Top 10 Most popular movies in 2015

As we bid farewell to 2015 and welcome 2016, I am going to look back into last year and evaluate the most popular movies in the year. There were less number of viewers when compared to previous years. We lost a lot of visitors after the earthquake on April 25.The following ranking is obtained from 60 lakh pageviews xnepali received in 2015.

The top 10 movies by viewers count in xnepali website (in reverse order) are:

10. Kabaddi

The movie by Ram Babu Gurung featuring Dayahang Rai, Nischal Basnet was the superhit movie of 2014. I am surprised it falls in 10th place. I had expected it to be somewhere higher. (Watch ‘Kabaddi’ here)

‘Tandav’ nearly knocked ‘Kabaddi’ out of this list. (Watch ‘Tandav’ here)

kabaddi poster

9. Jerryy

The movie featuring Anmol KC with his girlfriend Anna Sharma was liked by the youths. The movie became very successful and had established Anmol KC as a horse of a long race. (Watch ‘Jerry’ here)

8. Pritiko Phool

The movie fearuing Raj Ballav Koirala, Yuna Upreti and Garima Pant among others is an unexpected entry in the top 10 movies. (Watch ‘Pritiko Phool’ here)

7. November Rain

The second movie featuring Aryan Sigdel with Namrata Shrestha was also a hit movie. The success of the movie led to the production of the next movie featuring Namrata and Aryan together in ‘Classic’. (Watch ‘November Rain’ here)

6. Biteka Pal

The movie featuring Keki Adhikari, Baboo Bogati and Abinash Gurung also received a lot of visitors causing it to raise to the 6th position. (Watch ‘Biteka Pal’ here)

5. Pardeshi

I think, the success of Prashant Tamang starrer movie might have helped this old movie to rise in the ranks. The movie features Rajesh Hamal and Bipana Thapa in lead roles. (Watch ‘Pardeshi’ here)

4. Jhola

The most popular movie the year was pirated and released in YouTube. The piracy caused various shows canceled. The producers later released it in internet. The movie was sent to the Oscars last year.

3. Himmatwali

The movie by Rekha Thapa is also her debut movie as a director. Rekha has featured a disabled actor, Sudarshan Gautam, in leading role. (Watch ‘Himmatwali’ here)

2. Nai Nabhannu La 3

The third sequel of ‘Nai Nabhannu La’ franchise was one of the top viewed movies in xnepali. The movie by Bikash Acharya was directed by his assistant in other movies, Muskan Dhakal. The movie featured Aryan Sigdel, Priyanka Karki, Suraj Singh Thakuri, Anubhav Regmi, Sanchita Luitel etc. In addition to being the debut movie of Muskan Dhakal, the movie also marks the comeback of Sanchita Luitel in Nepali movie industry after a long gap. The movie was released a while before the earthquake of 2015, cutting short it’s show-time in theater.

1. Nai Nabhannu La  2

The most viewed movie in xnepali was the second sequel of ‘Nai Nabhannu La’. The movie directed by Bikash Acarya featured Suraj Singh Thakuri, Jiwan Luitel, Saroj Khanak, Priyanka Karki, Barsha Siwakoti, Anubhav Regmi, Sugyani Bhattarai etc.

The final result:

I was surprised ‘Talakjung VS Tulke’ didn’t make it to the list. The movie that generated a lot of talks in social media and was also sent to Oscars for nomination couldn’t manage to get in the top 10 list. The 10th ranking movie ‘Kabaddi’ was almost knocked out by ‘Tandav’ – the movie that wasn’t much successful in theater when compared to the super-hit ‘Kabaddi’.

This ranking doesn’t show the movie’s popularity because, the viewership depend on the timing of posting and a lot of other factors. For example, the popularity of ‘Pardeshi’ was fueled by the release of the movie by the same name in theater.

  1. Nai Nabhannu La 2
  2. Nai Nabhannu La 3
  3. Himmatwali
  4. Jhola
  5. Pardeshi
  6. Biteka Pal
  7. November Rain
  8. Pritiko Phool
  9. Jerryy
  10. Kabaddi

A decade of xnepali

It has been a decade of xNepali’s existence. I registered in 2006 and started the movie blog towards the end of the year. In the beginning, I tried to include everything in the website – everything Nepali. The ‘x’ in xNepali is a variable that can be anything. I tried everything – Nepali technology, Nepali forum, Nepali gallery, Nepali file hosting, Nepali image hosting, Nepali scripts and a lot of other things. I later settled for Nepali movies and slowly eliminated everything else. The forum is still running, modeling is moved to another domain others have been discontinued.

I credit the visitors for making xNepali what it is now. Thank you very much for your support and with you a very happy new year 2016.

One thought on “Top 10 Most popular movies in 2015

  1. Hello, I am looking for the name of a movie about the kidnapping by two men (the lover of the story and his fool friend) of a girl to care for a baby also kidnapped for a ransom. If somebody has idea… thank you !

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