Threat to Prachanda from his ex-friend Biplav, going to USA for wife’s treatment

It is suspected that Prachanda has decided to leave the country after he was warned about the possible threat from his own friend of past – Biplav. Prachanda told about the threat in a public event and told that that was not going to help his friend who had worked as his secretary during the people’s war.

When CPN Maoist decided to go to election and form government, a faction of the party had separated itself from the party and formed another party under the leadership of Biplav. The party is now trying to re-do what Prachanda did decades ago. They are trying to create problem to the government and re-orginize the party.

Talking in an event, Prachanda warned Biplav not to try being Prachanda. He suggested them to do something different to fulfil their demands.
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All the Cabinets and Ministers after the declaration of the Constitution of Nepal, 2015

Right after the declaration of the Constitution of Nepal, the prime minister at that time, Sushil Koirala resigned to give way for the formation of a new government. This post lists all the ministers appointed after the declaration of the new constitution. The historical record of all the cabinets before the Constitution of Nepal 2015 will be listed at the end of this post.

Khadga Prasad Oli Cabinet (2015)

Date formed 12 October 2015
Date dissolved 4 August 2016

Head of state
– Ram Baran Yadav (until 29 October 2015)
– Bidhya Devi Bhandari (from 29 October 2015)
Head of government – Khadga Prasad Oli
Member party
– Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist) (Major)
– Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) (Major)
– Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Major)
– Madhesi Jana Adhikar Forum, Nepal (Minor)
– Bahujan Samajwadi Party (Minor)
– Rastriya Janamorcha (Minor)
– Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist–Leninist) (2002) (Minor)
– Nepal Loktantrik Forum (Minor)

Right after the declaration of the Nepalese Constitution, and after Sushil Koirala stepped down as the Prime Minister of Nepal, Khadga Prasad Oli was elected the new Prime Minister of Nepal on 12 October 2015. Oli was supported by the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and several smaller parties. Khadga Prasad Oli government’s main agenda was to hold election.
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Historic – What is in UML and Maoist party unification document? Maoism scrapped

What is in the unification document of CPN Maoist and CPN UML ?

CPN UML and CPN Maoist unification document was signed by
Prachanda (Puspa Kamal Dahal) and KP Oli. In addition to the party chiefs, Jhala Nath Khanal, Madhav Kumar Nepal, Bamdev Gautam and Ishwor Pokharel from UML signed the document. From CPN Maoist Center, Prachanda, Narayan Kaji Shrestha and Ram Bahadur Thapa had signed it. The agreement document states that two parties will be collectively called Communist Party of Nepal. They will have the Marxist-Leninist sub-title.

Video report:

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Prachanda could’t save them, in the time of peace

The CPN Maoist supremo, Prachanda, is the father of three daughters and a son. He has lost half of his children in the span of 4 years.

Throughout the 10 years and 9 months long people’s war a lot of people died. Reports say that more than 19,000 people had died collectively in Maoist side and the government side. In such a crisis situation, the commander of the rebel army, Prachanda had managed to save himself and his family. Now, when the war ended and everything is going on smoothly, he has lost half of his children to the medical conditions that he can’t control. He had lost a daughter to cancer and the son to heart problem.

Dahal’s only son Prakash Dahal had died on November 19, 2017 at the age of 38. According to the hospital source he had died at around 3 AM while sleeping in his residence in Lazimpat. He was discovered at 5 AM and was rushed to the hospital.

4 years ago, Prachanda had lost his eldest daughter, Gyanu KC because of breast cancer. The 40-years-old KC died on March 27, 2014 while undergoing treatment.

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Prakash Dahal Biography, wives and sons

Although the death of Prakash Dahal, the son of Prachanda ,is confirmed by different sources, it is not officially announced. Prachand’s long time associate, Dr. Baburam Bhattarai has also confirmed the death and has sent his condolences through social media.

Why the delay in official announcement?

The hospital hasn’t officially announced the death of Prakash Dahal. But, everybody else including the family have confirmed the death. Prachanda has taken a helicopter to return back to Kathmandu from Jhapa where he was in the election campaign. The official announcement of the death is expected after Prachanda arrives at the hospital.

