Nepali Movie – Tori Lahure

tori lahureNepali Movie – Tori Lahure
StarringSubash Thapa, Gajit Bista, Rohit Rumba, Samuna KC, Ashishma Nakarmi, Surya Thokar, Dinesh DC, Sushil Pokharel etc.
DirectorNB Maharjan

About ‘Tori Lahure’

The Nepali movie ‘Tori Lahure’ is a presenation of Haridham Dilip Films by Dil Kumar Tamang. The movie features the choreography of Ghambir Bista, action of Shankar Maharjan, music of Santosh Raaj and Ganesh Chaudhary, editing of Surendra Poudel, cinematography of Niraj Kandel, script of Krishna Acharya. The movie also marks the debut of the well known fight-director NB Maharjan as a full director of a feature movie.

Watch ‘Tori Lahure’ full movie,

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Nepali Movie – Chankhe Shankhe Pankhe

chankhe shankhe pankhe nepali movieNepali Movie – Chankhe Shankhe Pankhe
StarringSubash Thapa, Sudarshan Thapa, Pooja Sharma, Nandita KC, Rajaram Poudel, Ramchandra Adhikari, Rabindra Khadka etc.
Director – Sudarshan Thapa

The Nepali movie ‘Chankhe Shankha Pankhe’ was released in theater on September 25, 2015. The movie featuring Sudarshan Thapa in leading role is also produced and directed by himself with producer Santosh Sen Thakuri. The movie was previously scheduled to release on May 15. But, because of April 25 earthquake, the release date was postponed. The movie was highly promoted in various avenues including some Indian websites.

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Ko Afno to release with Karishma Manandhar film Fagu on Feb 19

In a program held at CTC Mall on January 20, 2016, the trailer of upcoming movie, ‘Ko Afno’ was released and the the release date was announced. The movie produced and directed by Anil Thapa is releasing on the the date  Karishma Manandhar‘s production comeback movie ‘Fagu’ is being released.

Video report of the event:

In ‘Ko Afno’ the lead actress Richa Sharma is featured in unconventional non-glamorous appearance. In the launch program, Richa told that the movie is a combination of artistic and commercial contents.

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Nepali Movie – Birkhelai Chinchhas

Nepali Movie – Birkhelai Chinchhas
StarringSubash Thapa, Binita Khadka, Aayusha Rai etc.
Director – Araaj Keshav Giri

The movie ‘Birkhelai Chanchhas’ is a movie written and produced by the lead actor Subash Rai. The movie ‘Birkhelai Chanchhas’ was released on September 5, 2014. The movie was liked by the viewers and was a hit movie. The child artist in the movie is Ananya Bhusan Parajuli. Special appearances of actors Nirmal Sharma, Luniva Tuladhar, and Surbir Pandit. Both Binita Khadka and Aayusha Rai are the new faces in the movie. We had selected the title song of the the movie one of the top 5 songs of the year 2070BS.
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Nepali Movie – Vigilante

Nepali Movie – Vigilante
Starring – Raj Ghimire, Priyanka Karki, Subash Thapa, Menuka Pradhan, Dipsikha Shahi, Arjun Gurung etc.
Director – Dipendra K Khanal

The first 3D movie in the Nepali film industry, Nepali movie ‘Vigilante’ is a presentation of Ashma Films. The movis is directed by the director of hit movie ‘Chapali Height’ (watch ‘Chapali Height’ here).

The thriller movie features the screenplay of Shan Basnyat, cinematography of Purushottam Pradhan.  We had written the review of the movie – read the review of ‘Vigilante’ here. Our recommendation in the review was to keep the expectation low while watching the movie.

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Nepali movie – Tathastu

Nepali movie – Tathastu
StarringRekha Thapa, Kishor Khatiwoda, Subash Thapa, Bigyan Joshi, Siru Bista, Ramesh Adhikari, Bhabu Lamsal, Khusbu Khadka etc.
DirectorShabir Shrestha

The Nepali movie ‘Tathastu’ featuring actress Rekha with Kishor was highly publicized as a female centric movie. The movie by Kites entertainment was rated ‘U’ by the Censor Board of Nepal and was released on January 9, 2015. The movie was one of the commercial successes of the year 2071.

Please read the review of ‘Tathastu’ here.

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Namrata Shrestha and Aryan Sigdel to be blind in Classic

The actors of the successful movie of 2071 BS, ‘November Rain’ are being repeated in the movie by the same team, ‘Classic’. The cast and the crew of the movie was officially announced on the last day of 2071. The movie to be produced jointly by actor Aryan Sigdel and Subash Giri will be directed by Dinesh Raut. Actress Namrata Shrestha will be featured opposite to Aryan.

‘Classic’ is being made on the story of Chetan Gurung and music of Taraprakash Limbu. Rajesh Shrestha will be the cinematographer, Himal KC will be fight director, the choreography of Nitin Chand and editing of Surendra Poudel. Kamal Giri is the executive producer of the movie. In the announcement ceremony the director Dinesh Raut told that he movie will be a musical love story. He also told that the movie will also help the blind children. According to report, most of the characters in the movie will have blind and Aryan and Namrata will also be featured as blind people in most of the movie. With Aryan and Namrata other actors in the movie include Shishir Rana, Samuna KC, Prajwal Giri, Sunil Rawal, Sushil Kafle and Pal Shah.

