Nepali Movie – Truck Driver (Karishma, Shiva Shrestha, Shree Krishna)

Nepali movie – Truck Driver
Starring – Shiva Shrestha, Karishma Manandhar, Madan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bansha Acharya, Shri Krishna Shrestha, Bijaya Lama etc.
Director – Raj Kumar Sharma

A presentation of Ashok Sharma, Nepali movie ‘Truck Driver’ was a super hit movie. The movie features Shiva Shrestha and Karishma Manandhar in leading roles. MaHa Jodi is also featured in comedy roles. Shree Krishna Shrestha and Bijaya Lama are also featured in the movie. The movie is made on the story of the musician Sambhujit Baskota, who has also composed the music of the movie.

Watch full film
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iPhone on birthday, Hari Bamsha Acharya celebrated 60th birthday

“I still feel like 16 although I have turned 60.” told Hari Bamsha Acharya as he cut his 60th birthday cake at the shooting location of his upcoming movie ‘Shatru Gate’.

In the birthday celebration organized by Radio Aduio on Monday, November 13, 2017, Hari Bansha cut his birthday cake with his partner Madan Krishna Shrestha. His wife Ramila Pathak and son Mohit Bamsha Acharya were also with him at that time. On the birthday, Ramila presented Hari Bamsha with a sweater and the son Mohit gave an iPhone.

In the event comedy actors Basundhara Bhusal, Sitaram Kattel, Kedar Ghimire, Shiva Hari Poudel, Kiran KC and director Pradeep Bhattarai were also present.

About Hari Bamsha Acharya

The video I prepared on the love story of Hari Bamsha says a lot about him as a person.

Heart touching love story of Hari Bamsha and Ramila Pathak & Hari Bamsha and Meera Acharya
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Krishna Malla, Deepak Raj Giri and Hari Bamsha’s sons got married

Three celebrity sons got married this week.

  • Mohit Bamsha Acharya (Hari Bamsha Acharya’s son)
  • Sakriya Malla (Krishna Malla and Sharmila Malla’s son)
  • Dipesh Raj Giri (Deepak Raj Giri’s son)

Video report:

Comedy actor and the writer/producer of ‘Chha Ekan Chha’, ‘Woda Number 6’ and ‘Chhakka Panja’, Deepak Raj Giri, got a new daughter-in-law, Mira Gyawali. His son Dipesh Raj Giri got married in a private family function. A few close friends and families were invited to the wedding.

Well known actor of the past, Krishna Malla, and his wife, also a well known actress of the past, Sharmila Malla also got a daughter-in-law this week. Their only child Sakriya Malla got married in a private function. A number of film industry personalities were invited in the reception party held after the marriage.
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MaHa comedy – London Airport Part 2 (Just description)

Comedy – London Airport 2 (I have named it myself)
Starring – Madan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bamsha Acharya
Director – MaHa

This comedy was shown on stage at Pokhara Literature Festival being held in Pokhara on January 28, 2017). The same two characters of the original ‘London Airport’ – a play they did some two decades ago.

Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bamsha Acharya presented very funny comedy in the literature festival being held in Pokhara. In the show, Madha Krishna was featured as a foreigner tourist and Hari Bamsha was featured as a Nepali guy.
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Heart touching love story of Hari Bamsha towards his wife Ramila

It has been about four and a half years since Hari Bamsha Acharya and Ramila Pathak have married. Both Hari Bamsha Acharya and Ramila’s life partners had died before. It has been 15 years since Ramila’s previous husband had died of brain haemorrhage. Hari Bamsha’s previous wife, Meera Acharya had died in 2011.

A video on what Hari Bamsha says about his love to his previous wife and the current wife.

Who is Hari Bamsha Acharya ?

