Shobraj's wife and mother-in-law found guilty

The Supreme Court of Nepal has found the Bikini Killer, Charles Shobraj’s wife, Nihita Biswas, and mother-in-law, Sakuntala Thapa, guilty on the charges laid by two lawyers Shanta Sedhain and Rajan Adhikari back in August 1, 2010.

Sakuntala Thapa, a lawyer and mother of Nihita Biswas, and Nihita in their after-verdict reaction had accused the lawyers to be corrupt and they were arrested in response to the charges. They were however released after 24 hours.

Sobhraj's wife and mother-in-law

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Nihita and Shakuntala released from jail

After 24 hours in jail, wife and mother-in-law of serial-killer, Charles Sobhraj, were released. In the court Nihita reportedly realized her mistake and told that it was unintentional. She also asked for mercy in the court. The issue however is not finalized yet. The proceeding will resume on Friday, August 6.

Nihita Biswas and her mother Shakuntala were arrested when the court proceedings took time to finish.

The Supreme Court ha
d summoned
the mother and daughter to clarify their after-verdict reaction when Charles Sobhraj was convicted.

Nihita Bishwas in trouble – SC summon’s Sobhraj’s wife and mother-in-law

The wife and mother-in-law of of convicted murderer Charles Sobhraj have brought themselves trouble due to the after-verdict reaction. Sakuntala Thapa, a lawyer and mother of Nihita Biswas, accused the judges of corruption while taking the decision.

In response to the Shanta Sedhain and Rajan Adhikari’s court application on Sunday, the Supreme Court (SC) of Nepal has ordered the two to be present in SC within three days, with their clarification. If they fail to appear in the court, the police might arrest them.

If convicted, Sakuntala and Nihita will face up to a years behind bars or a fine of ten thousand rupees or both.

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Charles Sobhraj sentenced to life – Nihita smells foul

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The Supreme Court (SC) on Friday upheld Patan Appellate Court’s decision to convict French national Charles Gurumukh Sobhraj on the charge of murders. Sobhraj has also been convicted for possessing fake passport.

Nihita Biswas, the wife of the ‘Bikini Killer’, Charles Sobhraj, has again tried to get a wide media coverage by accusing the Supreme Court judges for corruption on the final decision to convict Sobhraj for life. Sobhraj’s lawyer and mother-in-law, Shakuntala Thapa, argued that her client was denied justice and treated unfairly.

The 66-yr old Frenchman was sent to jail after being arrested in 2003 in the charge of murdering two foreign nationals in 1975. The Kathmandu District Court convicted him of murder in 2004 when he was found guilty of killing a US national, Connie Jo Bronzich and a Canadian Armond Carriere in 1975.

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