Celebrities and Gossips

These are the latest news about the celebrities, artists and gossips in the Nepali film industry

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Marriage problems in Nepali movie sector

UPDATE – 2016:
Simpal Khanal married a UK resident businessman of Pakistani origin. Rekha has legally divorced in August of 2016. Shayam Bhattarai has also gone to the USA (I don’t have any information if Shyam has met Ranjana Sharma there).

UPDATE: November 2014:

2012 – Actress Rekha Thapa ended her 10-years-long marriage by divorcing Chhabi Raj Ojha. Rekha is having affair with Sudarshan Gautam and Chhabi has high hopes to marry Shilpa Pokharel. (report of Rekha’s divorce, Chhabi talking about his interest on Shilpa Pokharel, and Sudarshan talking about marrying Rekha Thapa.)

2012 – Actress Priyanka Karki‘s marriage with Rochak Mainali didn’t last more that two years. The Miss Teen 2005 revealed about the divorce in 2013, after a year of the event (more about Rochak and Priyanka’s divorce).

2014 – Suleman Shankar (Iku) divorced his wife of 5 years Jaya KC (report on Iku’s divorce).

Saranga Shrestha – Saranga married a US citizen and divorced. She is currently married to a young Nepali guy, Ramesh, living in the USA. Saranga and Ramesh have a daughter.

** Original article continues**

Divorce in Nepali movie sector has become a common happening these days. Divorce brings in pain and problems and doesn’t come easy for both the parties involved. The traditional Nepali society has made it even worse in terms of setting a ‘bad example’ in the society.

Let’s analyze some of the high profile problems in marriages of the personalities of Nepali movie industry:

Bhuwan KC / Sushmita KC  – Bhuwan KC is known for his affairs with various ladies.  Bhuwan KC’s first marriage with Bijaya KC ended when Bijaya went to USA with their kids. Bhuwan found Sushmita KC as his second wife. That too didn’t lasted long and they ‘divorced’ until they reunited again after the release of “Ma Timi Bina Marihalchu”. But, they have divorced again. Bhuwan’s affair with Sharmila Dangol didn’t go far and he is living alone these days. We won’t be surprised if Bhuwan and Sushmita get together after the release of ‘Sathi Ma Timro’ as predicted by friends in Films Nepal. (update- they didn’t get together, but there is rumor that Bhuwan is having an affair with Jiya KC)


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RIP Sushila Rayamajhi

Actress Sushila Rayamajhi has lost the battle against cancer and died on on Thursday, January 26, 2012 in B and B Hospital, Gwarko. The dead body is being kept in Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj.

Sushila had married twice and has a daughter from one and two daughters from another marriage. Sushila was suffering from a cancer in her womb for the last few years.

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Nepal Banda photos – protest by student wings of parties including ruling party

As announced earlier, 13 student wings of nine different political parties, including the ruling party, have forced-close the Kathmandu valley on January 25. There are no vehicles on the street and the businesses are also closed. The only vehicles allowed on the road are press vehicle, ambulance, and vehicles of foreign embassies.

The youth organizations have announced that they won’t even sit in negotiation table until the government takes back the recent price hike. Here are some of the scenes seen in Kathmandu streets:

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Manisha Koirala caught dead drunk in a party

We haven’t heard much good news about Manisha Koirala these days. Her re-entry in Nepali movie wasn’t that effective and the marriage didn’t work either. She had been seeking inner peace by visiting various yoga camps and she still doesn’t seem to have gathered herself up, yet.

Manisha was caught in a very unpleasant drunken state at a newly opened restaurant. It was the opening ceremony of the new restaurant, Versova, owned and operated by her ex-boyfriend Prashant Chaudhari.

Dressed in black-grey dress, Manisha, wasn’t able to control herself and was escorted to her residence by her friends.

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Prachand's new residence – purchased for Rs. 103 mil. ?

It shouldn’t have been a big deal whether the Maoist Chairman , Prachanda, purchased or leased the new residence. Everybody needs a residence and a leader like Prachanda wouldn’t fit in a small house. At the same time, leaders needs to be transparent on everything they do and shouldn’t try to hide things specially related to financial dealings.