A comedy actor Hari Bamsha Acharya is also a writer and a social activists. One of the MaHa duo, Acharya has written his autobiography ‘China Harayeko Manchhe’ which became on of the best selling book in Nepal. He is currently writing script of a movie and a novel. The novel is told to be in its final stage of publishing.
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Dashain 2016 – Dashain Tika photos (Update with videos)

UPDATE: Dashain has finished today. I collected 100s of photos of celebrities. But, posting them in the page would not be that much interesting to the most of the site visitors. So, I collected the photos of 40+ Nepali actress celebrating Dashain this year and prepared a video (I deleted the video – nobody watched it).

I also prepared a video about the fist Dashain of two Miss Nepal sons. In addition to the sons of Jharana Bajracharya and Malvika Subba, the daughter of actress Richa Ghimire also celebrated her Dashain for the first time in her life.

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Arranged marriage – Hari Bamsha son Mohit Bamsha Acharya engaged to Bindu Thapa

In the past, most of the marriages used to be arranged by the parents and relatives. But, in the current time, it is a common practice for the the guys and girls to select their own partners for marriage. Despite of this new trend, there are still marriages that are arranged by the parents and the relative. One such marriage is in making in the popular comedian Hari Bamsha Acharya’s home. His younger son Mohit Bamsha Acharya was engaged to Bindu Thapa in a ceremony held on October 1, 2016 in a resort in Dhulikhel.

Video report:

The engagement between 27 years old Mohit Bamsha Acharya and 24-years old Bindu Thapa was held in Mirabel Resort and Hotel in Dhulikhel among the families of the two parties and their close friends.
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Maha Comedy – Lal Purja (only details)

Maha Comedy – Lal Purja
StarringHari Bamsha Acharya, Madan Krishna Shrestha, Kiran KC, Sabitri Sharma, Sabita Gurung, Sushila Dahal, Narendra Kansakar, Surendra KC etc.
Director – MaHa

Full comedy movie in three part :

About ‘Lalpurja’

The comedy telefilm is written and directed by MaHa. The movie was telecasted in Nepal Television in 2052 BS. At around 8 minutes in the telefilm an earthquake causes the collapse of the house of Hari Bamsha. The comedy is about the relationship between the owner of property and the one who uses it on lease. The comedy is about the government policy that has caused hardship to the land owners in Nepal.

The assistant directors of the movie are Kiran KC, Narendra Kansakar and Prayas Mool. The cinematographer is Gauri Shankar Dhunju. Guest artists in the comedy film are Rajaram Poudel, Nirmal Khadka and Riddhi Bahadur Bajracharya.

MaHa comedy – Kantipur

MaHa comedy – Kantipur
StarringMadan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bamsha Acharya, Jitendramahat Abhilashi, Kiran KC, Surendra KC, Nilkaji Shakya, Uma Gurng, Nilkaji Shakya, Sabita Gurung, Narendra Kansakar etc.
Director – MaHa

Watch the full comedy ‘Kantipur’ in three parts:
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Credit – MaHa Sanchar

About MaHa Comedy ‘Kantipur’

The comedy serial, ‘Kantipur’ is written, directed by MaHa. The story, script, dialogue is jointly written by Madan Krishna and Haribamsha. The child artist in the serial is Bikal Malla. Actors Saroj Khanal and Mausami Malla are the guest artists of the comedy telefilm. The telefilm was produced by MaHa Sanchar in BS 2064.

The comedy video was made to create awareness on the cleanliness of a Kathmandu city. In the serial, Madan Krishna is featured as the god of death, Yama Raj.

Viewers Comments on ‘Kantipur’

Thank you ever so much about time we needed a secluded channel just for the wonders and magic they’ve created. so grateful i love you maha jodi thanks for making my childhood. (by Saya Gurung).

