Dashain 2020: Nepali Celebrities Dashain

I have been sharing photos of Nepali celebrities celebrating Dashain for the last few years. Here are some of the photos of the 2020 edition of the biggest festival in Nepal. This list contains Dashain photos of the celebrities of Nepali film industry.

Two video reports on the celebration of 2020 Dashain:
Video 1 – Celebraties Dashain Tika

Video 2 – Prime Minister and President offer Dashain Tika and Dashain wishes

Jharana Thapa with her husband Sunil Kumar Thapa and daughter Suhana Thapa
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Dashain 2017 photo highlights, Rajesh Hamal, Karishma, Rekha, Jharana and everybody eles

A little late but, I have kept up with the tradition of sharing Dashain photos of Nepali celebrities. Highlights of this year’s dashain starting with Bhuwn KC offering tika to Anmol KC :

Prachanda celebrated Dashain after 22 years. (Read more here) That was not all, his party also joined with CPN UML to participate in the election. It all sums up to his desire to get into power by giving up his hardcore stance.

Karishma’s daughter, Kabita Manandhar, was in Nepal for Dashain from USA. Actress Jharana Thapa’s daughter Suhani had also arrived in Nepal from the USA. Actress Priyanka Karki celebrated dashain with her sweetheart, Ayushman Desraj Shrestha. While Ayushman celebrated with Priyanka, his ex-girlfriend Paramita RL Rana celebrated Dashain alone.   Continue reading

After 22 years, Prachanda celebrated Dashain, why?

The CPN Maoist chief, Puspa Kamal Dahal, Prachanda celebrated Dashain for the first time in 22 years. He took Dashain tika in his residence in Lazimpat. He also offered tika to his wife, Sita Dahal. Sita offered tika to her children, grand children and other relatives. According to the son of Prachanda, Prakash Dahal, Prachanda took tika from his mother’s maternal uncle.

Prakash wrote in his Facebook – “More than a religious festival, Dashain is an opportunity to meet the relatives, social gathering.” He adds, “We respect Dashain as much as we respect religion.”

Like the previous years, Prachanda however didn’t offer tika to anybody else expect his wife, Sita Dahal. Prakash said, “Like previous years, dad didn’t offer us the tika. We took tika from the mom’s hand. In the previous Dashain, we used to take tika from mom.”

Why now, what changed Prachanda?

Prachanda used to advocate against Dasain festival being a religious event, not good for the low income and low caste Nepali people. After starting civil war and making himself one of the most powerful person in the country, he has changed his stance on the celebration. Why is that? Why did Prachanda back up after more than two decades of not celebrating Dashain?
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Dashain 2016 – Dashain Tika photos (Update with videos)

UPDATE: Dashain has finished today. I collected 100s of photos of celebrities. But, posting them in the page would not be that much interesting to the most of the site visitors. So, I collected the photos of 40+ Nepali actress celebrating Dashain this year and prepared a video (I deleted the video – nobody watched it).

I also prepared a video about the fist Dashain of two Miss Nepal sons. In addition to the sons of Jharana Bajracharya and Malvika Subba, the daughter of actress Richa Ghimire also celebrated her Dashain for the first time in her life.

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Happy Dashain 2016, Celebrity Dashain plans (video)

Dashain 2016 has already started on October 1, 2016. Although the schools and colleges have already closed for the festivals, the job holders have to wait a couple of days, until Friday for the holidays to start. Saturday – October 8 is Fulpati the seventh day of Dashain. After Fulpati, most of the offices will be closed till October 12, the last day of Dashain.

Being the biggest festival with longest holidays, Dashain is one of the most important festivals in Nepal. One of the most important aspect of the festival is swinging in different types of swings. Another important part is food and fighting kites (in Kathmandu). People make Dashain plans quite ahead of the festival. As an example, I have prepared a report on the plans of Nepali actresses Karishma Manandhar, Jharana Thapa, Sanchita Luitel, Neeta Dhungana, Rajani KC, Anu Shah and Mahima Silwal.

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Jiya KC deleted Bhuwan KC from Dashain Tika photo

Like other actor and actresses, actress Jiya KC also shared her Dashain photo in Facebook. But, unlike other photos, Jiya’s was a bit different. Jiya had ruthlessly cropped away the face of the person who was offering her Dashain Tika.  The photo looks odd as a small portion of the hand is seen on the forehead of smiling Jiya. That is not how one shares Dashain photos (see celebrities photos of Dashain 2015):

It is no secret that Jiya is having an affair with actor Bhuwan KC and the person offering Tika is Bhuwan. The following photo can be used as the reference for the location and the identity.

I believe, this is another proof that the sexy image Jiya had created for herself still haunts the relationship between Bhuwan and Jiya. I had written a detail report on this issue a couple of months ago based on them being together during the shooting of ‘Dreams’. In their time together in beautiful locations in Mustang and Pokhara, they had shared photos at the same locations, separately.