Prachanda’s son Prakash, in his Facebook post, told that the new residence is leased f
or Rs. 60,000 a month. The quoted lease amount is believed to be extremely cheap for such a building made on a land of three ropani. There was a rumor that the building wasn’t leased but purchased. A weekly newspaper, Sanghu, has published a details on the purchase of the building and asked Prachanda to be transparent on the financial dealings on the purchase of the new residence.

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Chapali Height – copy paste poster again!

The poster of Chapali Height released yesterday are copied from an Michael Douglas’s English movie Basic Instinct. It’s not only the poster, the name also has a similar design.

It’s not only the poster, the name of the movie is also inspired by the movie.

With these similarities, it’s anybody’s guess what the story should be like!

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Politics on the peak, CPN Maoist team preparing the Mt. Everest ascent

A team comprising of 11 mountaineers including the central committee member of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Krishna KC and Chairman Prachanda’s son Prakash Dahal have headed to climb 6,000 m high Langtang mountain. This climb is in preparation of climbing the Mount Everest.

After the intention to climb the world’s highest peak, party’s team had been practicing mountain climbing for the last few months. After the 20 days climbing training in Langtang, the team is ex
pected to climb Mt. Everest in this year’s season.

The Mt. Everest climbing team includes Krishna KC, Prakash Dahal, Yuvaraj Dulal, Bina Magar, Shivakumar Dangi, Mukunda Pokharel, Dinesh Shrestha, Ishu Bhatta, Madan Chudal and Maheshowr Phuyal.

Our best wishes for the team for the success of Langtang ascent and their ultimate Mt. Everest climbing!

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Best value Copy-Paste offer ?

Art students copy the arts of renowned artists to learn and understand the technique. Such a practice is not meant to steal  other’s creativity and say that it is their own creation.

After witnessing such unethical practices in Nepali movies, it is time other sectors also resort to stealing other’s creations. Shuphal Kafle of Ujyaalo 90 network has found that the popular Republica advertisement was in fact copied from the advertisement of a Ukraine based company Kiev Assist.

The advertisement of Nepali newspaper reads “Best value offer! perfect combination of information and & entertainment” instead of the original “KIEV ASSIST UKRAINE”. Does that mean, Republica offers the “best value” copy-paste offer?

I am not 100% sure that the photo was the Ukrainian website’s original creation. Similar types of photos are also available for purchase for the use in print and digital media and this photo might be one of them. Even in such cases, using such photos for it’s own advertisement shows the lack of maturity and dedication of the media house, as big as Republica.

Such a copy-paste practice is very common in Nepali movie industry. The posters of Nepali movies Premika, Ghamanda, Hifajat, K Yo Maya Ho, Tridev etc. were found to be exact copies of different Hollywood and Bollywood movies. It seems, other sectors are joining the copy-paste trend!

Miss Jyapu to be held on March 17

We already have various ethnic beauty contests like Miss Newa, Miss Gurung, Miss Sherpa, Miss Tamang and so on. It seems such ethnic contests haven’t been able to include all the sub-ethnic communities. That might be the reason Miss Jyapu is going to be organized soon. Jyapu is a small sub-community within Newa or Newar community, opting agriculture as their profession. By default, Miss Newa is supposed to include all the beauties from Jyapu community.

Miss Jyapu 2012 is going to be organized on March 17, 2012 (Chaitra 4. 2068 BS) and application for the beauties of age between 18 and 24 is open now. The particip
ants will be taught about the traditional agricultural practices and typical Newari tradition.

After Miss Jyapu (agriculture professionals) it seems, we will have more beauty contests like Miss Gubhaju (Newari Priests), Miss Shrestha (Merchants), Miss Pode (fishermen, sweepers), Miss Chyami (sweepers) and so on in the near future.

UPDATE: Miss Jyapu Beauty Pageant 2012 Registration Form

Prachanda's new house / Everest Bank building / owned or leased ?

The CPN Maoist chairman Prachanad has moved to a new residence in Lazimpat from his earlier home of the last five and half years, in Naya Bazar.