Best and evergreen comedy serial. (by Hari Pageni)

Brings back the childhood memories and those days of the past. Thank you MaHa. (by sunita karki)

Recent 10 MaHa comedies:

Maha Comedy – Lal Purja (only details)
MaHa, Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bamsha Acharya biography and movies
MaHa Comedy – Dr. Sunita
MaHa Comedy – Abhinandan
MaHa Comedy – Syabaas (All 6 Episodes)
What do Nepali artists say about the first International Yoga Day
MaHa celebrated Dashain in USA
MaHa Jatra 2071 starting on May 9
MaHa to continue their MaHa Yatra in UK at the end of April
Nepali Comedy – Tikeko Teen Mantra

Holi 2015, Photos of Nepali Film artists

We have collected some of the photos of Nepali film artists celebrating the Falgu Purnima (Holi) on March 5, 2015. The festival of color involves the use of different color powders, water and fun.

A video report is not available now, but here are photos of the celebration:

Holi celebration actually started a day earlier in the Filmy Holi program organized by Gopi Krishna Movies when they announced a new movie ‘Thamel dot com’. The celebration today is more colorful and fun-filled. Enjoy the photos of actors and actresses enjoying the festival of color.

Keki Adhikari, Priyanka Karki and Rekha Thapa (L to R) pose after applying the colors on each others.

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MaHa Jatra 2071 starting on May 9

On Wednesday, May 7 a press meet was organized at Briks Café in Kupondole, Lalitpur to inform about MaHa Jatra 2071. The stage show of the popular comedy duo Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya is being organized after a long time.

In the press meet Rajaram Poudel and Kiran KC had proposed to term the duo the ‘Hasya Samrat’. In response, Haribansha told that they were content with the title ‘MaHa’ for now. He also told that it was Rajaram who had first called them MaHa during the stage show ‘Bigyapan’. After that, the duo is known as MaHa – a word meaning honey in Nepali.

Press Meet video:

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5 star movie theater inaugurated by MaHa and Nisha Adhikari

A luxurious movie theater has started its operation in Kathmandu.  The theater located in Civil Trade Center (CTC) in Sundhara, Cine-De-Safe, features luxurious seating arrangement and restaurants. Chinese, Thai and Indian Continental foods are served to the movie goers. It features breakfast, lunch and dinner for the movie viewers. The theater runs a five-star kitchen to serve it’s guests.

Out of the two theaters in CCT mall’s seventh and eighth floors, one is cine dine and another cine. Cine dine theater has 58 luxury sofas. The sofas can be folded up to 180 degrees and they also feature message while being seated. There are tables to serve foods to the viewers. Individual lights are also provided in each table for the ease in eating while watching movies.

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MaHa to continue their MaHa Yatra in UK at the end of April

After successful tour to USA and Australia the team led by MaHa is going to the UK as a part of MaHa Yatra. On the occasion of the Nepali New year, comedians Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya (MaHa) are going to entertain Nepali Britons later this month.

Photo – MaHa jodi during MaHa Yatra in Australia.

With MaHa jodi, singers Anju Pant, comedian Narendra Kansakar and entertainer Mohit Acharya will also perform in the same stage. The artists are scheduled to arrive in London on April 24 and are returning back to Nepal on May 6.

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Khokro Sarangi of Hari Bansha Acharya released

Comedy actor Hari Bansha Acharya knows how to make his creations hit. After the huge success of his autobiography, a music video he has released on April 11, 2014 is expected to be equally successful.

The music video titled ‘Khokro Sarangi’ is written and voiced by Hari Bansha Acharya. The music is composed by Premraja Mahat. The music video features Hari Bansha, Rubin Gandarva, Laxyata Kusing and others.

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MaHa Australia Tour, MaHaYatra 2014 to start on January 18

The MaHa duo, Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya and other artists are going to perform in various cities of Australia under a tour titled MaHaYatra 2014.

The artists comprising of MaHa, Kiran KC, Basundhara Bhusal, Narendra Kansarkar, Shiva Hari Poudel, Kunti Moktan and Mohit Bamsha Acharya (Haribansha’s son) will also be in the MaHaYatra tour.

The artists are scheduled to reach Australia on January 16. The tour will start from the Australian city Perth on January 18 and will conclude in Sydney on February 2. The events will be conducted in the major cities like Perth, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Alidade, and Sydney.

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