Actress Jiya KC took the Nepali film industry by storms by vulgar dialogue and excessive skin shows in the most controversial movie in the Nepali film indistry, ‘ATM’ (Watch ‘ATM’ here). She tried her luck in a number of other so-called hot movies without any success. After she met Bhuwan KC, Jiya is absent from the Nepali film industry and has started living in Bhuwan’s home at Sinamangal.
Although Bhuwan KC and Jiya KC live in the same house and travel together, they still seem to be at unease when it comes to taking photo together. The last time they were photographer together was during the release of Anmol KC movie, ‘Jerry’ in November of 2014 (watch ‘Jerryy’ here).
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Photo – Bhuwan KC and Jiya KC seen together in 2014
After that, they were together during the shooting of Bhuwan’s debut movie as a director ‘Dreams’. The movie featuring his son Anmol KC and Samragya RL Shah in leading role doesn’t have any role for Jiya. In fact, he had called Jiya a vulgar actress at the time of the start of the shooting. But, she had joined the ‘Dreams’ team to Mustang with Bhuwan KC.