Kamana Film Awards 2016, watch award winning movies

In the film awards held in this year either Dayahang Rai had won the best actor award or Aryan Sigdel. For the first time, Kamana Film Award 2016 has awarded Saugat Malla the award for his role in ‘Fanko’.


The award ceremony held at the Army Officers’ Club in Kathmandu on December 3, 2016 awarded different awards to ten movies. Out of them, seven movies are available to watch in full in xnepali. Click on the following links to watch the movies:

Watch award winning movies:

Three award winning movies not available in xnepali yet are:
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Rajesh Hamal says Bagmati did not live up to his expectation, viewers feel cheated

There was high hopes from the movie released on Friday, ‘Bagmati’. The movie featuring well known actors like Rajesh Hamal, Shiva Shrestha, and Keki Adhikari was told to have produced spending the highest production cost in the history of Nepali films. The movie directed by a South Indian director and the technicians, was also well promoted. But, the final result is considered below average by most of the viewers and even the actors. The lead actor, Rajesh Hamal, in his Facebook post that he is sad that the movie was left incomplete.

Rajesh had watched the movie with his wife Madhu Bhattarai and Shiva Shrestha. After watching the movie he has appreciated the cinematography and thrill but was apparently not happy by the execution of the movie. He has also revealed that the details of the sequel wasn’t worked out with the film artists. He has also expressed his dissatisfaction on the return back of the director Sunny Kerala back to India a day before the release of the movie.

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Friday Release – Bagmati

The Nepali movie produced by South Indian producers and technicians, ‘Bigmati’ has released in theater on Friday, January 8, 2016. The movie released in 80 theaters all over country is considered the most costly movie in the history of Nepali movies. The movie featuring the top actors in Nepali film industry is directed by Sunny Kerala. The movie made under the banner Tree Entertainment, is produced by Dinesh Darshandhari and Bijaya Satyal.

‘Bagmati’ featured Rajesh Hamal, Shiva Shrestha, Keki Adhikari, Rabikar Ghimire, Shreya Karki, Kanchan Thakuri etc. All the technical works of the movie was done in India and the most of the background crews of the movie were also South Indian.

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Priyanka Karki and Aawaran team clean Bagmati river for film promotion

UPDATE: A photo gallery of Priyanka Karki and Bagmati cleanup is posted in our Fashion blog. The ‘Aawaran’ team at the site included producer Anil Yonjan, director Subash Koirala and actors Priyanka, Divya Dev, Sushil Raj Pandey and Rajan Ishan. The producer Yonjan admitted that it was a publicity event, but he also added ‘If everybody clean up like us for publicity, Bagmati can get cleaner in future." The original post follows:

The team of movie ‘Aawaran’ started cleaning Bagmati river. The river considered holy and sacred has been polluted because of the disposal of sewer.

The ‘Aawaran’ team started the cleaning at 10 AM at Gothatar bridge. The cleaning is conducted in coordination with Nava Jagaran Sanstha.

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