Ex-Queen mother, Ratna discharged from hospital

After two weeks in hospital, ex-queen mother, Ratna Rajya Laxmi Shah has been released from hospital. The 91-years old, King Mahendra’s second wife is living in Mahendra Manjil within Narayanhiti Museum.

Ex-King Gyanendra went to the hospital and had dinner with his mother a while ago. As Gyanendra was having a tour in Terai, he returned to Terai after being satisfied that Ratna was doing well.

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Weak Heart of Paras Shah

The heart of Paras Shah is the heart of the Nepali royal blood. But, it seems, the royal heart is not as strong as believed. In medical terms, the royal heart suffers attacks.

Starting King Tribhuwan, all the monarchs had heart attack and heart failures. Tribhuwan died of heart failure, his son King Mahendra died from the same cause. Tribhuwan’s grandson King Birendra had also suffered from heart attack in 1998. But, Birendra died in royal massacre.

The next king, King Gyanendra also suffered heart attack in 2014. He was hospitalized in 2017.

Paras is the only son of King Gyanendra. So, Paras has the similar heart when compared to hsi parents, grand parents and the great great grandparent.

Video report:

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Trending #1 – Paras Shah and Ram Krishna scandal

The video featuring the details of the scandal between Paras Shah and Ram Krishna Dhakal has gained an unprecedented viewership in YouTube. The video attracted a lot of negative comments. But, those who liked the video made it popular without commenting.

Watch video:

Although the video didn’t have any new information, people assumed it to give a negative message. I believe there is more to the story that what is being told by either Ram Krishna Dhakal or the others.

The Truth about Ram Krishna Dhakal and Paras Shah

I would rather say it is a half truth. Because, the full truth won’t be revealed either by Ram Krishna or Paras. The half-truth is:
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Can Himani correct the Spoiled prince Paras ?

Everybody knows – Paras Shah is a spoiled prince (an ex-prince to be politically correct although there are still some people who prefer to call him a prince.) I prepared a biography video of Paras a while ago. The video got almost 900K views in a year. That is an indication that he still has the charm of the royalty – he is still a celebrity.

Paras wasn’t born to be a crown prince. His father wasn’t born to be a king. But, luck made Gyanendra a king of Nepal – twice in his lifetime. The first time he became the king he was a child. The four-year-old king didn’t get India’s approval and was dethroned when his grand father – King Tribhuwan returned back from exile in India.

The second time he became lucky again. When all the family members of King Birendra were killed in the 2001 royal massacre, Gyanendra was crowned the new king in the year. Gyanendra waited a few months before announcing his son, Paras, the crown prince. But, Paras’s dream to become the king of Nepal was cut-short when monarchy was abolished in 2008.

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Paras and Himani talked, relationship – unsure!

The relationship between ex-prince Paras Shah and ex-princess has been going through a rough road for the last few years. Paras and Himani are living separately since Paras’ return from Thailand two years ago. It is not only the relationship with his wife, his relationship with his parents is not good either.

They only meet in special functions and they don’t seem to talk to each others. But, that changed in the party organized to celebrate the Bratabandha of Paras’s son, Hridayendra Shah at Soltae Hotel. The party with invitation to guest exceeding 3,000 was huge and included high level personality in the country. Although the Prime Minister was not seen in the party, the president and other high level official were present.

Hridayendra’s parents Paras and Himani were seen together in the party. They also talked briefly but the way they talked wasn’t that cordial. Paras seem relaxed and comfortable talking to Himani but Himani seem tensed and more focused to the guests than Paras. When Himani smiled at the end of the conversation, Paras didn’t look happy.

Watch the video report:

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Himani and Paras – Insider’s Photos of Bratabandha at Nirmal Niwas

The ex-princess and her daughters wore the royal looks in the Upanayan ceremony of the son of the ex-prince Paras Shah and ex-princess Himani Shah, Hridayendra Shah. (I talked about the event in my earlier post)

A video report:

The 14 years old young-ex-prince Hridayendra’s Bratabandha ceremony was conducted in a private function held at the residence of ex-King Gyanendra. Only the close relatives were invited in the function. As no journalists were invited to the ceremony, no photos or the videos of the ceremony were released.

I have collected these photos from various sources in Facebook.

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Biography of the Wild Prince of Nepal – Paras Shah

One of the most controversial royal family member in Nepali royalty – Paras Shah has gone trough a very tough time in his life. A prince without a hope to ascent to the throne – suddenly and unexpectedly became the crown prince. But, before he could enjoy the princehood and wait to be crowned – monarchy was abolished.

Here is the full biography of the unlucky crown prince:

Paras as a Person

Family timeline:

  • 30 December 1971 – Born to Gyanendra Shah (father) and Komal Shah (mother)
  • 25 January 2000 – Married Himani Shah
  • 12 December 2000 – Purnika Shah was born (Daughter)
  • 30 July 2002 – Hridayendra Shah was born (Son)
  • 16 October 2003 – Kritika Shah was born (Daughter)

Paras was uncontrollable. He wouldn’t listen to his parents or anybody else. When sober he behaves perfectly normally. But, under the influence of alcohol, he becomes uncontrollable. Every time he makes a mess, he usually is drunk. So, most of the incidents have happened in restaurants and hotels.

