Rajesh Hamal and Madhu Bhattarai marriage photos (updates)

UPDATE – The marriage ceremony is going on in Hotel Annapurna.

Here are the photos of the marriage of and Madhu Bhattarai. Although the location and details of the marriage was kept secret, one of the participants of the marriage ceremony, Subu KC, has shared the photos of the marriage.

A photo slide-show of the marriage ceremony:
Rajesh Hamal Marriage photo slide show (exclusive)

rajesh hamal marriage ceremony (7)

Photo – Rajesh Hamal applies Sindoor on Madhu’s head according to Hindu ritual of marriage.

With these photos, the marriage ceremony hasn’t been as secret as expected. We appreciate Subu KC for sharing these photos and let the fans of Rajesh Hamal to see the photos of one of the most important event of their hero’s life.

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Rajesh Hamal marrying Madhu Bhattrai today at a secret location

Superstar is marrying his long-time girlfriend Madhu Bhattarai today (on May 24, 2014) in a secret location. Only close family members and friends are invited to participate in the marriage ceremony. No media personnel are invited to attend the ceremony.

The marriage between 50-years old Hamal and 28-years old Bhattarai is one of the most sought after marriage in Nepali film industry. Before he met Madhu, Rajesh used to make fun of love relationship and marriage. These days, he has started to appreciate the strength of love and relationship.

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Rajesh Hamal special interview in Rajatpat about Madhu Bhattarai affair

The recent episode of the film related TV program ‘Rajatpat’ featured an interview of . In the interview, Rajesh revealed some of the facts previously not known. Talking about their first meeting, Rajesh told that he had invited her to call him by giving his visiting card. Madhu called him a day before his birthday and they were together on his birthday.

Referring to her passport and official documents Rajesh told that Madhu is 28 years old. That makes the age difference between Rajesh and Madhu more than 20 years.

He also talked about 8-years long affair to a foreign girl and his first affair with his Indian girlfriend when he was 22 years old.

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Rajesh Hamal proposes Madhu Bhattarai in the first public appearance together

In an event organized in Kathmandu actor proposed his long time girlfriend Madhu Bhattarai. Rajesh offered a ring to Madhu in the program held at Shankar Hotel Kathamndu.

This was the first time the top actor was seen together with Madhu in a public function. The invited journalists in the program were asked to wait for half-an-hour before allowing in the room.

Video of the program:

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Rajesh Hamal talks Madhu Bhattarai and everything about his love life

In an interview for the promotion of his upcoming movie ‘Hasiya’, visited the studio of News24 television with the producer Milan Chams. At the time when Rajesh is in the final stage of marriage, the talk was more focused on his life rather than the movie.

In the following video contain very short clips of Rajesh’s girlfriend Madhu Bhattarai. Rajesh has been seen together with his girlfriend in public and her photos and videos are still rare in spite of being engaged to the most popular person in Nepal.

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Rajesh Hamal confirms the marriage to be held in weeks

Actor has finally confirmed the date of his marriage (as he promised). After a long affair with model Madhu Bhattarai of Dharan, Hamal has finalized the date after numerous delays.

Hamal is planning to propose Madhu on May 14, 2014 in a candle light dinner. Madhu will accept his proposal. After the acceptance, Hamal will present Madhu with a special present from his mother and the details of the marriage ceremony will be finalized.

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Rajesh Hamal marriage ‘within weeks’ (video)

Nepali superstar ‘s marriage has been delayed for more than a few times. The 50+ actor has been in love relationship with a model, Madhu Bhattarai for more than four years and in all these years, he hasn’t been able to settle for a date to make it official.

In the following interview video taken at the end of 2070 Rajesh says that the marriage ceremony will be held very soon:

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Photos of Madhu Bhattarai, the girlfriend of Rajesh Hamal

The photo of Nepali superstar ‘s girlfriend, Madhu Bhattarai, has finally been revealed in the media.  After knowing each others for the last 7 years long, one of the most popular actors in the Nepali movie industry had managed to keep her a secret. It has been more than two years since he had publicly admitted about their affair but, nobody had been able to point out who she was until today.

It is a surprising revelation that Madhu wasn’t a ‘at home’ girl and she had also participated in beauty contests. In 2002 Madhu had participated in Megha Model Contest and again in 2004 she participated in Lux Beauty Star contest.

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Rajesh Hamal’s girlfriend Madhu Bhattarai talks, first time

Nepali actor ‘s girlfriend Madhu Bhattarai had talked to the public for the first time in an interview with Kantipur’s weekly ‘Saptahik’. Although the identity of the mystery girl is verified, she has refused to release her photo to the public yet.

In the interview, Madhu has admitted that she is having an affair with the superstar for the last three years and is planning to marry soon. Although Madhu refused to release her photo, Kantipur published a look-alike sketch of the future wife of Hamal.

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Rajesh Hamal planning to head to the US with his girlfriend

Nepali actor ‘s marriage and love affair had been a top secret and various speculations have been made on the identity of the girlfriend and their probable marriage.

At the time when Rajesh is planning to go to the USA for the celebration of Dashain and Tihar another rumor has surfaced about Rajesh’s girlfriend joining him in his USA visit. The visit is expected to start in the third week of Ashoj (second week of October).

Given the high
secrecy he has maintained till now, it is highly unlikely the rumor to be true. If the rumor is true, there is a high probability that the identity of the girlfriend of the Nepali superstar to be revealed for the first time.

Rajesh Hamal told about his girlfriend for the first time in 2010 but has managed to keep the girlfriend’s identity of the the last two years. Although his plan to marry her at the time wasn’t successful, Rajesh has recently indicated a possible marriage in the coming year.

Rajesh Hamal might get married in 2013

In a latest news report, one of the most popular Nepali actor, , might get married in this Baisakh (April/May, 2013). Hamal had previously admitted about having an affair with a girl from Biratnagar. Although he hasn’t revealed the identity of his girlfriend, he says, the girl is not from the movie industry. Some of the media have rumored the girl to be Madhu Bhattarai but, Rajesh Hamal hasn’t confirmed it to be Madhu.

Rajesh Hamal admitted that the girl is not fully committed so she might back up in the last minute. But, as far as Rajesh Hamal is concerned, he seems to be all ready to plunge into a married life.

It is not the first time Rajesh Hamal had announced his marriage. He had also announced his marriage in 2010 but, later postponed on the suggestion of a Jyotish. Whatever may be the case we, at xnepali, would like to wish him all the best for upcoming marriage of the 50-year-old actor.