Nepali Movie – Truck Driver (Karishma, Shiva Shrestha, Shree Krishna)

Nepali movie – Truck Driver
Starring – Shiva Shrestha, Karishma Manandhar, Madan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bansha Acharya, Shri Krishna Shrestha, Bijaya Lama etc.
Director – Raj Kumar Sharma

A presentation of Ashok Sharma, Nepali movie ‘Truck Driver’ was a super hit movie. The movie features Shiva Shrestha and Karishma Manandhar in leading roles. MaHa Jodi is also featured in comedy roles. Shree Krishna Shrestha and Bijaya Lama are also featured in the movie. The movie is made on the story of the musician Sambhujit Baskota, who has also composed the music of the movie.

Watch full film
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It was the first time – Madan Krishna Shrestha made others cry!

Yes, it was the first time the popular comedian Madan Krishna Shrestha didn’t make other people happy. He made them sad because he was engulfed in sadness – because of the death of his nearest and dearest wife, Yasodha Subedi Shrestha.

Yasodha, Madan Krishna’s wife for almost half-a-century couldn’t win her battle with cancer and died on April 2. On the next day, she was cremated in Pashupati Aryaghat. At that time, Madan Krishna couldn’t control himself and cried a lot. The people around him couldn’t keep their eyes dry. That was one of the saddest moment for a lot of people. See the following video:

मदनकृष्ण यसरी भक्कानिए, पत्नी यशोदाको दाहसंस्कारमा

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R.I.P. Madan Krishna’s wife, Yasodha Subedi Shrestha

The ‘Ma’ of Ma-Ha, Madan Krishna Shrestha, lost his dearest wife to colon cancer on April 2, 2018. Yesodha Subedi was 67 years old. Madan and Yesodha have a son and a daughter. The son, Yaman Shrestha, is named after the parents “Ya” for Yasodha and “Man” for Madan.

UPDATE from Pashupati Arya Ghat:

मदनकृष्ण यसरी भक्कानिए, पत्नी यशोदाको दाहसंस्कारमा

Watch the video report (and their love story):

Madan Krishna’s love story:

Madan Krishna remembers found and tied the knot with his partner Yasodha Subedi when he was 23 years old. That was in the early 70s – a time when people of different caste were not allowed to marry, by the society. Subedi and Shrestha shared a common workspace at Sanchaya Kosh. At the time, Yasodha started to work as an assistant accountant, Madan had been working there for three.
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Inter-Caste Love story of Madan Krishna Shrestha and Yesoda Subedi

The love story between the comedy actor Madan Krishna Shrestha and his wife Yesoda Subedi is very interesting. That is because, inter-caste marriages was a taboo in that time. The love affair between a brahmin girl, Yesoda and a Newar boy, Madan Krishna was a no-starter. But, they decided get married and moved to a rented room in New Road. That was in 1974.

It was the Day Of Indra Jatra of 1974, Madan Krishna and Yesoda decided to leave their parental home and get married. Madan Krishna borrowed the marriage suit from his friends and they went to Suryabinayak Temple to get married. After a private and hurried marriage ceremony, they rented a room in New Road for Rs. 60 a month to live. Although none of the family members helped them in marriage, Madan Krishna’s friends helped them a lot.

Watch a video report:

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Wives of 10 Top Nepali actors

We call our actors ‘heros’ because of the deeds they do in their movies. They are role models and girls dream to marry them. But, many of the top actors in the Nepali film industry are already married. Most of the wives are also the secret of their husband’s success. They might not be as popular as their husband, but they are equally important in the lives of our idols/superstars. Let me introduce you to the wives of Top 10 Nepali Actors:

Before diving into the details, watch a video I prepared a while ago:


Dayahang Rai and Benuka Rai

One of the most popular actor in the Nepali film industry is Dayahang Rai. Known for his down-to-earth nature and natural acting talent, Dayahang is considered unconventional hero in the film industry. Dayanag is married to Benuka Rai, a singer by profession. Benuka and Dayahang met during a recording of one of her songs and they started seeing each others. Benuka and Dayahang have a son. While Benuka has found a celebrity husband, he has also found a beautiful and smart wife.
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MaHa comedy – London Airport Part 2 (Just description)

Comedy – London Airport 2 (I have named it myself)
Starring – Madan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bamsha Acharya
Director – MaHa

This comedy was shown on stage at Pokhara Literature Festival being held in Pokhara on January 28, 2017). The same two characters of the original ‘London Airport’ – a play they did some two decades ago.

Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bamsha Acharya presented very funny comedy in the literature festival being held in Pokhara. In the show, Madha Krishna was featured as a foreigner tourist and Hari Bamsha was featured as a Nepali guy.
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Nepali Movie – Basudev

Nepali Movie – Basudev
Starring – Harihar Shrama, Shakuntala Sharma, Krishna Malla, Sharmila Shah (Sharmila Malla), Nir Shah, Subhadra Adhikari, Chandarmala Sharma, Jitendra Mahat, Mukunda Shrestha, Rudra Raj Pandey, jayandra Chand, Laya Sangraula, Ramchandra Adhikari, Hari Bamsha Acharya,Madan Krishna Shrestha etc.
Director – Nir Shah

About ‘Basudev’

Nepali movie ‘Basudev’ is a presentation of Binod Chaudhari, currently the richest person in Nepal, the only billionaire from Nepal who made it to the Forbes’s list of the richest people in the world. The movie based on the story of Dr. Dhruba Chandara Gautam “Kattel Sir Ko Chotpatak”. The movie is the debut movie of actor Krishna Malla. His current wife featured his opposite in the movie is Sharmila Shah who later became Sharmila Malla after marrying Krishna. It is a possibility that the love affair between the two started at the set of the movie.

Made under the the banner of Manakamana Films, the movie was a super hit movie of its time, in 1985. The songs of the movie are still liked by a lot of listeners. One of the ever-green songs of the movie recorded in Robin Sharma’s voice is the song on the poem of poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota’s – ‘Yatri’. The movie features the cinematography of Prem Upadhaya, screenplay of Nir Shah, dialogue of Mukunda Shrestha and produced jointly by Binod Chaudhay, Sophie Upadhyaya and Nir Shah.

Watch full movie ‘Basudev’:
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Maha Comedy – Lal Purja (only details)

Maha Comedy – Lal Purja
StarringHari Bamsha Acharya, Madan Krishna Shrestha, Kiran KC, Sabitri Sharma, Sabita Gurung, Sushila Dahal, Narendra Kansakar, Surendra KC etc.
Director – MaHa

Full comedy movie in three part :

About ‘Lalpurja’

The comedy telefilm is written and directed by MaHa. The movie was telecasted in Nepal Television in 2052 BS. At around 8 minutes in the telefilm an earthquake causes the collapse of the house of Hari Bamsha. The comedy is about the relationship between the owner of property and the one who uses it on lease. The comedy is about the government policy that has caused hardship to the land owners in Nepal.

The assistant directors of the movie are Kiran KC, Narendra Kansakar and Prayas Mool. The cinematographer is Gauri Shankar Dhunju. Guest artists in the comedy film are Rajaram Poudel, Nirmal Khadka and Riddhi Bahadur Bajracharya.

MaHa, Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bamsha Acharya biography and movies

MaHa is the top comedy duo of Nepali entertainment industry. Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bamsha Acharya are named MaHa after the first letters of their names. Maha in Nepali means honey. They are known to offer the movies and telefilms that taste good – something like honey. Here are the movies, telefilms and comedy programs featuring MaHa in xnepali:

Last 50 movies of MaHa :
Maha Comedy – Lal Purja (only details)
MaHa Comedy – Dr. Sunita
MaHa Comedy – Abhinandan
MaHa Comedy – Syabaas (All 6 Episodes)
Nepali Comedy – Tikeko Teen Mantra
Maha Comedy – Santatiko Lagi
Nepali Comedy – Dashain by MaHa jodi
MaHa Comedy – Left Right Left
MaHa Comedy – MaHa Dohori
MaHa Comedy – Dhalmati
MaHa Comedy – Pathshala
MaHa Comedy – Wrong Number
Nepali Comedy – Bigyapan (MaHa)
MaHa Comedy – SLC
MaHa Comedy – Oh Ho!
MaHa Comedy – Raat
MaHa – Chiranjivi
MaHa comedy – Paramdham
MaHa Comdey – 216777 (Bhoot)

Madan Krishna Shrestha biography

The older of the two, Madan Krishna Shrestha is a trained singer.

Madan Krishna was born on Baishakh 7, 2007 BS  in Jitpur Phedi, Kathmandu to to father Ram Krishna Lal Shrestha and mother Laxmi Devi Shrestha. He married Yeshoda Shrestha at the age of 24. They have a son, Yaman Shrestha and a daughter, Shrana Shrestha.

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MaHa comedy – Kantipur

MaHa comedy – Kantipur
StarringMadan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bamsha Acharya, Jitendramahat Abhilashi, Kiran KC, Surendra KC, Nilkaji Shakya, Uma Gurng, Nilkaji Shakya, Sabita Gurung, Narendra Kansakar etc.
Director – MaHa

Watch the full comedy ‘Kantipur’ in three parts:
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Credit – MaHa Sanchar

About MaHa Comedy ‘Kantipur’

The comedy serial, ‘Kantipur’ is written, directed by MaHa. The story, script, dialogue is jointly written by Madan Krishna and Haribamsha. The child artist in the serial is Bikal Malla. Actors Saroj Khanal and Mausami Malla are the guest artists of the comedy telefilm. The telefilm was produced by MaHa Sanchar in BS 2064.

