Johnney Gentleman, Pal Shah to double the romance with Aanchal Sharma ?

A new movie titled ‘Johnney Gentleman’ is announced in a program held in Kathmandu. The movie features actor Pal Shah opposite to his real-live girlfriend (rumoured), Anchal Sharma. Both Aanchal and Pal Shah had debuted together in ‘Nai Nabhannu La 4’ and both are well known music video models.

pal and aanchal in johnny gentleman announcment

The movie, ‘Johnney Gentleman’ is going to be directed by Nitin Chand and is a presentation of Your Style. In the event, the director Chand told that the movie is being made in a different style of presentation. The movie’s story tell how Johney becomes a gentleman. According to the director, the chocolate-style Pal in the start converts in a action-style Pal at the end of the movie.
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Friday Release – Rampyari and Nai Nabhannu La 4

Two of the most awaited movies of the year, ‘Rampyari’ and ‘Nai Nabhannu La 4’ are released in theater today, on April 9, 2016.

friday release rampyari and nai nabhannu la

Nai Nabhannu La 4

The fourth sequel of the highly successful franchise, ‘Nai Nabahnnu La 4’ is directed by Bikash Acharya and features Pal Shah, Barsha Raut, Aanchal Sharma, Priyanka Karki and others. Like the previous sequels, the love story movie is expected to make the viewers cry.

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Nai Nabhannu La 4 to release in Nepal, USA and Australia simultaneously

The fourth sequel of the hit series ‘Nai Nabhannu La’, ‘Nai Nabhannu La 4’ is scheduled to released o April 8, 2016. The movie is going to be released in Australia and the USA at that same date. Video report:

The movie ‘Nai Nabhannu La 4’ is produced by US resident businessman Haribol Bhandari and Australian NRN Dinesh Pokharel in association with the director Bikash Acharya.  The movie is set to release in 8 different cities in Australia.

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Nai Nabhannu La 4 inaugurated, Barsha, Aanchal and Paul to debut

UPDATEWatch ‘Nai Nabhannu La 4’ full movie here.

The record-breaking fourth sequel of ‘Nai Nabhannu La’ franchise, ‘Nai Nabhannu La 4’ was inaugurated officially in a program held on Krishna Asthami in Kathmandu. The inauguration ceremony was held in Maitidevi temple. In the event, Bikash Acharya introduced the new actors in the sequel.

The movie to be made on a triangular love story will be directed by Bikash Acharya. In every sequel Bikash has introduced new artists. So far, all the releases have been very successful.

Debut machine Nai Nabhannu La franchise:

[Full movies: Watch ‘Nai Nabhannu La’  and ‘watch ‘Nai Nabhannu La 2’ and the ‘Nai Nabhannu La 3’ is coming soon]

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