R.I.P Dr. Upendra Devkota

The well known doctor and scientist, Dr. Upendra Devkota, who had saved thousands of lives, hasn’t been able to save himself. Dr. Devkota died at the hospital he founded, Nuro Hospital, Bansbari.

Dr. Devkota died at 5:35 PM on June 18, 2018.


Life of Dr. Devkota:

Born in Gorkha, Dr. Devkota studied school in Luitel School, one of the most popular school of his time. He was one of the top students in the school. Apart from studies, he was also politically active and well known among his friends.
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I don’t have a degree but I love my country, Karishma Manandhar responds

Actress Karishma Manahdar has written a long statement in response to the backlash she was receiving after numerous mistakes she did during the inaguration of Dr. Baburam Bhattarai’s new party, Naya Shakti Nepal. In the Facebook post, Karishma had mocked the so-called educated people who only complain about others and don’t do anything for the country. She had challenged them that she will win election and do good for the country and they should start preparing for the criticism for that future. The following video report has the full statement (in Nepali), a rough translation follows:

A rough translation of Karishma’s statement (written originally in Nepali):

I feel like writing something. There are a lot of scholars here. Those scholars become active when somebody makes a mistake or when they identify somebody else’s mistake. Naya Shakti Nepal inauguration program was the target of everybody to find the mistakes. I did some mistakes in the program. There might be a lot of other shortcomings in me, there might be a lot of things I might not know…

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Karishma Manandhar blunder in Naya Shakti event, everything wasn’t bad

Nobody can deny that Karishma Manandhar made huge blunder in the announcement ceremony of the new political party led by ex-Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai. Although she made many mistakes, she had also done some appreciable work while emceeing the event. After going through the videos in which she has done a very bad job of being an announcer, I wanted to compile the things she had done better than others. Here is final result:

In the video, I have compiled the things she had done well. That doesn’t mean that she hadn’t done any mistakes. The reasons she had done mistakes in the event are:

  • Karishma Manandhar wasn’t well prepared. She had done mistakes in pronouncing names and reading written words. If she had read the script before the event, she would have avoided most of such mistakes.
  • Script issue – It seems, the script for Karishma wasn’t prepared that well. Made some good unscripted statements but, if it were written down, she might have delivered in better manner.
  • Language problem – Karishma had used English language and Nepali languages in the stages. Although she told that she used English to address foreigners, she had used English to expressed her feelings – that too in wrongful way. It would have been better if she had adhered in one language.
  • Personality confusion – There were a lot of speakers who were not favourable to the party she was affiliated to. For example, Nepali Congress and it’s leaders, CPN UML and its leaders and other leaders were clearly the competitor to Naya Shakti. It sounded uneasy when she tried to show her linkage to the Nepali Congress chief Sher Bahadur Deuba or CPN UML chief KP Oli.
  • Reading letter from Bhutan – I think that was the biggest mistake Karishma made in the event. She shouldn’t have read the letter as she had difficulty pronouncing words and names in it.

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Karishma, Saroj Khanal and Ashok Sharma named Baburam Bhattarai Naya Shakti members

The former Prime Minister, Baburam Bhattarai, has announced a 35-member interim central council of Naya Shakti Nepal in an event organized in Buddha Nagar, Kathmandu. In the interim central council of Naya Shakti Nepal, three Nepali film industry personalities are also included. Actress Karishma Manandhar, actor and producer Ashok Sharma and actor Saroj Khanal are listed as the council members of the new political party, yet to be formally announced.

Video report with the full list of the council members:

The most noted personalities in the council are former finance secretary Rameshwor Khanal, Mumaram Khanal (a political analyst), Keshavman Shakya (former lawmaker), Ganesh Rai (former AIG), and the three film artists.

Also present in the event was the noted businessman Binod Chaudahary, who told that he supports politics of constructive developments and wished best for Naya Shakti.

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Dashain Tika of Nepali celebrities

The biggest festival in Nepal, Dashain is celebrated today by taking tika and best wishes from elders. We have collected photos of Nepali celebrities’ Dsahain celebration to share with our readers.

A slideshow video (not available now)

Actress Rekha Thapa and ‘Himmatwali‘ actor Sudarshan Gautam take tika from ‘Maun’ director Samjhana Upreti Rauniyar and Bikash Rauniyar:

Rekha and Sudarshan also took tika from Karishma Manandhar and Binod Manandhar:

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Maoists want ban on Hindi and English movies in Nepal

In a letter handed over to the Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai, CPN Maoist has asked the government to ban the import of Hindi and English movies and magazines in Nepal. The letter was handed over by the senior leader CP Gajurel.

The letter includes 77 demands in which the 11th point mentions about foreign movies and magazines. The letter says that the foreign movies and magazine have affected the Nepali society and should be controlled. Although the prime minister has promised to implement some of the demands as soon as possible, he didn’t specify particular points of his interest.

14th Earthquake Safety Day celebration highlights

Following photos are the highlights of the celebration of the 14th Earthquake Safety Day held on Jan 16, 2012 in Kathmandu. The Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Deputy Prime Minister & Home Minister Mr. Bijaykumar Gachhadar and other distinguished guests took part in in the 14th ESD National Meeting held in Jawalakhel, Lalitpur. In the program they also participated in an earthquake drill. Dr. Bhattarai also addressed the meet.

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Baburam with Obama – a Nepali flag would have made it nicer

In the following photo, our Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai and Hisila Yami are posing with the US President Barak Obama and Michelle Obama. The smile are great on all four faces but a bit odd are the flags – none of them has a Chandra and a Surya. The US flag represents Obama couple but there is no Nepali flag to represent the Bhattarai couple.

By the way the photo is taken, it is pretty clear that the photo is not a causal one and they meant it to be as official as they can. 

The Americans would certainly not care to have an odd looking Nepali flag there but, the advisors of our PM should have pointed out the obvious – to have one of those flags to be a Nepali flag. I think, our PM should have asked to take the photo somewhere else if they were not willing to hoist our flag.

Some have even pointed out the fact that the tie on Baburam’s neck look a bit bigger than it should have and a saree would have looked better on Hisila. I don’t have such preference towards Daura Suruwal (and, I guess, it is no longer a National dress). But, the flag is a different case.

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Baburam Bhattarai, Mustang, Golcha and rumors

Mustang is the first and the only one vehicle assembled in Nepal. It is told that, most of the parts of the vehicle are imported from India and it is one of the cheapest vehicle available in Nepal.

Baburam’s choice of vehicle has been praised by everybody and this movie will surely skyrocket the sales of the vehicle in Nepal. If the producers can keep it’s reliability high enough, it will be successful in capturing the Nepali market.

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Dr. Baburam Bhattarai 35th Prime Minister of Nepal

Dr. Bhaburam Bhattarai of UCPN-Maoist is elected the new Prime Minister of Nepal on August 28, 2011. The election was held in the Parliament House to choose between Dr. Bhattarai and Ram Chandra Paudel of Nepali Congress. Dr. Bhattarai received 340 votes out of 575 members of CA present in the voting and Paudel received the remaining 235 votes.

Congratulation and best wishes for the new PM, Dr. Bhattarai!

Smile of the newly appointed Finance Minister in August 28, 2008. Dr. Bhattarai was considered the very successful in his job as a Finance Minister.

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