The comedy video was made to create awareness on the cleanliness of a Kathmandu city. In the serial, Madan Krishna is featured as the god of death, Yama Raj.

Viewers Comments on ‘Kantipur’

Thank you ever so much about time we needed a secluded channel just for the wonders and magic they’ve created. so grateful i love you maha jodi thanks for making my childhood. (by Saya Gurung).

Best and evergreen comedy serial. (by Hari Pageni)

Brings back the childhood memories and those days of the past. Thank you MaHa. (by sunita karki)

Recent 10 MaHa comedies:

Maha Comedy – Lal Purja (only details)
MaHa, Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bamsha Acharya biography and movies
MaHa Comedy – Dr. Sunita
MaHa Comedy – Abhinandan
MaHa Comedy – Syabaas (All 6 Episodes)
What do Nepali artists say about the first International Yoga Day
MaHa celebrated Dashain in USA
MaHa Jatra 2071 starting on May 9
MaHa to continue their MaHa Yatra in UK at the end of April
Nepali Comedy – Tikeko Teen Mantra

MaHa Comedy – Dr. Sunita

MaHa Comedy – Dr. Sunita
StarringMadan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bamsha Acharya, Kali Sedhain, Shankar Shah, Mishri Thapa, Ramesh Adhikari, Kishor Bhandari, Uttam Kode, Laxman Tiwari, Chandani Malla, Kabita Tandukar, Dipak Lamichhane.
Director – MaHa

The presentation of MaHa Sanchar, Nepali comedy telefilm ‘Dr. Sunita’  features background music by Manoj Rajbhandari, lyrics by Pradip Bhattarai, music by Jibit Jalmi, singer Reema Gurung, the chief assistant director is Pradip Bhattarai and the editor is Nimesh Shrestha. Like other telefilms of MaHa, this is also has a message for the society.

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MaHa Comedy – Abhinandan

This comedy was performed on the Gaijatra of 2063 BS. The MaHa Gaijatra used to be the yearly tradition of MaHa during Gaijatra and this was one of such stage shows.

Comedy – Abhinandan
StarringMadan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bamsha Acharya , Sabitri Sharma, Narendra Kansakar
Director – MaHa

The editor of the video is Nimesh Shrestha, cinematographer is Gauri Shankar Dhuju,

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MaHa Comedy – Syabaas (All 6 Episodes)

MaHa Comedy – Syabaas
StarringMadan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bamsha Acharya, Basundhara Bhusal, Saujanya Subba, Arunima Lamsal, Gita Adhikari, Nandita KC, Goma KC, Shree Hari Shrestha, Niru Khadka, Radha Lamsal, Narendra Kansakar, Rajaram Poudel, Kabita Sharma etc.
Director – MaHa

The comedy serial ‘Syabaas’ is a presentation of MaHa Sanchar in association with Antenna Foundation Nepal. ‘Syabaas’ marks the comeback of MaHa in Nepali comedy telefilms after a pause. The child artist in the movie is Sony Thakur. The 6-Episodes-long telefilm was broadcasted in television in December 2013 – January of 2014.

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MaHa Comdey – Dhuwa

MaHa Comedy – Dhuwa
StarringMadan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bamsha Acharya
Director – MaHa

A presentation of MaHa in association with ICIMOD and IASS, the telefilm ‘Dhuwa’ is about the air pollution caused by smoke. The telefilm is prepared to create awareness among Nepali people to inform about the disadvantage of open fire. The telefilm also uses parrot animation with MaHa’s voice over.

Like all other MaHa comedy, this telefilm is funny and informative at the same time. Hari Bamsha is featured as a resident of Terai region. The telefilm was broadcasted in television in October.

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Nepali Movie – Sukha Dukha

Nepali Movie – Sukha Dukha
StarringShree Krishna Shrestha, Jharana Thapa, Madan Krishna Shrestha, Mithila Sharma, Keshav Bhattarai, Shrisha Karki etc.
DirectorShiva Regmi

The Nepali movie ‘Sukha Dukha’ is a presentation of Cine Kala Movies by Birendra Narayan Shrestha. The movie is directed by late director Shiva Regmi. Produced by Prabh Shreatha and Suraj Pradhan, the movie is also written by Shiva Regmi himself. The movie is made on a heart touching story on a social drama featuring the clash between the three generations of a family.

Tulsi Ghimire and Jaya Prakash Rijal are the guest artists in the movie and Sanjog Shrestha is featured as a child artist. Other notable artists in the movie include Ramchandra Adhikari, Birendra Hamal and Sushil Pokharel. Cinematography by Sambhu Sapkota, music by Sambhujit Baskota,

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