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Chankhe Shankhe Pankhe to release on May 15, premier in Bahrain

The production team of ‘Chankhe Shankhe Pankhe’ have announced the release date of the movie for Jestha 1 (May 15, 2015).

Before the release in Nepal, the team will take the movie to premier in Bahrain on April 17. In addition to that, a charity show of the movie will also be held in Syangja.

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Friday release, Ichchha

This Friday on Februray 20, 2015 only one Nepali movie, ‘Ichhya’ (or ‘Ichchha’ as shown in the poster) is releasing in theater. Before the final release in theater, the movie was premiered on Sunday evening in F Cube multiplex. The film crew and journalists were invited to the premier show.

The movie directed by Munal Ghimire is made under the banner PLM Films named after its three producers Nabin Shrestha, Laxman Poudel and Prakash Ghimire.  The movie features Dayahang Rai, Subash Thapa, Dipsikha Shahi, Om Pratik, Deshbhakta Khanal, Aakash Pal, Ayushma Karki, and Rashmi Bhatta in main roles. The movie is made on a social story about marriage. The movie tries to give a message that marriage should not be forced upon the youngsters.

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Tathastu, film review

‘Tathastu’ Details

Nepali film – Tathastu
StarringRekha Thapa, Kishor Khatiwada, Subash Thapa etc.
DirectorShabir Shrestha 
Release date – January 09, 2015
Gerne – Action, thriller

Tathastu Plot

Nepali film ‘Tathastu’ is about Basanti who is abused by her husband. The film about domestic violence and marital rape is a story of a typical Nepali woman abused by her husband. Basanti’s husband, Kamal, is an influential political figure. Kamal sexually abuses Basanti before marriage and it continues after the marriage. When things become intolerable, Basanti fakes death and runs away to her village.

When Kamal knew that Basanti is alive, he brings her back. The movie ‘Tathastu’ is about the fight of Bananti against her abusing husband.

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Friday release, Sorry La and Euta Sathi

This week, two new movies ‘Sorry La’  and ‘Euta Sathi’ were released in theater all over Nepal on November 7, 2014.

‘Sorry La’ 

The movie by director Rishi Lamichane features Rajan Khatiwada, Subash Thapa, Anita Acharya, Roshan Maharjan, Martin Khan etc. in main role. The story of the love story movie is written by Anju KC.

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Special show of Sorry La held in Kathmandu

A special show of the movie scheduled to release on this Friday, ‘Sorry La’ was held in Big Movies, Kathmandu among film personalities and journalists. A presentation of Anju KC and production of Krishna Maharjan Das, ‘Sorry La’ is directed by Rishi Lamichane.

The movie features Subash Thapa, Rajan Sedhai, Anita Acharya, and Martin Khan in main roles. A well known model Anita is debuting in Nepali movie in this movie. The movie is made on the story of love affair in social network and its result.

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Tathashtu shooting starts, Rekha Thapa to lead

The shooting of upcoming movie of Shabir Shrestha, ‘Tathastu’ has started in MaHa Studio in Budhanilakantha. The movie is featuring actress Rekha Thapa in leading role. With Rekha, Kishor Khatiwada, Subash Thapa and Bigyan Joshi (new face) are going to be featured in leading roles in the movie. Shabir had announced the movie earlier this year.

Shabir Shrestha had worked in Rekha Films movies like ‘Kasle Choryo Mero Man’  and ‘Kali‘. This time, Shabir is producing ‘Tathashtu’ himself. The movie features the action of Roshan Shrestha, choreography of Ramji Lamichane and Kabiraj Gahatraj. Basanta Sapkota is the music composer, Babu Shrestha is behind camera, and Jagadishowr Thapa has written the script.

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Rajesh Hamal proved his talent in Court Martial, it earned record breaking 15 lakhs in 32 days

At the time when movies haven’t been able to recover their investments and a theater play has managed to earn 15 lakh in 32 days. The play titled ‘Court Martial’ is directed by Anup Baral and the main actor of the play is the superstar of Nepali movies, . The play also features the well known actors like Dayahang Rai, Subash Thapa and Diya Maskey.


It it believed that the paly ‘Court Martial’ has created the foundation of the professional theater in Nepal. The earning of the play is a record breaking amount. Although it was the debut play of Hamal, he has proved his acting talent in it.

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Nepali Movie – Facebook

Nepali Movie – Facebook
StarringJharana Thapa, Wilson Bikram Rai, ,Sotantra Pratab Rana, Sunil Thapa, Subash Thapa etc.
DirectorSuraj Subba ‘Nalbo’

The movie ‘Facebook’ is Jharana Thapa and her husband Sunil Kumar Thapa’s home production movie, presented by Jharana Thapa.

We had reviewed the movie – read the review of ‘Facebook’. To know about the technical details of the movie, a pre-release review of ‘Facebook’ was also posted.

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