Shiva Linga – why worship the Shiva phallus? (Part 2)

Six years ago, Sunita Giri wrote the first part of this discussion. On the occasion of Shiva Ratri, I would like to discuss further to the issue.

Read Shiva Linga – why worship the Shiva phallus?

Summary of Part 1

Sunita was disgusted and surprised to know that the Shiva Linga worshiped as the Lord Shiva is in fact a phallus (penis). Although born Hindu, she lost the respect for the religion due to that fact that people worship somebody’s phallus (even if belongs to a God).

Sunita talked about how Shiva’s linga fell on earth and how Parvati took the form of a Yoni to calm it down by embracing it in her Yoni. Although religion pundits believe the symbol of Shiva’s ling inside Parvati’s yoni is a symbol of creation, Sunita thought it was a vulgar image. Then Sunita talked about Unmatta Bhirav’ – the fully aroused god.

Sunita admitted that she doesn’t go to temples because there are dirt everywhere. She is not keen on walking bare feet inside the temple over the dirt. She talked about the sculptures on the temples showing gods in various sexual positions and questioned their relevance. She suspected they were a form of advertisement so that people frequent their visits to temples.

Discussion on Why we Worship Shiva Linga

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Rajesh Hamal postponed marriage on suggestion of 22-year-old Harihar Adhikari

The fame of Harihar Adhikari, a young astrologer, raised when he rightly predicted the date of the resignation of then Prime Minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal. Adhikari made the prediction on the next day of Nepal’s appointment as the Prime Minster of Nepal. After that, he rightly predicted India to be the winner in the Cricket World Cup winner.

Then came a news about the Maha Nayak Rajesh Hamal postponing his marriage by two years on suggestion of Harihar. Alreay late for marriage, almost 50 year old Hamal had recently announced his intention to get married with his young girlfriend.

Although being young, Harihar is not unknown. He has been running a  Astrology program named ‘Faladesh’ in a local television.

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Lady Gaga – loosing virginity was ‘terrible’, didn’t enjoy sex until ‘two years ago’.

American pop singer-songwriter Lady Gaga has revealed her sex life in the new issue of Grazia magazine of Britain. She has revealed that she lost her virginity when she was a teenager, at the age of 17. She however told that the first experience was ”terrible” and added that she wasn’t fully prepared for sex at that time.

Lady Gaga is popular for her “unique” fashion sense with odd costumes and accessories.

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The stupidest mistake in my life

It was the time I started riding my scooter and I did not knew much of the street rules. It was the time, I didn’t even know I had flat tire and somebody else has to tell me about it. You can call me ’empty head.’ But, that was what I was in the beginning years of my scooter ride.

I am talking about an incident of the year 2004. I think, I was on the Lainchour area, when a micro-bus driver made a gesture with his five finger open and close twice and fast.

Okay, I have to admit it now, I misunderstood that gesture. Before I could even give him a damn look, he was off on the road. But, I didn’t want to let him go without teaching him a good lesson. So, I followed him as the it was going in the direction of my office.

At around Jamal area, near the Nabil Bank, the same micro-bus was stopped to let passenger get on it. When, I was close the the vehicle, the micro-bus driver made the same gesture, again. He opened and closed his five finger twice and fast!

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Sai Baba the illusionist

When Sai Baba was frisking gold rings and chains from the air and was giving it to his devotees, a Japanese interrupted him to ask a question. When he got the permission to ask, the Japanese asked Sai Baba, “Can you convert the mountain behind you into gold, just like the way you can do this gold rings and chains ?”

After a brief pause, he said to that Japanese guy, “Come tomorrow.”  And, that “tomorrow” never came.

I was in my second year of college when my English lecturer told about this incident to our class.

A couple of years ago, India TV ran a program disclosing some of his tricks Sai Baba does in front of his devotees, with the help of spy cameras. The program host had also had invited scientists to explain the reason behind those tricks. But, these revelations hardly mattered to his believers as they believe the television was running scam campaign to taint the image of Sai Baba.

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Minister felicitates an illegal driver (Six year old drives school bus)

A six-year-old drives an school bus in Kathmandu. And, a minister, Minendra Rijal, felicitates the kid for doing the "great job".  

What amazed me most is that nobody told the minister that it is illegal to drive under 18, according to the traffic law in Nepal.

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Winnie Langley gave-up smoking at 102 and died within a year

What does that mean? Quitting kills?

A lady, Winnie Langley, who smoked for more than 95 years and made headlines when she lit the cigarette from the candle on her 100th birthday cake, died almost at the age of 103. That was just one month short of her 103rd birthday, on July 27, 2010, to be precise.

Winnie started smoking at the age of 8 and never stopped until she was persuaded to stop it at the age of 102. She used to say that cigarettes helped calm her nerves during the world wars. She outlived her husband, son and all of her 10 step-children.

When her her eyesight got worse and she couldn’t see the end of a match she was persuaded to stop smoking just before Christmas of 2009 (about 7 months before she died). But, the real reason might be something else. As she couldn’t afford the cost of cigarette, she had already cut her 5-cigarettes-a-day routine to one-a-day. (Photo credits – croydonguardian)

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Artist Dinesh DC arrested

Accused of collecting money in the name of disabled people and keeping it for himself, artist Dinesh DC was arrested by the police on November 28, 2010.

Dinesh was released after he handed over the amount to the person in the presence of DSP Dipak Thapa of Mahargung police station.

Dinesh DC had been collecting money through a Kantipur television program named "Khoji Prtibhako" for the treatment of Sanjog Parajuli, a disabled person . He had collected a sum of Rs. 35,000 for the treatment but he kept the money to himself instead of handing over to Sanjog.

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Blogspot blogs, Huffingtonpost, SFSI among blocked websites in Nepal

I knew it from the beginning ! I was the first person to tell that the government plan was flawed!

Nepali Times published the full list of websites banned in Nepal by the government. It was surprising to find ‘’ and ‘’ included in the the 60 sites blocked in Nepal.
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Mayos car winner got a 'toy car'

When Suresh Chandra Adhikary, a Mayos noodle customer, got a car winning coupon in one of the Mayos noodles packet, he got very excited. He went to claim his prize car but the  officials at Himalayan Snacks and Noodles Pvt. Ltd. made fun of him and offered a ‘toy car’. It was on January 24, 2010, Adhikary got the coupon inside the noodle packet stating, "Congratulations, you have got a car."

The Department of Commerce (DoC), in response to Adhikary’s complaint, has filed a case of fraud against the manufacturer at the Kathmandu District Court for cheating its consumers.

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Air Hostess’s Lady Gaga dance for your safety!

The flight attendants on Cebu Pacific Airlines, a low-cost Philippine airlines, have given a fun twist to the safety instruction always delivered before every flights.

The dull and routine demonstration was made much more interesting when the flight attendants do the safety demonstration while dancing to Lady Gaga’s “Just Dance” and Katy Perry’s “California Gurls”.

The Cebu Pacific airlines started the new method, to get the message across as an experiment. The fun filled demonstration however doesn’t replace the boring, age-old safety demonstration before the plane takes off. The dancing demonstration starts only after the plane takes off. Below the video of one of the demonstration, taken by a passenger –  Continue reading

Fake PhDs, real leaders and artists – Can only happen in Nepal

Yes, it can only happen in Nepal!

In a program, in which the the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly, Subhash Newang, was the chief guest, high level officials and reputed personals were handed over fake honorary PhD certificates. The Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Bijaya Kumar Gachhedar, UML leader KP Oli, Madan Krishna Shrestha, and Hari bamsha Acharya were some of the ‘lucky’ people to received the honorary PhD degree.

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