari etc.
Director – Bimal Poudel

A presentation of Jana Cinema, ‘Jana Yuddha’ is a revolutionary movie made on the people’s war. The story of the movie is written by the director Bimal Poudel. The movie features background music by Jiwan Tandan, editing Banish Shah, action by Roshan Shrestha, script/dialogue by Bishnu Neupane, choreography by Raju Shah / Dinesh Adhikari / Raju KC, cinematography by Mahendra Thapa / Raju KC, music by Khusiram Pakhrin / Laxman Sesh / Suresh Adhikari, and produced by Hom Raj Poudel.
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