Kantipur published a photo of a red brick house as Prachanda’s new house. But, Prachanda son, Prakash Dahal, has posted a facebook wall post, accusing the newspaper of publishing the building of Everest Bank as their home.

Although various media have told that the new residence is their own, Prakash said in his Facebook profile that the new house is also rented for a limited time. To the question about the rumor that the house was their own, Prakash replied:

The photo below is the actual residence of Prachanda (Photo credit – Nagarik).

In Nepalese context, it is not easy to believe in politicians. These days, it is even harder to believe the newspapers or media.

Talking about irresponsibility of Nepali media, Nepal Samacharpatra and Avenues TV published a "Research Based" news by researching a comedy article – saying that Bollywood actor Amitabh Bhachchan has Nepali roots. But, even after a lot of ridiculation, the media houses haven’t felt the need to clarify their news.

Let’s hope, Nepali newspaper will act a
bit more matured in the future and we we will always be told the truth!

Loot – A Nepali movie review

Loot‘ is a Nepali movie. It doesn’t cater the Bollywood flavor. Although the concept of item songs comes from Bollywood, and Loot has made a full use of it, that hasn’t ruined the Nepaliness in the movie.

The item song ‘Udhreko Choli’ and it’s popularity has helped in the marketing of the movie. But, that is not the whole story.Simplicity in story, the style of story telling, better than average acting, no nonsense scenes in the movie are some of the positive aspects in ‘Loot’.

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Maghe Shakranti different moods and modes of celebrations

Maghe Shakranti is celebrated in various ways in different parts of Nepal. By default, it is about eating various delicacies and enjoying the day in the best way possible. Here are some of the highlights of this year’s celebrations.

The following dance party organized to mark Maghe Shakranti is in full swing (photo credits Dilli Limbu):

In the following photo a huge crowd in Taruka, Nuwakot is waiting to witness a bull fight (Photo credits – Janak Raj Bhatta).

Although bull fight, popular in France is reticulated for brutality and inhuman killing of bulls, the Nepali version of bullfight doesn’t involve any blood-shed and is fun for people. People from all over Nepal (specially from Kathmandu) come to enjoy the event.

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14th Earthquake Safety Day celebration highlights

Following photos are the highlights of the celebration of the 14th Earthquake Safety Day held on Jan 16, 2012 in Kathmandu. The Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Deputy Prime Minister & Home Minister Mr. Bijaykumar Gachhadar and other distinguished guests took part in in the 14th ESD National Meeting held in Jawalakhel, Lalitpur. In the program they also participated in an earthquake drill. Dr. Bhattarai also addressed the meet.

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Nepali Movie – K Yo Maya Ho?

Nepali Movie – K Yo Maya Ho?
Starring Aryan Sigdel, Sushma Karki,Arunima Lamsal, Saugat Malla, Anurag MS Kunwar, Nir Shah, Keshav Bhattarai, Rajaram Poudel etc.
Story / Screenplay / Dialogue – Niraj Vikram
Direction -  Sudarshan Thapa

The movie ‘K Yo Maya Ho’ is a presentation of Suresh Pahari.
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Earthquake Safety Day – 16 January

The 14th National Earthquake Safety Day is being marked by organizing various events starting January 16, 2012.

Young mountains and geotectonic has made Nepal susceptible to severe earthquakes. Historical data show that devastating earthquake have a 100 year return period, and the next such earthquake is expected to occur in the near future. A earthquake in September 2011 wasn’t that severe, and we can’t be lucky every time. Hence, earthquake awareness is very important in Nepal.

Some of the highlights of the January 16, 2012 event are:

  • ESD Memorial Meeting on January 16 at 10:00AM,at Bhugol Park, Newroad
  • Earthquake Safety Rally: to be held on January 16, starting from Lalitpur Sub Metropolitan City at 11:30AM and assemble at Jawalakhel at 1:00PM walking all the way across inner city areas of Patan
  • Earthquake Safety Day National Meeting, to be held on January 16 at 1:30PM, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur  (The Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai is scheduled to address the ceremony).
  • Earthquake Safety Exhibition: January 16-19, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai is scheduled to inaugurate the Exhibition.