25 Divorces in Nepali movie industry

It is not only in the Nepali movie industry, divorce among Nepali couple has been in the increasing trend these days. This might be because, compromising is not in the cards of today’s youth. I think, there is nothing wrong to get out of the relationship that is not working out. But, divorce also brings a lot of pain and problems to the both the couple involved. The traditional Nepali society has made it even worse by tagging them ‘bad example’ to the society.


This post was originally written on Jan 29, 2012. In the mean time I had updated it to reflect the changes in the status of Nepali artists. I think, it is the time to rewrite the whole post.


Reema Biswokarma divorced in December 2017

Arunima Lamsal and Amit Aryal divorce

Milan Amatya divorce

Rekha Thapa and Chhabi Raj Ojha

2016 – Rekha Thapa and Chhabi Raj Ojha have officially divorced after 4 years of unofficial divorce after a decade of living together. They signed the legal paper and make it legal in August of 2016. Right after the divorce, Chhabi has told that he is planning to get married for the fourth time. Will he marry the actress Shilpa Pokharel or is he using the controversy only to promote his movie – that is a huge mystery of the Nepali movie industry.

While shooting and post-production of ‘Himmatwali’ Rekha is having an affair with Sudarshan Gautam. But, right after the release of the movie, Rekha reportedly dumped Sudarshan.
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8 Nepali actresses who preferred an experienced man to marry

The following video lists eight Nepali actresses who had preferred an already married man to an unmarried one, to get married. I think, some of them might have preferred a married man instead of an unmarried man because of their experience in dealing with women. Unmarried men usually feel insecure when dealing with a woman. Married men are more confident with women and know how to please them. Is that the main reason the following list of actresses married an already married man?

Let’s watch the following video report on the actresses before a detailed discussion on the topic:

Was Sharmila Malla looking for an experienced man?

Among the actresses mentioned in the video, actress Sharmila Malla is the only actress who had been the fourth wife, others are either third or the second wives of their husbands. It is surprising how Sharmila roped-in her husband, Krishna Malla, into her love and stopped his marrying-spree. Krishna Malla had already married three women in a young age but stopped marrying new girls after marrying Sharmila in the last 30-years they are living together.

Now, the main question, was Sharmila attracted to Krishna Malla because of his previous experiences with various women? May be, experience pays off. But, at the time of her marriage, Sharmila had no idea that Krishna Malla had married other women before her. In an interview, Sharmila told that she didn’t know about Krishna Malla’s earlier marriages until she gave birth to her son. Based on Sharmila’s statement, although Krishna Malla didn’t tell her about his previous marriages at the time of their marriage, he must have shown the understanding and the talents that only a well experienced man can show to a girl.
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Marriage problems in Nepali movie sector

UPDATE – 2016:
Simpal Khanal married a UK resident businessman of Pakistani origin. Rekha has legally divorced in August of 2016. Shayam Bhattarai has also gone to the USA (I don’t have any information if Shyam has met Ranjana Sharma there).

UPDATE: November 2014:

2012 – Actress Rekha Thapa ended her 10-years-long marriage by divorcing Chhabi Raj Ojha. Rekha is having affair with Sudarshan Gautam and Chhabi has high hopes to marry Shilpa Pokharel. (report of Rekha’s divorce, Chhabi talking about his interest on Shilpa Pokharel, and Sudarshan talking about marrying Rekha Thapa.)

2012 – Actress Priyanka Karki‘s marriage with Rochak Mainali didn’t last more that two years. The Miss Teen 2005 revealed about the divorce in 2013, after a year of the event (more about Rochak and Priyanka’s divorce).

2014 – Suleman Shankar (Iku) divorced his wife of 5 years Jaya KC (report on Iku’s divorce).

Saranga Shrestha – Saranga married a US citizen and divorced. She is currently married to a young Nepali guy, Ramesh, living in the USA. Saranga and Ramesh have a daughter.

** Original article continues**

Divorce in Nepali movie sector has become a common happening these days. Divorce brings in pain and problems and doesn’t come easy for both the parties involved. The traditional Nepali society has made it even worse in terms of setting a ‘bad example’ in the society.

Let’s analyze some of the high profile problems in marriages of the personalities of Nepali movie industry:

Bhuwan KC / Sushmita KC  – Bhuwan KC is known for his affairs with various ladies.  Bhuwan KC’s first marriage with Bijaya KC ended when Bijaya went to USA with their kids. Bhuwan found Sushmita KC as his second wife. That too didn’t lasted long and they ‘divorced’ until they reunited again after the release of “Ma Timi Bina Marihalchu”. But, they have divorced again. Bhuwan’s affair with Sharmila Dangol didn’t go far and he is living alone these days. We won’t be surprised if Bhuwan and Sushmita get together after the release of ‘Sathi Ma Timro’ as predicted by friends in Films Nepal. (update- they didn’t get together, but there is rumor that Bhuwan is having an affair with Jiya KC)

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Sanchita Luitel’s reel life matches the real

Update (Sept 2015) – The movie is available online, watch ‘Chhodi Gaya Paap Lagla’ here.


Cinema is considered to be a world of dream. Somehow, the dream of a film writer is displayed on the screen with the help of casting and  its crew member. This is done by an active director and a producer who too have a sketch of dream in their, mind related with the film story. Leaving some exceptional cases, most of the films are developed with fictitious subject .That’s why it is told: “The characters and incidents of this film is fictitious. If they match with anyone’s life it will be just a coincidence”.

But, how should we define it if same story matches with the story of the main lead in the film? Will it be just a coincidence or can we say it was destined?

Well, I am talking about a film, recently released in Kathmandu valley, named Chhodi gaye paap laglaa. Sanchita Luitel is the lead actress in the movie produced by Keshav Bhattrai. It might be just a coincidence, but he character of Sanchita in the movie seems similar with her real life. Now, lets talk about the story of the film and the real story of Sanchita, to see how it seems similar with each other.

Reel Life of Sanchita Luitel in Choodi Gaya Paap Lagla

According to the movie, Sanchita belongs to an upper class family and she likes Nagendra, a resident of Pokhara .She decided to leave her home to marry Nagendra and live with him in Pokhara, against the will of her family.

But, after living with Nagendra, she found him to be different from what she had believed and imagined about, before marriage. Then, a new guy enters in her life, named Raj. But, Raj too was already reserved, having another girl in his life. Even after knowing the reality, Sanchita couldn’t stop herself from loving Raj. On the other hand, Raj is struck in a huge confusion on choosing between Sanchita and Richa. At the very end of the film, Sanchita becomes successful to make Raj her husband, and she starts her new life.

Real Life of Sanchita

Similar to the story of the film, Sanchita too belongs to an upper class family.The actress of “Apsara” met Aakash Shah during the shooting of ” Bhannai Sakina” and she fell in love with him. In the similar manner to the movie, her family was against Sanchita’s decision to marry Aakash. But, Sanchita married without their permission. However, their married life dragged them into problems and they got separated after some time. After the divorce she remained alone until she met an actor, Nikhil Upreti. Nikhil was already married to Kopila. But, even after knowing the reality, she eloped with Nikhil. Now, she is pregnant with Nikhil’s child.

In this way, the story and characters of the movie and real story of Sanchita seem quite similar to each other. Is it just a coincidence or a destiny? At the time of the original release of the movie, in 2066 BS, the affair between Sanchita and Nikhil was not made public.