Why Prakash didn’t go with his father to Jhapa?

Prakash has been assisting his father in most of his works for a long time. He used to be with his father most of the time. On the day before his death, he was helping his father in election campaign in Chitwan. On Saturday, Prachanda had to go to Jhapa to address the mass meeting there. He had asked his son to go with him but, Prakash told that he wasn’t feeling well. He decided to go to Kathmandu to take rest instead.
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After 22 years, Prachanda celebrated Dashain, why?

The CPN Maoist chief, Puspa Kamal Dahal, Prachanda celebrated Dashain for the first time in 22 years. He took Dashain tika in his residence in Lazimpat. He also offered tika to his wife, Sita Dahal. Sita offered tika to her children, grand children and other relatives. According to the son of Prachanda, Prakash Dahal, Prachanda took tika from his mother’s maternal uncle.

Prakash wrote in his Facebook – “More than a religious festival, Dashain is an opportunity to meet the relatives, social gathering.” He adds, “We respect Dashain as much as we respect religion.”

Like the previous years, Prachanda however didn’t offer tika to anybody else expect his wife, Sita Dahal. Prakash said, “Like previous years, dad didn’t offer us the tika. We took tika from the mom’s hand. In the previous Dashain, we used to take tika from mom.”

Why now, what changed Prachanda?

Prachanda used to advocate against Dasain festival being a religious event, not good for the low income and low caste Nepali people. After starting civil war and making himself one of the most powerful person in the country, he has changed his stance on the celebration. Why is that? Why did Prachanda back up after more than two decades of not celebrating Dashain?
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Bhimdutt special show in Kathmandu, Prachanda, Vaidya, Deuba watched

A special screening of a movie made on a historical personality, ‘Bhimdutt’ was conducted in Kumari theater in Kathmandu on May 29, 2014. Before screening in Kathmandu, the movie was screened in USA, Hong Kong and Dadeldhura, the birth place of Bhimdutt.

Video: Review of Prachanda, Vaidya, Deuba, Bhuwan Chand and Basundhara Bhusal:

Photo – Nisha Adhikari and Sumina Ghimire watch ‘Bhimdutt’ with Sher Bahadur, Mohan Vaidya and Prachanda at Kumari theater. (photo credit Nisha)

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International media talk Prachanda's new residence

We had previously talked about people’s leader, CPN Maoist Chairman, Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s move to a lavish residence. The ownership or the lease amount hasn’t been confirmed yet and he has kept his mouth shut on the issue.

Now, Prachanda’s new residence has started attracting the attention of international media questioning his credibility as a lead
er of poor people.

UK newspaper The Telegraph has published an article titled "Nepali Maoist leader adopts millionaire’s lifestyle." The article mentions his role in overthrowing monarchy and his ultimate adoption of royal lifestyle.

The leader of Nepal’s ruling Maoists, who led the country’s downtrodden masses in the guerrilla war which eventually overthrew its monarchy, has provoked a row among his comrades after acquiring a luxury mansion with a swimming pool and badminton court.

Indian newspaper Indian Express published an article today titled "Prachanda moves into lavish house; media slams ‘red feudalism’ " in which the reporter writes: p>  Continue reading

Prachand's new residence – purchased for Rs. 103 mil. ?

It shouldn’t have been a big deal whether the Maoist Chairman , Prachanda, purchased or leased the new residence. Everybody needs a residence and a leader like Prachanda wouldn’t fit in a small house. At the same time, leaders needs to be transparent on everything they do and shouldn’t try to hide things specially related to financial dealings.

Prachanda’s son Prakash, in his Facebook post, told that the new residence is leased f
or Rs. 60,000 a month. The quoted lease amount is believed to be extremely cheap for such a building made on a land of three ropani. There was a rumor that the building wasn’t leased but purchased. A weekly newspaper, Sanghu, has published a details on the purchase of the building and asked Prachanda to be transparent on the financial dealings on the purchase of the new residence.

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Prachanda's new house / Everest Bank building / owned or leased ?

The CPN Maoist chairman Prachanad has moved to a new residence in Lazimpat from his earlier home of the last five and half years, in Naya Bazar.