His relationship with his wife doesn’t seem to be that good. But, Himani seem to be living comfortably with her in-laws.

Education – Paras was educated in Budha Nilakantha School and St. Joseph College in Darjeeling. He also attended a US college and a British College. But, he never completed his undergraduate degree. One of the professors had told that was a mediocre student (ser ref 2).

– Paras did his Junior High from North Point, Darjeeling.

– High School from Budhanilkanta School, Kathmandu.

– Schiller International University and The United Kingdom for further studies in Business Administration.

In music paras loves the rock and heavy metal of Metallica and Guns and Roses. In sports he’s into swimming and basketball. He’s also a keen player in Chess and Monolpoly.
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Former Crown prince Paras Shah in Phuket Court, Thailand

Former Crown prince Paras Shah was to report to Phuket Provincial Court on Thursday as instructed by the court order issued over a drugs charge on him. But journalists waiting outside the court could not see him as mentioned in Phuket Gazette. It has also mentioned that the investigating officer in the case told that Mr Shah had already reported in, but didn’t disclose the time.

On October 23, Former crown prince Shah was arrested at the Surin Sabai Condo in Cherng Talay when police officers found him in possession of 3.4 grams of a substance they believed to be marijuana. According to Bangkok Post Report, Shah was released on bail of 10,000 baht after spending a night in jail.
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Paras having an affair with a Thai woman ?

After ex-king Gyanendra was forced to leave the palace and live like a general citizen, Paras had reportedly blamed his father for the trouble and is not in good terms with his family since. The father of three children lives alone in Thailand for almost two years while his wife Himani lives in Nepal. He had also taken his children Purnika, Kritika and Hirdayandra with him for their study. It is told that he hasn’t returned back to Nepal for the last ten months.

According to a report in a daily, Saurya Daily, Paras is living with a Thai mistress in Thailand. At the time when his wife Himani w
as in Thailand, Paras didn’t want to meet her during her week-long stay there. He has reportedly changed his mobile number and hasn’t contacted his family in Nepal for the last three months.

Paras Shah accused of shooting at Sujata’s daughter and son-in-law

Ex-prince Paras Shah was accused of shooting at Deputy Prime Minister, Sujata Koirala’s daugher and son-in-law, in a jungle resort, Tiger Tops, in Chitwan.

Sujata, currently in Bangkok, reportedly called PM to inform about the incident that happened on Friday evening. Sujata’s daughter Melanie Koirala Jost and her Bangladeshi husband Rubel Chaudhary ran away from Tiger Tops after the incident and took refuge in a guest house in Gaidakot. Sujata’s daughter got married with Rubel back in 2006. The lavish wedding party was accused of being against Nepalese law.

An Indian newspaper, Indian Express, writes that the Home Minister Bhim Rawal refused to obey the PM Nepal’s order to arrest Paras Shah, who had returned back to Kathmandu on Saturday. Rawal however has promised to probe the incident and punish the culprit.

In the recent days, the members of the royal family had been active in various public  functions in a bid to win support of the public. Paras’ wife, Himani Shah, had also registered a NGO and started her social activities. In recent interviews Paras used to accepted all the wrong-doings of his prince-days and promise that, he has changed himself and will not repeat such mistakes again.

The current incident might ruin all the efforts of the royal family to restore their popularity in the public.

UPDATE: Nayapatrika writes that the event occurred on Saturday (which can’t be independently verified). Nayapatrika further writes – Paras told, “You were the behind ending Royalty. Now, I will end you!” before opening fire. Paras fired a total of 7 rounds in the air.

Screeshot from Nayapatrika news:


Kantipur writes – “The resort management dismissed the shooting report, but did confirm that there was a verbal altercation between the former royal and the Chaudhary couple that night.”


Nagariknews has published a press statement sent by Paras.

Himani Shah, Former Crown Princess – Photo profile

Former Crown Princess Himani Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah of Nepal was born in October 1, 1976 in Kathmandu. Himani is the wife of the former crown prince Paras Shah and daughter-in-law of ousted king Gyanendra Shah.

A Surya Vanshi – Shekhawat Rajput, Himani, is from the royal family of Sikar state in Rajasthan, India. Himini is the daughter of Raja Vikram Singh and Rani Bipula Singh.

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Paras Shah says, ‘Monarchy will return if the people want so’

Former Crown Prince Paras Shah has said that the monarchy may return in the country if people wanted it. Paras was speaking to the media persons in Birgunj on Wednesday, April 28. He also added that, he is not interested to become a king.


“I don´t want to be a king personally,” Shah said, adding, “But if the people want, monarchy may return.”

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