The maker of ‘Saayad‘ and ‘Hostel‘, Durgish Films has announced its third movie. The movie will feature the actors of both ‘Saayad’ – Samyam Puri and ‘Hostel’ – Anmol KC, Salon Basnet and Gaurav Pahadi in main roles. The movie will also feature actress Namrata Shrestha.
Tag: Gaurav Pahadi
D Cine Award – Rekha Thapa and Jiwan Luitel best actors
Nepali actress Rekha Thapa has won the best actress award in HTV Filmykhabar D Cine Award. Rekha was awarded the award for her role in her movie ‘Lanka’. The best actor award was awarded to Jiwan Luitel for his role in ‘Notebook’. In the best movie category, ‘Rhythm’ was awarded the best in the year.
In this year’s award, ‘Maya’s Bar’, ‘Rhythm’ and ‘Notebook’ bagged most of the awards.
Movie Review – Hostel
Nepali movie ‘Hostel’ was released on August 30 in theaters all over Nepal. The movie is produced by Sunil Rawal under Durgish Films. The movie features the friendship of three characters played by Anmol KC, Salon Basnet and Gaurav Pahadi. Actresses Rista Basnet and Prakriti Shrestha are also featured in important characters in the movie. Although the movie is advertised as a college love story, it is more about friendship and relationships. The movie is directed by Hemraj BC.
The movie is the story of Aditya Bikram Rana (Anmol KC), Junge (Salon Basnet) and Shree (Gaurav Pahadi) – three medical college students living in a hostel. Aditya is from a rich family, Junge is from a medium income family and Shree’s background is not clear in the movie. They go through every ups and downs a young student goes through hostel life. There is love, tragedy, betrayal, friendship, family relationship, classroom, hostel warden and so on.
Nepali movie Hostel – First look released
The first look of the movie featuring second-generation artists of Nepali movie industry ‘Hostel’ was released on Thursday, May 30 in Kathmandu. The movie features Anmol KC – son of Bhuwan KC, Salon Basnet – son of Shovit Basnet, and Gaurav Pahadi – son of actor Tika Pahadi.
The first look of the movie produced under Durgis Films banner was unveiled by the FDB chief Dharmendra Kumar Marbaita (Pappu). First look, song and the promo were released in the program.
Friday Release – Manjari and Shirishko Phool
On Friday, May 3, two movies are going to release in theater. Gaurav Pahadi and Sujata Koirala’s ‘Manjari’ and the movie made on the popular novel of Parijat ‘Shirishko Phool’ are releasing in theaters all over Nepal.
The ‘Manjari’ team had complained that the censor board had unnecessarily removed scenes from the movie to let it release. The movie by Tuka Entertainment is directed by Ganesh Dev Pandey. The songs with music by Kali Prasad Baskota have been popular among the audience and the acting of the characters seen in the promotions have also been appreciated. The fate of the movie however will be determined when it releases in theater.
Second generation film artists in Nepali movie industry
Nepali movie industry is largely influenced by Indian movie industry, Bollywood. Similar to Bollywood, it is easier for the kids of actors and film technicians to enter the film industry. Some of the names of second generation artists in Nepali industry include:
Samyam Puri – son of director Narayan Puri started in movies as a child artists and had debuted as an adult actor in ‘Samaya’.
Salon Basnet – son of actor and director Shovit Basnet is also debuting in ‘Hostel’.
Manjari release pushed back by a month
The movie ‘Manjari’, scheduled to release on this Friday, is pushed back when the Censor Board objected on some of it’s scenes. Another movie, ‘Vigilante’ scheduled to release on this Friday had also postponed it’s release. ‘Rakshya’, ‘Katha’ and ‘Love in China Boarder’ were released instead.
Melodious music of ‘Manjari’ have been quite popular before the release of the movie and there are quite some people who are awaiting it’s release.
Nepali movie ‘Hostel’ starts formally
Sunil Rawal’s upcoming movie ‘Hostel’ is officially started on February 8, 2013. After a year-long workshop the movie has finally started in a formal ceremony held in Kamaladi Ganesh temple. The movie will feature a lot of second generation film artists – sons and daughters of well known artists and crew members of Nepali movie industry.
‘Hostel’ to feature star sons Salon Basnet, Anmol KC, Aayush Shah and Gaurav Pahadi?
After the success of ‘Sayaad’ the producer Sunil Rawal is planning his next movie, ‘Hostel – A cool Place to Hang Out’. In the movie, three star sons Salon Basnet, Anmol KC, Aayush Shah and Gaurav Pahadi will be featured in leading roles.