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Why did Rajesh Hamal take Dashain tika on the next day

The biggest festival in Nepal, Dashain, is celebrated for a long time. Navaratri starts on Ghatasthapana and runs for nine days to Dashain Tika. Tika also extends to 5 more days to visit places and receive Dashain Tika. Because of this flexibility, actor Rajesh Hamal waits a day before he starts taking Dashain Tika. That is because his mother had died on Dashain Tika and he performs the traditional Hindu rituals on the day, Shradha, and don’t take tika.

Video Report:

Although, some people believe that, one can take Tika after the traditional rituals, Rajesh prefers to wait a day to take Tika.

In the past years, Rajesh used to go to the USA to celebrate Dashain and Tihar with his sisters. This year, because of NRN conference in Kathmandu his sister and her husband, Khagendra Chhetri, were in Kathmandu. He received tika from Khagendra and his mother’s maternal aunt.

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Nepali Artists Dashain in foreign countires

UPDATE: Rishi Dhamal’s Dashain in Canada and Ratan Subedi’s Dashain in Australia (at the end of this post).

Wherever people go, they take their culture with them. Nepali people are no exception. Nepal people all over the world celebrated Dashain Tika on October 22, 2015. I shared some photos of Nepali artists celebrating Dashain in my previous post. Now, it is time to share photos of Dashain celebration in places out of Nepal. Although, every Nepali have celebrated Dashain, I will only share photos of Nepali artists. This post will be updated if I find more artists celebrating Dashain in countries other than Nepal.

Prakriti Shrestha, Nepali actress in Australia

Nepali actress Prakriti Shrestha had gone to Australia after marrying Sudeep Neupane in July of 2014. The ‘Hostel’ actress was considered one of the new actresses with a lot of potential in Nepali film industry. But, Prakriti quietly married and left the country. (Watch ‘Hostel’ here)

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Dashain celebration of Nepali celebrities (2015)

We have been sharing the celebration of the Dashain festival by Nepali celebration for the last few years. This is the continuation of the tradition of sharing the celebration of the biggest festival in Nepal. If you want , you can refer the past photos of the clecbration of Dashain by clicking in the links below.

Actress Keki Adhikari has shared the following photo of her Dashain Tika on October 22:

The actress of the movie in theater ‘Sushree’, actress Surabina Karki has shared a photo with her mother after Dashain Tika:

Model Aditi Budhathoki has shared a photo of herself with her parents.

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MaHa celebrated Dashain in USA

Currently in the USA MaHa, Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bamsha Acharya celebrated Dashain festival in the USA. They are currently in US tour with other comedy artists like Shiva Hari Poudel, Kiran KC, Basundhara Bhusal and others.

Both Madan Krishna and Hari Bansha’s sons Yaman Shrestha and Mohit Bansha Acharya respectively are together in the tour for the first time in their career. Madan Krishna’s son Yaman is a good comedy singer and Mohit prefers acting.

Hari Bansha Acharya and Ramila Acharya offerd tika to son Mohit Bansha Acharya.

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Dashain celebration of Nepali artists, celebrities

Dashain is the biggest festival in Nepal. The festival is known for meeting family members, eating, playing and enjoying.

A lot of Nepali are working in foreign land and they can’t go back home in the festival, so some Nepali artists have gone to the foreign lands to make the foreign bound Nepali at home. Our friends at Nepaliactress.com have compiled a list of artist currently participating in various cultural programs abroad. Those celebrities had sacrificed their own festive needs for the entertainment of other fellow Nepali living abroad.

Today, we have compiled some pictorial presentation of Nepali artists celebrating the festival.

Actress Keki Adhikari also celebrated Dashain with her family:

The top actress in Nepali movie industry Rekha Thapa has celebrated Dashain with her ex-husband and the executive producer of ‘Kali‘, Chhabi Raj Ojha and the lead actor of ‘Kali’ Kishor Khatiwada.

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Dashain Tika of Nepali celebrities, artists

Today is the main day of the biggest festival in Nepal, Vijaya Dashami. Dashain Tika starts on October 24 and ends on October 29, Purnima.

On the day, people visit their elders to get auspicious tika , jamara and best wishes from them. Here are photos of some of the artists in Nepali entertainment industry:

Miss Nepal 2012 Shristi Shrestha:

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First Dashain of the son of Nikhil and Sanchita

Nikhil Upreti and Sanchita Luitel celebrated their Dashain with their newborn child. The child born on Krishna Janmastami is celebrating his first Dashain.

It is not known if Nikhil offered tika to his elder son – with his other wife, Kopila Upreti.

Photos of Dashain celebrations by other Ne
pali Movie Industry personalities are posted in our movie blog.