Kantipur published a photo of a red brick house as Prachanda’s new house. But, Prachanda son, Prakash Dahal, has posted a facebook wall post, accusing the newspaper of publishing the building of Everest Bank as their home.

Although various media have told that the new residence is their own, Prakash said in his Facebook profile that the new house is also rented for a limited time. To the question about the rumor that the house was their own, Prakash replied:

The photo below is the actual residence of Prachanda (Photo credit – Nagarik).

In Nepalese context, it is not easy to believe in politicians. These days, it is even harder to believe the newspapers or media.

Talking about irresponsibility of Nepali media, Nepal Samacharpatra and Avenues TV published a "Research Based" news by researching a comedy article – saying that Bollywood actor Amitabh Bhachchan has Nepali roots. But, even after a lot of ridiculation, the media houses haven’t felt the need to clarify their news.

Let’s hope, Nepali newspaper will act a
bit more matured in the future and we we will always be told the truth!

Father of Puspa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda) died

2017 Update: Prachanda’s son, Prakash Dahal has also died on November 19, 2017. In the mean time, Prachanda has also lost a daughter to cancer. I have prepared a video report on the death of his immediate family members in the time of peace.

The response to the death of Prakash is mixed. A lot of people who had been affected by the Maoist civil war have told that, Prachanda is punished for is bad deeds. Others believe that the deceased soul shouldn’t be debated on and we should wish it to rest in peace. But, people’s thoughts and beliefs can’t be changed easily. So, I believe it is good to have our own views but, we can’t instruct others on behaving according to our choice. As long as it is not illegal and punishable, people should be free to express their opinion.

Original post continues:

After being seriously ill for some time, the father of ex-prime minister and chairman of UNCP (Maoist), Puspa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda), Mukti Ram Dahal, has died on October 8, 2011. Mukti Nath Dahal was 84 years old. Muktinath’s wife and Prachanda’s mother, Bhawani Dahal, had died of cancer in 1995.

Our heartfelt condolence to the deceased soul and sympathy to the mourning Dahal family.

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Prachanda Stotra

We used to read a lot of such poems in the past. In the ancient time, the gods used to be worshipped by reciting/singing the poem (like the one worshiping Bagalamukhi). We still use them to worship the gods. Some leaders might look like god to some poet and they might feel like worshiping in similar manner – like the poem below.

But, in later years, the kings used to be the subject of a lot of poems. Worshiping person is not something people prefer, unless they have some vested interest. In king’s time, the so called patriotic songs used to be full of pr
aises of the kings.

It is a matter of debate whether such poems should be written (or, promoted). The poem was posted by the son of Prachanda, Prakash Dahal, in his Facebook profile. Some of the comments had questioned the relevancy of the poem. 

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Khagendra proposed and kissed Rekha Thapa

Khagendra Thapa Magar, world’s shortest person (62 cm) is only 4.6 kg in weight. When somebody meets the 18-year-old guy, the person can not resist carrying him.  This time it was actress Rekha Thapa who carried and kissed Khagendra. Khagendra returned the favor with numerous kisses and a marriage proposal.

The light-weight little guy Khagendra Thapa Magar is being an object of admiration among political leaders and film actors these days. Khagendra is collecting funds but, it looks like the political leaders were more concerned with carrying him rather than supporting financially. In my last post PM Nepal was carrying him on his lap.

After that, every major political leaders were seen photographed carrying Khagendra. Here is a collection of photographs of different leaders meeting Khagendra.

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Prachanda dances while Rekha Thapa sings

CPN Maoist are protesting for “people’s supremacy” and their own supremacy in the government for the last few days. Yesterday, they were encircling Singh Durbar, the government headquarter. More than 100 thousand people were brought in Kathmandu for the event. One person died when a bus carrying the protestors to Kathmandu met with an accident. The protest was mostly peaceful except an incident of clash with the police at one location. The protestor were dancing on street as usual.


In yesterday’s event film artists were also present to support the protest. A rare sight – Maoist supreme Puspa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda) was dancing on a song “Lalu-pate nughyo bhui tira …” sung by one of the leading actress of Nepali movies, Rekha Thapa.

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